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That's what i don't get translate Spanish

239 parallel translation
That's what I ought to do, but I don't seem to get up early enough.
Eso debería hacer yo, pero no logro madrugar lo bastante.
Confidentially, Miss West, I don't either, but that's the only way I can get what I want. How about coming up on deck and giving me out a little cheesecake? - Cheesecake?
Evelyn, la maestra de escuela, casada con Leonard, el intelectual, el profesor, el comunista.
I'm obliged for the use of your hat, stranger... but I don't ask nor get favors for being what I was born. Yep, that's what I found out.
Le agradezco que me dejara el sombrero, forastero, pero ni pido ni acepto favores por ser lo que soy.
I don't aim to get across any line because that's what she wants us to do
- No voy a intentar cruzar ninguna línea. Es lo que ella nos dijo que hiciéramos. Ahí está la trampa.
What I don't want is that others get me, that they interrogate... that they judge me, that they treat me like scum, even if it's true.
Lo que no quiero es que me detengan, que me interroguen, que me juzguen y se burlen de mí. Que me llamen traidor.
Don't get the idea that I'm not interested in what's going on.
No se crea que no me interesa lo qué está pasando.
I don't want you to get into trouble. That's what I want.
Lo que quiero es que no te metas en líos.
That's what I don't get either.
Tampoco yo lo entiendo del todo.
You cut him out of whole cloth! Now, i don't know what your graft is, goldsmith... i don't know how you get paid off, but i do know that it's time you let these people know what's in that cave.
Lo que no sé es lo que gana usted con ello, no sé cómo le pagan, pero lo que sí sé es que ya es hora de que se sepa lo que hay en la cueva.
Now if you don't know what that means, well, it means that he's going to live in one place, and, well, i'm going to live in another just as far apart as we can get.
Si no saben lo que eso significa, bueno, significa que él vivirá en un lugar, y yo viviré en otro tan distantes uno del otro como sea posible.
Now if you don't know what that means, well, it means that he's going to live in one place, and, well, i'm going to live in another just as far apart as we can get.
Si no saben lo que eso significa, bueno, significa que él vivirá en un lugar, y, bueno, yo viviré en otro tan distantes uno del otro como sea posible.
It's just that well, I don't know what to do to get him back.
Pero es que no sé qué hacer para que vuelva.
But I'd rather carry them. I'd rather carry them than let the Red commies get to them... and that's what's gonna happen if we don't move fast.
Pero prefiero que nosotros carguemos con ellos,... a que los Rojos los invadan.
Look, gentlemen, I don't know what it is you're looking for, but I think it's only fair to tell you that my son-in-law is a very important man with a greeting card company, and he can get you in a lot of trouble.
Señores, no sé qué buscan pero les diré que mi yerno es un hombre muy importante en una empresa de tarjetas y puede meterlos en un lío.
I don't get it, what's that supposed to mean?
¿ No lo entiendo, qué quieres decir?
I don't know what that is. but if I can get it, it's yours.
No sé qué es eso, pero si lo consigo, es suyo.
You know, we have our moments and when we get together... there are certain times that just something happens... and I really don't know what it is, but there's that magic there.
Ya sabes, pasamos momentos y nos mantenemos juntos... Hay ciertos momentos que solo ocurren aveces... Y realmente no se que es, pero es algo magico.
That's what I don't get of you artsy-fartsy types!
No os entiendo a los intelectualoides.
- I don't get it. What's that?
- No lo entiendo. ¿ Qué es eso?
That's what I don't get. It's one of the things I don't get.
Es una de las cosas que no comprendo.
I don't care what's in the basement, we got to get to that phone.
No me importa qué hay allí, tenemos que llegar a ese teléfono.
I don't know. That's what happens when I get upset.
no lo se. eso pasa cuando me enojo
I hope you don ´ t mind if I bring home a few prostitutes... because that ´ s what it takes to get anywhere, and I ´ m not getting anywhere.
Espero que no te moleste si traigo prostitutas a casa porque así se llega a algo y yo no llego a nada.
You stick it out, then don't be afraid to get it cut off. That's what I always say.
