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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ S ] / She doesn't have to know

She doesn't have to know translate Spanish

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She doesn't need to know that I have such a grown-up son.
¡ No hace falta que se entere que tengo un niño tan grande!
She doesn't have to know what you're doing.
Ella no tiene por qué saber lo que pasa.
in fact, it's Viktorine's chocolate that's why it doesn't taste good to me no, with Viktorine I'd have had some liquor doesn't she know that I like chocolate much better?
de hecho, es el chocolate de Viktorine por eso no tiene buen gusto para mí no, con Viktorine yo habría tomado un poco de licor ¿ ella no sabe que me gusta mucho más el chocolate?
You'll have to explain her many things, because she doesn't know enough.
Usted tendrá que explicarla muchos las cosas, porque ella no sabe bastante.
She doesn't have to know about things ordinary mortals simply don't have to know about.
Ella no tiene por qué saber sobre cosas que los mortales comunes no tienen por qué saber.
I'm as anxious as you are to have her go... but we must make absolutely sure... that she doesn't know anything.
Tengo tantas ganas como tú de que se vaya. Pero debemos estar absolutamente seguros... de que no sabe nada.
And, on top of that, she doesn't have to know how to cook.
Y, encima de todo, no es necesario que sepa cocinar.
And I don't intend to have the satisfaction spoiled for me... by a hysterical female who doesn't know when she's well-off.
lntento evitar que me arruine mi momento de satisfacción... una mujer histérica que no se da cuenta de que es adinerada.
She doesn't have to know the score.
Ella no tiene por qué saberlo.
She doesn't know where I am or what I'm doing, but she doesn't want me to have any more problems, so she'll give me a divorce.
No sabe dónde estoy o qué hago, pero no quiere causarme más problemas, así que... me concede el divorcio.
She doesn't have to know.
No tiene que saberlo.
She doesn't have to know.
Ella no debe saber nada.
You know, she doesn't have to be beautiful, just patient.
No tiene que ser guapa, sólo paciente.
- Well, she doesn't have to know I'm your lover.
- No necesita saber que soy tu amante.
My mother doesn't have a place for me where she lives and she doesn't know what else to do with me.
Mi madre no tiene sitio para mí en su casa y no sabe qué hacer conmigo.
As fine as she is, she doesn't have to know how to sing.
Con lo guapa que es, no necesita saber cantar.
She doesn't have to know how we do this.
Ella no tiene que saber cómo lo hacemos.
I have a friend, who has a man growing in her field and she doesn't know if, in order to have relations with him, she needs an agreement of us all here or there's freedom on this.
Es que tengo una amiga que le ha salido un hombre en el bancal, y no sabe si si para tener relaciones con él hace falta un acuerdo aquí de todas nosotras o hay libertad.
We'd like to know why she doesn't... why she can't have... a husband and family.
Nos gustaría saber por qué ella... qué es por lo que ella no puede tener... un marido y una familia.
Let her know she doesn't have to rely on Isabella to talk to.
Que sepa que no tiene solo a Isabella cuando necesite hablar.
You know, she probably really likes you. She doesn't have to pretend.
Sabes, a lo mejor le gustas de verdad.
She doesn't have to know.
No debe enterarse.
If she doesn't sit on the floor, I don't know why I have to.
¿ Si ella no se sienta en el piso, por qué yo si?
She doesn't have to know.
No hace falta que se entere.
You would've killed her. She doesn't have to know.
No tiene por qué saberlo.
And she doesn't have to know about it.
Y ella no debe saberlo.
he may go to university, we have talked about it if he does well, he's capable of it with Katherine she talks about doing things like hairdressing an girly things'cause she doesn't really know what she wants to do yet
puede ir a la universidad, lo hemos conversado si le va bien, él es capaz Katherine habla de cosas como peluqueria y cosas de niñas porque aun no sabe en realidad lo que quiere hacer ella quiere disfrutar el momento
Oh, cool,'cause I know she doesn't have a date, and Jack and I have been meaning to do a little guy bonding, you know, since "the incident," So, uh...
Oh, genial, porque sé que no tiene una cita, y Jack y yo hemos tenido la intención de hacer un poco de unión entre chicos, desde el, ya sabe "incidente" así que, uh...
- This for a lot. We know that they jumped to dig, there he / she doesn't have none peeps different from there.
Otra vez esas fluctuaciones.
She doesn't have to know you gave it to me because she left it on my machine.
No se va a enterar de que me lo diste. Me lo dejó en un mensaje.
Uh... all I know is, uh, she's the one person who tries to prove herself to everyone... but in my mind, she's the one person who doesn't have to. You know?
Sólo sé que es una persona que trata de probarse frente a todos pero en mi mente, es la única persona que no tiene que hacerlo.
She doesn't have to know where it came from.
No tiene que saber en dónde la compré.
But she doesn't have to know it was him.
Pero no tiene por que saber que era el.
She doesn't know that sometimes boys have to be boys.
No sabe que a veces los niños deben comportarse como tales.
Mira, quise darle el collar a Dana porque no tiene a nadie en su vida que le compre cosas lindas, tu sabes, que le diga a ella que es especial,
And she doesn't have to know.
Y no tiene que saberlo.
She doesn't have to know we had sex.
Dile que necesitaba dónde dormir, no tiene que saber que lo hicimos toda la noche.
I hope it doesn't have anything to do with, well, you know... not that she looks that bad.
Cielos, espero que no tenga que ver con... bueno, tú sabes... no es que se vea mal.
But she doesn't have to know. Please?
Pero ella no tiene por qué saberlo. ¿ Por favor?
She doesn't know how to have fun.
No sabe divertirse.
Chief, now that we know that Lisbela didn't shoot the beast... she doesn't have to run away.
Teniente, ahora que ya sabemos que Lisbela no se lo despachó... ya no necesita huir.
She was sick. It was her time. And now, conveniently, your wife doesn't have to know.
Estaba enferma, era su hora y mira qué bien, tu mujer no tiene que saberlo.
I have this friend who's about to have a worse day... and she doesn't even know it yet.
Tengo una amiga que está por tener un día peor y aún ni lo sabe.
She doesn't need to know how we have organized our marriage
Ella no tiene por qué saber cómo va nuestro matrimonio...
Oh, I know I have to--it's just that... nobody knows- - well, my friend knows, but she doesn't know- -
Yo sé que debo hacerlo... es que... nadie sabe...
He doesn't have to be gorgeous, as long as she's, you know, feasible.
No tiene que ser hermosa. Siempre y cuando ella sea viable, con tobillos finos.
Well she doesn't have to know right away, does she?
Bueno... no tiene que saberlo ahora mismo, ¿ verdad?
She doesn't have to know.
Ella no tiene por qué saberlo.
She doesn't have to know everything.
No tiene por qué saberlo todo.
Last week, my mother was prepared to come... but when time came, she didn't want to... she doesn't have the courage, she doesn't know how she'll react... when she sees me in jail.
La semana pasada mi mamá se arregló toda para venir... pero cuando llegó la hora, no quiso venir... no tuvo el valor, no sabe cómo reaccionará... viéndome dentro de una cárcel.
I don't know what it means either. But you have to make sure she doesn't go outside alone until I can figure it out, ok?
Aún no puedo entenderlo... pero tienes que asegurarte que no salga sola hasta que pueda averiguarlo

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