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That's all well and good translate Spanish

190 parallel translation
Well, after all, what's the good of algebra and all that stuff to a girl?
Además, ¿ de qué le sirve el álgebra y esas cosas a una chica?
well... that's reassuring not for me, my dear not at all you see, my dear Frau Peters you as a mother must want to avoid anything that might harm your daughter's good reputation don't you think it would be better for both of you... if you and your daughter could move to another province of our beautiful and large homeland?
Bueno es tranquilizador. No para mí, querido para nada. Mire, mi querida Sra. Peters...
Well, it's taken medicine a good many years to define that connection... and I haven't time, unfortunately, right now to explain it all to you.
A la medicina le ha costado mucho tiempo establecer esa conexión, y por desgracia ahora no tengo tiempo de explicárselo.
Well, the car's been identified as Mrs. Peabody's, all very well and good... except it now turns out that nobody's seen Mrs. Peabody for at least a week.
El coche ha sido identificado como de la señora Peabody, todo bien y en orden... excepto que nadie ha visto a la señora Peabody desde hace una semana.
That's all well and good, if we get the wireless working.
Eso sería perfecto, si pudiéramos hacer funcionar la radio.
That's all well and good, but there's a slight problem
Está todo bien pero hay un pequeño problema.
You're talking as an artist... That's all well and good...
Eres un esteta, hablas de películas que te gustaría hacer...
She's been a good train all that time and, well... it ain't right to burn her just cos she come onto hard times.
Ha sido un buen tren. No es justo que lo incendie... porque marcha en momentos difíciles.
That's all there is to it, only a few Czech chauvinists think that they can turn back the course of history, but the Fuhrer means well, even with the good Czechs and believes in providence which will not abandon us...
Unos pocos nacionalistas checos, se creen capaces de cambiar el curso de la historia. Pero el Führer que vela por nosotros, los buenos checos... piensa que la providencia no nos abandonará.
Yes, well, that's all very well and good, except we don't have any injuries.
Sí, bueno, todo eso está muy bien, excepto que no tenemos lesiones.
Well, now that they've tried and failed, I guess we can all go back to bed and get a good night's sleep, undisturbed.
Ahora que intentaron y fallaron supongo que podemos volver a la cama y dormir sin ser molestados.
Well, that's all very well and good, but the way to get a horse farm is to put away a dollar for every dollar you spend.
Eso está bien, pero el modo de tener una granja de caballos es ahorrar un dólar por cada dólar que gastas.
Well, that's all well and good.
Eso está muy bien.
Well, all good things must come to an end, and that's all for this week.
Todo lo bueno se acaba. Eso es todo por esta semana.
That's all well and good, but this year there will be two Miss Americas.
- Untranslated subtitle -
That's all well and good, but we're still dependent on you.
Todo está muy bien, pero seguimos dependiendo de ti.
Well, that's all very well and good, except for one thing.
Todo está muy bien, excepto por un detalle.
That's all well and good, but this bird needs to recover its wings I'll be more than happy to operate her in a few months
Está bien, pero el pajarito debe recuperar las plumas, pero le repito que operaré con gusto dentro de un par de meses.
That's all well and good, but from what I hear - Bulldog's is pussy!
Eso es muy bueno, pero por lo que he escuchado, el Mack corre como marica.
- That's all very well and good, but- - l know the college can't keep anyone who doesn't pay but I promise you, sir, I will earn the money for the rest of the term.
- Eso está muy bien, pero... Sé que la universidad no puede aceptar a quién no paga pero le prometo, señor, que ganaré el dinero para el final del trimestre.
That's all well and good, but this isn't helping Daisy with her situation.
Eso está muy bien, pero no ayuda en nada a Daisy en su problema.
Well that's all very well and good.
Eso está muy bien.
Well, that's all well and good... but if we don't find that 2.3 million soon...
Bueno, eso está arreglado. Pero si no encontramos pronto los 2,3 millones de dólares...
That's all well and good, sir, but a gentleman... does not lower himself to a fistfight with a lout like Jones.
De acuerdo, señor. Pero un caballero no se rebaja a pelear con un bruto como Jones.