Dilo, no tengas miedo de sacarlo.
That's what I don't get.
Pero no Io entiendo.
I don't care what he's told you... but once your time's up in here, that'll be it... if he don't get sick of you sooner.
Esos americanos, siempre se andan quejando de lo mal que les va.
I don't get SM,'Hurt me, that turns me on,'What's up with that?
No lo entiendo. El sadomasoquismo, nunca lo entenderé.
I don ´ t get what ´ s so funny about that.
No consigo sabes qué es tan entretenido de todo esto.
He's a pretty good guy. I don't know what my buddies are going to say when I get home, but... I'll have to deal with that.
No sé qué dirán mis amigos cuando regrese a casa, pero... tengo que arreglármelas.
That's what I don't get.
No, y eso es lo que no entiendo.
I still think there's lots of people who don't quite get what it is that's so exciting about Linux.
Todavía creo que hay mucha gente que no entiende que es tan excitante sobre Linux.
You see, that's what I don't get. How can you promise you're gonna love someone forever?
Veras, eso no lo capto. ¿ Como puedes prometer que vas a amar a alguien para siempre?
I don't care what you do to get that painting', but if it's not in my hands in the next two hours, then he next.
No me importa donde esta esa pintura, pero si no esta en mis manos en las proximas dos horas, el sera el proximo.
- I don't get that many chances, know what I'm saying? Let's go
Nunca tengo tantas chances, ¿ entiendes?
So just make sure that you don't doubt your heart and your mind at all today, and I think that's what will get us through it.
porque es lo que nos hará ganar.
That's what I don't get.
Eso es lo que no consigo.
That's what I don't get
Eso es lo que no entiendo.
You just wanted us to believe that to scare us, and I also think that you don't want anyone else to get hurt over this engine, especially yourself, so here's what I suggest.
Sólo querían que lo creyéramos. para asustarnos, y también creo que no deseas que nadie más salga dañado por este motor, especialmente tu mismo, así que esto es lo que sugiero.
I was just thinking. Not that I don't get his point but I'm surprised Gunn's not here. No matter what the consequences.
Sólo estaba pensando um - no es que no vea su punto... pero estoy sorprendido que Gunn no esté aquí, sin importar las consecuencias.
If that's not enough to get you depressed... I don't know what is.
Si eso no es suficiente para deprimirte entonces qué.
Get on, phony boy, or get off, that's what I say. - You want to get off, don't you?
Vamos, niño falso, o vete, eso es lo que digo.
See, that's what I don't get about the drug thing.
Eso es lo que no entiendo del negocio de las drogas.
I don't think like that. But there are definitely a type of female, label them a bitch, whose main thing is to get what they can, and they revel in breaking a nigga's heart and taking what he owns.
Yo no pienso de esa forma, pero definitivamente hay un tipo de mujer... llámalas rameras, cuyo objetivo es agarrar lo que puedan... gozan rompiéndole el corazón a un negro, y sacarle todo lo que tiene.
That's what I'm wondering. I don't want to get carved up again.
Es lo que me pregunto porque no quiero que me descuarticen.
I don't like that birds fly into the windows and get killed. It's not a pretty building. You know what I mean?
no me gusta que las aves mueran en las ventanas no es un bonito edificio, es decir, no tiene bella arquitectura necesita fachada... de diferente color quizas algo para que no parezca un refugio anti-bombas
What I don't get is, why would he test something that's on shaky ground?
¿ Por qué sigue probando algo que ya es tan inestable?
- Yeah and that's kind of what I don't get.
- Eso es lo que no entiendo.
I don't know the things that you know but I do know this... no one's coming to get us, know what I mean?
Yo no sé las cosas que tú sabes pero que lo sepas.... nadie vendrá a buscarnos, ¿ Me entiendes?
That's what I don't get.
- Eso es lo que no entiendo.
If that's what you get out of me, I don't want to repeat it.
Estuve terrible allá arriba. Si eso es lo que sacas de mi, no quiero repetirlo.
Second guy says, "everybody, get down and don't say a freaking word," so that's what I did.
El segundo hombre dice "todos al piso y nadie diga una palabra,"

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