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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ S ] / She knows what she's doing

She knows what she's doing translate Spanish

252 parallel translation
She's a sensible girl and knows what she's doing.
Es inteligente y sabe lo que hace.
- She knows what she's doing.
- Ella sabe lo que hace.
I hope she knows what she's doing.
Espero que ella sabe lo que ella está desempeñándose.
- Your sister knows what she's doing.
- Ella sabe lo que hace.
My daughter knows what she's doing
Mi hija sabe perfectamente lo que hace.
Rita knows what she's doing.
Rita sabe lo que hace.
She knows what she's doing.
Sabe lo que hace.
She knows what she's doing.
Ella sabe lo que tiene entre manos.
Barney, Jane knows what she's doing.
Barney, Jane sabe lo que hace.
- You think she knows what she's doing?
. ¿ Cree que ella sabe lo que está haciendo?
After lying with a multitude of men, as a courtesan supposedly she repented, and became a nun but who knows what she's been really doing?
Después de acostarse con multitud de hombres, como una cortesana teóricamente se arrepintió, y se hizo monja ¿ pero quién sabe que estaba haciendo realmente?
But she knows what she's doing.
Pero lo sabe. Lo sabe muy bien, amigo.
She knows what she's doing.
Lo ha hecho a propósito.
Well, I hope she knows what she's doing.
Bueno, espero que sepa lo que hace.
And I asked her what she's doing and she goes "Sshh, nobody knows I'm here."
Le pregunté qué hacía y dijo "chhh, nadie sabe que estoy aquí".
Oh, boy, she knows exactly what she's doing.
Sabe perfectamente lo que está haciendo.
Frank, you sure she knows what she's doing?
Frank, ¿ seguro que sabe lo que hace?
Marie knows what she's doing.
Marie sabe lo que hace.
Oh, don't worry, my boy. She knows what she's doing.
No te preocupes, sabe lo que hace.
Hush, Queenie knows what she's doing.
Cállate, Queenie sabe lo que hace.
By realizing she knows exactly what she's doing.
Soy consciente de que sabe perfectamente lo que hace.
Do you think that Travis knows what she's doing to him? .
¿ Crees que Travis sabe lo que ella esta haciendo con el?
I hope she knows what she's doing.
Espero que sepa lo que está haciendo.
That he would make a great partner for a woman who knows what she's doing.
Que él seria una buena pareja de baile para una mujer que sabe lo que hace.
Kelly knows what she's doing, Bud.
Kelly sabe lo que está haciendo, Bud.
Faxx knows what she's doing.
Faxx sabe qué hace.
I hope she knows what she's doing.
Espero que sepa lo que hace.
She knows what she's doing.
Sabe lo que esta haciendo.
Listen, she knows what she's doing.
Escucha, ella sabe lo que hace.
She knows exactly what she's doing.
Se da cuenta perfectamente.
Hey, man, let's just hope that your sister knows what she's doing.
Oye, viejo, esperemos que tu hermana sepa lo que hace.
She knows what she's doing.
Sabe bien lo que hace.
Don't you think she knows what she's doing?
¿ No crees que ella sabe lo que hace?
She's the one us who knows what she's doing.
Ella es la que sabe lo que se hace.
She knows what she's doing.
Ella sabe lo que hace.
She knows what she's doing.
Sabe lo que se hace.
Mark me, Craigan. That woman knows exactly what she's doing.
Préstame atención, Craigan : esa mujer sabe exactamente lo que hace.
- You sure she knows what she's doing?
- ¿ Sabe lo que está haciendo?
She knows what she's doing dressing like that.
Sabe lo que está haciendo vistiéndose así.
- - Dana knows what she's doing.
- Dana sabe lo que está haciendo.
Xena knows what she's doing!
¡ Xena sabe lo que hace!
Your sister is a grownup, she knows what she's doing, Fede.
Tu hermana es grande, sabe lo que hace, Fede.
She knows what she's doing.
Ella sabe lo que está haciendo.
- Yeah. She knows what she's doing.
- Ella sabe lo que hace
Your mother knows what she's doing.
Tu mamá sabe lo que hace.
She knows what she's doing...
Sabe lo que hace...
The Slayer always knows what she's doing.
La cazadora siempre sabe lo que hace.
Benson knows what she's doing.
Benson sabe lo que hace.
She thinks she knows what she's doing.
Ella cree que lo sabe.
Agent Scully knows what she's doing.
La agente Scully sabe lo que hace.
If she knows what she's doing, why hasn't she figured it out yet?
Si sabe lo que hace, ¿ por qué no ha encontrado una solución?

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