Well, That's All Very Well And Good, But What About Those Who Work Late? How Can Your...
Todo muy bien pero y ¿ los que trabajan hasta darde...
Well, there are a good many smells at present... and the bath makes odd sounds... and when you turn on the hot tap, there's just a rush of air, and that's all.
Bueno... hay muchos olores por el momento... y el baño hace ruidos raros... y cuando abres el grifo de agua fría sale una corriente de aire, eso es todo
I say, "That's all well and good, Tommie Lee but I don't feel the need for it."
Y yo le digo : "Me parece muy bien, Tommie Lee pero yo no siento la necesidad de viajar."
That's all well and good for the movies, but you do have protection, right? - Well, no.
Brandon por fin aceptó pero me hizo prometer que no irán más de 25 personas.
Well, that's all well and good, but, frankly, I can't think of anything else we can do.
De acuerdo, pero a mí no se me ocurre nada que podamos hacer.
[Bleating] That's all well and good for sheep, but what are we to do?
Eso está bien para los borregos, ¿ pero qué hacemos nosotros?
That's all well and good, Miss St. George but you told me that at the time of your father's death you were working as a maid in a hotel at Jonesport.
Eso está muy bien, Srta. Saint George pero usted dijo que cuando su padre murió usted trabajaba de criada en un hotel, en Jonesport.
Well, I mean she's basically barred me from any and all fiduciary responsibility but that's probably a good thing.
Bueno, digo básicamente me ha excluido de toda responsabilidad fiduciaria pero eso probablemente sea bueno.
- That's all well and good.
- Eso está bien.
That's all well and good, but we got a murder to solve.
Eso estuvo bien, pero tenemos un homicidio que resolver.
That's all well and good, but there are safety procedures we've got to follow.
Eso está bien pero tenemos procedimientos de seguridad que debemos seguir.
That's all well and good, because you trust her and she trusts you... and I trust both of you.
Está bien porque confías en ella y ella en ti y yo confío en ambos.
Well... that's all well and good, Red.
Bueno... eso es todo muy bien, Roja.
That's all well and good, but still...
Me parece muy bien, pero...
Look, that's all well and good, Jack, but there's one thing that still throws me.
Esto está bien, Jack, pero no entiendo algo.
- Well, it's an interesting point, which can be explored... and you're good to explore it at great length. But I think that's about all I have to say on it.
Es un tema interesante... y usted es buen investigador... pero eso es todo lo que yo puedo decir.
Yes, that's all well and good, but I do not speak Arabic.
Si, todo está muy bien, pero yo no hablo árabe.
Well it's good to be queen And I'm sure that you have a role set up for all the Muganis.
Bueno, es agradable ser reina. Estoy seguro de que tienen un papel establecido para todos los Muganis.
That's all well and good, but I ain't going to jail.
No voy a ir a la cárcel.
It's all well and good, this back and forth but what you seem to have forgotten or what you actually never learned is that I'm your boss.
Toda esta discusión está muy bien, pero hay algo que estás olvidando o que no has entendido, y es que soy tu jefe.
Because if there's no God, well, that means it's inside of us and we could be good all the time if we wanted.
Porque si no hay Dios, significa que está en nosotros el poder ser buenos cuando queramos,
So all's well that ends well for that defender of the innocent, protector of the weak, and all around good guy, George of the Jungle,
Así que todo lo que va bien termina bien. Para el defensor de los inocentes, protector de los débiles.... y siempre buena gente George de la jungla.
That's all well and good, except for one thing.
- Sí, menos por una cosa. - ¿ Qué?
Well, that's all well and good, Dawson, but I think all you're shooting for can be accomplished in a simple look.
Eso está muy bien, Dawson pero lo que quieres se puede lograr con una simple mirada.
Look, it's a long story, but no other financing came through and all of the other options that Mom and I have are just... well, not good enough.
Miren, es una historia larga, pero no nos dieron el crédito. Y todas las demás opciones que Mamá y yo tenemos, no son suficientes.
That's all good and well.
Eso está muy bien.
Yes, that's all well and good, David.
Sí, pues todo eso es muy lindo y bueno, David.

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