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Shut him down translate Spanish

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Shut him down.
Don't shut him down!
¡ No lo dejen caer!
Might I suggest — – Shut him up or shut him down!
– ¡ Haz que se calle o apágalo!
Carter knows we have all the proof we need to shut him down right here.
Carter sabe que tenemos todas las pruebas que necesitamos para hundirlo.
- Then they might shut him down tomorrow. - That's right.
- Quizás lo echen mañana.
We shut him down for a couple of days and use one of his trucks to bait the trap.
Le cerramos el negocio dos días y usamos sus vagones como trampa.
Shut him down.
So those two dickheads out there, if they smash Johnny Five up would they shut him down or something?
Entonces, si esos dos malvados destrozan a Johnny Cinco ¿ lo apagarán o algo así?
And I shut him down.
Lo he ofendido.
You can shut him down!
¡ Tú puedes anularlo!
I'm gonna shut him down.
Voy a anularlo.
- So let's shut him down.
- Disparado al contraataque.
so we gotta shut him down.
Hay que impedir que tire.
Ironheart was programmed with a fail-safe code to shut him down.
Ironheart fue programado con un código de seguridad para adormecerle.
They're trying to shut him down.
Intentan adormecerlo.
They haven't been able to shut him down, so they've turned to the FBI to try and get a prosecution.
No han conseguido interrumpir sus actividades, por lo que han recurrido al FBI para intentar formular cargos.
Shut him down. Take him back to Palmdale.
Llévatelo de regreso a Palmdale.
They tried to shut him down, but nobody will testify against him.
Intentaron cerrar su consultorio, pero nadie declarará en su contra.
If the FAA found out that Claire Bowie let Mr. Renfield in so easily they'd shut him down faster than you can say
Si la Fuerza Aérea descubriera que Claire Bowie dejó entrar a Renfield tan fácilmente... lo clausurarían más rápido de lo que puedes decir
We have to shut him down.
Debemos detenerlo.
As soon as I learned he was a juror, I shut him down.
Continuemos hasta la muerte de Bernard Ferrion.
Its operational range is only 4 meters, but it will shut him down.
Su ámbito de operación es sólo de 4 metros, pero lo paralizará.
We need to shut him down before another innocent guy kills a nice girl..... and then blows his brains out in the music room.
Tenemos que terminar con él antes de que otro inocente mate a alguien y luego se vuele los sesos en el salón de música.
- We'll shut him down east of Tuscarora- nice, clean, remote space we can own.
- Nosotros lo encerraremos saliendo al este de Tuscarora. - Bueno, limpio, y a la distancia remota que podamos obtener.
We need to get in with him, discover his | financial pipeline, and shut him down.
Debemos unirnos a él, descubrir su fuente financiera y destruirla.
Totalmente paralizado.
He says he can't allow you to shut him down.
Dice que no puede dejar que lo apaguen.
If we could tap into the holo-projectors without his knowing it, we might be able to shut him down.
Si podemos llegar a los holoproyectores sin que él lo sepa, podríamos apagarlo.
Identities ofVan Adder informants, which would allow us to shut him down.
Identidades de informantes de Van Adder, lo cual podría permitirnos encerrarlo.
They're gonna shut him down.
Ellos lo van a cerrar.
We gotta shut him down.
Tenemos que detenerle.
Let him down! [Guard] Quiet! Shut up, in this cell!
¡ Bajadle de una vez!
Now shut up, you idiot, before you do get him down here.
Cállate, idiota, antes de que le hagas venir aquí.
We'll soon shut him up, and close down and demolish that nest of heretics, that Bethlehem!
¡ Pronto los haremos callar, y cerraremos y destruiremos ese nido de herejes, ese Belén!
Bring him in full throttle. We'll shut down at the outer marker.
Tráelo en completa apertura apagado en el marcador externo.
Chief says if I marry him, he won't shut down the school
El oficial dice que si me caso con él... no cerrará la escuela.
He must have been down there alone and the flagstone just fell shut on him, poor fellow.
Debía de estar allá abajo solo y la losa se le cerró encima, al pobre hombre.
Tell him to shut down the water system.
Y... decirle que apague el sistema de agua. - ¿ Qué?
Just shut him in and come back down.
Déjalo ahí encerrado y vuelve aquí.
Have him shut down his engines.
Dígale que apague sus reactores.
EPA must've got wind of what Genedyne was doing and shut them down. But Abrams kept working on the project at home, but it got away from him.
Medio Ambiente supo lo que hacía Genedyne y la cerró pero Abrams siguió con el proyecto en casa.
Basically, to tell him that he'd won. That the zoo was being shut down, that Sophie was being taken into protective custody.
- Para decirle que había ganado, que el zoo cerró y que se llevaban a Sophie en custodia preventiva.
should we shut down his program then, till we figure out how to fix him?
¿ Cerramos este programa hasta que sepamos cómo arreglarlo?
He told me Stephanie St Clair offered him 20,000 to shut you down.
Me dijo que Stephanie St Clair le ofreció 20.000 para que cierre el pico.
I realize that he is a fellow hologram, and that you are committed to helping him, but I want the ability to shut down his program if I have to.
Me he dado cuenta que es un compañero holograma y que usted está decidido a ayudarlo pero yo quiero la habilidad de apagar su programa si es necesario.
If I can get through to him, appeal to his humanity maybe we can shut them down that way.
Si puede oírme, si apelo a su humanidad quizá lo desconectemos.
Maybe we can ask him to shut down the church.
Tal vez podemos pedirle que cierre la iglesia.
Fuller wanted to shut down the project, and you sliced him up.
Fuller quería cerrar el proyecto y Ud. lo mató. ¿ Le suena familiar?
There's activity in the temporal lobe we've just never seen. It won't allow his brain to rest or shut down. You can't sedate him?
Hay una actividad desconocida en el lóbulo temporal que no deja que el cerebro descanse, y se manifiesta en momentos de agresividad, a veces, contra sí mismo.
- Just shut up and sit down and you let him stay!
- ¡ Cállate, siéntate y deja que se quede!
If I can't shut it down, I'll protect him.
Si no puedo sacarle de esto, al menos le protegeré.

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