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She doesn't know what she's doing translate Spanish

83 parallel translation
Can't you get it through your skull that she doesn't want her sister to know what she's doing?
¿ No puedes entender con tu cabezota que no quiere que su hermana menor sepa lo que está haciendo?
Doesn't know what she's doing out there.
No sé qué hace esta mujer aquí.
It says when a young lady has had so much to drink, she doesn't know what she's doing,
Según dice cuando una señorita ha bebido tanto que, no sabe lo que hace,
I work like a dog here, just for him but she's got him so mixed up he doesn't know what he's doing anymore.
Me deslomo trabajando, sólo por él pero ella lo tiene tan embaucado que él ya no sabe lo que hace.
She doesn't know what she's doing.
No sabe lo que hace.
She doesn't know what she's doing.
Porque no sabe lo que hace.
She doesn't know what she's doing.
No sabe lo que está haciendo.
She doesn't know what she's doing
No sabe lo que está haciendo.
Finally, she doesn't know what she's doing anymore.
Al final, ya no sabe lo que está haciendo.
She doesn't know what she's doing.
Ella no sabe lo que hace.
- She doesn't know what she's doing.
- No sabe lo que hace.
Are you telling a woman with a pan of urning fat in her hand that she doesn't know what she's doing?
¿ Le estás diciendo a una mujer con un cazo ardiendo en la mano... que no sabe lo que hace?
But that one- - the pale one- - she doesn't seem to know what she's doing.
la pálida. No parece saber lo que hace.
Kramer, I'm telling you, Elaine doesn't know what she's doing.
Kramer, te digo, Elaine no sabe lo que está haciendo.
She doesn't know what the hell she's doing. That man was a lunatic, a stranger!
Ella no sabe lo que está haciendo. ¡ Ese hombre era un loco, un extraño!
Mommy doesn't really know what she's doing.
La verdad es que mami no sabe lo que hace.
Emma's just done her GCSE's and got ten gone back to sixth form college and doing A-levels she doesn't know what she wants to do
Emma sacó su GCSE y obtuvo un 10 volvio al sixth form college y esta sacando los A-levels no sabe qué quiere hacer
he may go to university, we have talked about it if he does well, he's capable of it with Katherine she talks about doing things like hairdressing an girly things'cause she doesn't really know what she wants to do yet
puede ir a la universidad, lo hemos conversado si le va bien, él es capaz Katherine habla de cosas como peluqueria y cosas de niñas porque aun no sabe en realidad lo que quiere hacer ella quiere disfrutar el momento
She's out of her mind. She doesn't know what she's doing.
Se ha vuelto loca, no sabe lo que hace.
Willow is out there. She probably doesn't know what she's doing.
Willow anda por ahí, sin saber lo que está haciendo.
But if she doesn't know, if doing this keeps me coming back, then who's to say what's right and what's wrong?
Pero si no lo sabe, hacer esto me permite regresar. ¿ Y quién puede decir qué es bueno o malo?
She doesn't know what she's doing.
No sabe lo que esta haciendo
You're not some dumb kid who doesn't know what she's doing.
Cuerda. No una niña tonta que no sabe lo que hace.
She's a child who doesn't know what she's doing, and we need her testimony to go after this bastard, before he makes a habit of it.
Es una niña que no sabe lo que hace y la necesitamos para atrapar al tipo antes de que se habitúe.
But she has a problem hanging onto relationships, and doesn't really know what she's doing wrong, which is like a lot of our readers.
Pero tiene un problema con las relaciones... y realmente no sabe qué está haciendo mal, Lo que les puede suceder a las lectoras.
Hat doesn't always know what she's doing.
Hat no siempre sabe lo que está haciendo.
She doesn't know what she's doing!
¡ No sabe lo que hace!
What's to keep the new Guardian from accidentally doing the same, if she doesn't know what's in the box?
¿ Y qué debe hacer la nueva guardían si ella no sabe que hay adentro?
It's true. When she's like this, she's doesn't know what she's doing.
Es verdad, cuando a ella le gusta, no puedes impedir que deje de hacerlo.
She doesn't know what she's doing!
¡ No sabe lo que está haciendo!
She doesn't know what she's doing!
- ¡ No sabe lo que hace!
They lured her in. She doesn't know what she's doing.
La engatusaron y no sabe lo que hace.
She said that she's come to understand that what she's been doing, you know... using sexual relationships to, to free herself from emotional... entanglements, that she doesn't want to do that anymore.
Dijo que llegó a entender que lo que ella hizo, eso de, usar las relaciones sexuales para liberarse de las complicaciones... emocionales, que no quiere hacerlo más.
You think she doesn't know exactly what she's doing?
¿ Crees que no sabe lo que está haciendo?
You're very, very confident this girl - doesn't know what she's doing, so...
Tú tienes mucha confianza... esta chica no sabe lo que está haciendo, así que...
Why would you want to marry someone who doesn't know what she's doing?
¿ Por qué te querrías casar con alguien que ni siquiera sabe lo que está haciendo?
Don't treat me like I'm some idiot who doesn't know what she's doing.
No me trates como a una idiota que no sabe lo que ella está haciendo.
We're gonna go find out what grandma is doing that she doesn't want us to know that she's doing.
Vamos a descubrir lo que está haciendo la abuela que no quiere que sepamos lo que hace.
She probably doesn't even know what she's doing.
Probablemente ni siquiera sabe lo que está haciendo.
And I was just like, "wow, she really doesn't know what she's doing right now."
Y yo estaba como, "Wow, ella realmente no sabe lo que está haciendo en este momento".
She doesn't know what she's doing!
¡ ella no sabe Io que esta haciendo!
Well, if she doesn't know what she's doing, then don't worry about it.
Bueno, si no sabe lo que está haciendo, entonces no te preocupes por eso.
- How would he know if he doesn't pay any attention to her or what she's doing?
- ¿ Cómo lo sabe él si no le presta atención ni sabe lo que hace?
It's her age, she doesn't know what she's doing.
Es por su edad, no sabe lo que hace.
I know I should be angry with her, but she doesn't know what she's doing.
Sé que debería estar enojado con ella, pero ella no sabe lo que está haciendo.
She doesn't know what she's doing.
Ella no sabe qué está haciendo.
She doesn't know what she's doing.
No sabía lo que hacía.
She doesn't know what she's been doing, she doesn't mean it.
Ella no sabe lo que hace, no quiere hacerlo.
You can see my mother doesn't know what she's doing.
Puedes ver que mi madre no sabe lo que está haciendo.
I'm afraid Miss Lambert doesn't know what she's doing.
Me temo que la Señorita Lambert no tiene idea de lo que hace.
The girl's mother doesn't know what she's doing.
La madre de la chica no sabe lo que hace

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