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Stabler translate Spanish

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- Stabler.
- Stabler.
... go with ailing quarterback, Kenny Stabler.
... eligió al mariscal renqueante, Kenny Stabler.
( Stabler ) How many blocks does that cell site cover? Houston to Seventh to Avenue B. Then the call switched over to the second tower, here, south of Houston.
De Houston a la Séptima hasta Av. B. Luego la llamada pasó a la segunda torre, aquí, al sur de Houston.
( Stabler ) You know where we can find him?
¿ Sabe dónde podemos encontrarlo?
( Stabler ) The super says she drives a black SUV, but we haven't been able to find anything registered under her name.
El conserje dice que conduce una 4x4 negra pero no pudimos encontrar ningún registro a su nombre.
Detectives Benson and Stabler.
Los detectives Benson y Stabler.
( Stabler ) She left her apartment late at night.
Salió de su apartamento de noche.
( Stabler ) Daniel ripped a page from the O.J. Playbook, getting Rose to post a reward for "the real killer." That guy's got brass balls.
Daniel imitó a O.J. Simpson al hacer que Rose ofrezca una recompensa por "el asesino real."
( Stabler ) Police!
¡ Policía!
( Stabler ) So who called Greg Jezic?
- ¿ Entonces quién llamó a Greg Jezic?
( Stabler ) Is that right?
- Se equivocan.
I'd swear that's Rod Martin Hacksaw Reynolds and Kenny Stabler over there.
Juraría que es Rod Martin Sierra Reynolds y Stabler Kenny allí.
And you are Kenny Stabler.
Y usted es Kenny Stabler.
I'm Detective Stabler. This is Krevoy. Look, I didn't solicit any sex, OK?
Detective Stable, él es Krevoy.
Elliot Stabler, Special Victims Unit.
Elliot Stabler, de Víctimas Especiales.
My partner, Elliot Stabler.
Mi compañero es Elliot Stabler.
Benson, Stabler. Benson, Stabler, Smith, and Fenwick.
Benson y Stabler, de Benson, Stabler, Smith y Fenwick.
- Detectives Benson and Stabler...
- Agentes Benson y Stabler.
- Detectives Stabler and Benson.
Agentes Stabler y Benson.
This is Detective Stabler.
Soy la agente Benson y él es el agente Stabler.
Detective Benson. Detective Stabler.
Ella la agente Benson, y yo el agente Stabler.
Detective Stabler.
Agente Benson, y él es el agente Stabler...
It's Stabler.
Soy Stabler.
Elliot Stabler.
- Elliot Stabler.
Munch, give Stabler and Benson the benefit of your experience.
Munch, dales a Stabler y Benson el beneficio de tu vasta experiencia.
You previously testified that when you first approached the defendant in the park, he was feeding the pigeons, is that correct?
Agente Stabler ha testificado usted que cuando se acercó al acusado en el parque... -... daba de comer a las palomas. ¿ No?
I'm Detective Stabler, this is Detective Benson.
Soy el agente Stabler y ella es la agente Benson.
Hi, I'm Detective Stabler, this is Detective Benson.
Soy el agente Stabler y ella es la agente Benson.
Detectives Benson and Stabler. What happened?
Agentes Benson y Stabler, Crímenes Sexuales. ¿ Qué ha pasado?
Stabler, Special Victims.
- Stabler, víctimas especiales.
- Benson. Stabler.
Benson y Stabler.
Detective Benson. This is Detective Stabler.
Mi compañero, el agente Stabler.
Detective Stabler.
Agente Stabler.
We're detectives, Benson and Stabler.
Benson y Stabler.
Hey, Christopher, I'm Detective Benson, and this is my partner, Detective Stabler.
Hola, Christopher. Soy la agente Benson. - Mi compañero, el agente Stabler.
- Detective Stabler?
- Agente Stabler.
Mrs Hayes, that's my partner, Detective Stabler.
Sra. Hayes, es mi compañero, el agente Stabler.
I'm Detective Stabler and this is Detective Benson.
Soy el agente Stabler y ella, mi compañera, la agente Benson.
Detectives Benson and Stabler, Special Victims Unit.
Agentes Benson y Stabler. Unidad de Víctimas Especiales.
- Stabler.
Mr. Stabler, you can't watch punk concerts in Newcastle either?
# Cuánto me gustaría saber... Sr. Stabler, tampoco se podrán ver conciertos - de punk en Newcastle.
Det. Benson, I'm Det. Stabler, SVU.
Somos los detectives Benson y Stabler de la UVE.
- Elliot Stabler, SVU.
- Elliot Stabler, UVE.
Detectives Benson and Stabler to see William Langdon.
Agentes Benson y Stabler. Venimos a ver a William Langdon.
( Stabler ) Since when?
¿ Cuándo?
( Stabler ) You had him checked out?
¿ Lo hizo investigar?
- Elliot Stabler.
- Elliot Stabler.
Detective Stabler.
Quite a bit.
- Stabler.
Elliot Stabler, Sex Crimes.
Elliot Stabler.
stable 127

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