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That's what i don't understand translate Spanish

182 parallel translation
That "s what I don" t understand.
Es lo que no entiendo.
I don't know what this means, but I understand that he's got it...
Y no sé lo que significa pero también oí algo de que lo tenía...
I don't understand you, it's you that must tell me what's happening to Nanni.
No te comprendo, eres tú quién tiene que decirme qué le ha pasado a Nanni.
That's what I don't understand.
Eso es lo que no comprendo.
What's in this that I don't understand?
¿ Qué es lo que ocurre que yo no entiendo?
Maybe that's strategy, Colonel, and maybe I don't understand it but you don't need me for what you're gonna do tonight.
Puede ser parte de la estrategia, coronel, y puede que no lo entienda pero no me necesita esta noche.
- Yeah, I know. That's what I don't understand.
Eso es algo que no entiendo.
That's what I don't understand.
No. Eso es lo que no entiendo.
It's 3 days that I don't understand what's wrong.
Hace tres días que no sé qué le sucede.
I don't expect you to understand this, but in those moments when I'm suddenly impossible to live with, that's probably what's at the bottom of my bad temper.
No espero que comprendas esto, pero en esos momentos cuando es imposible vivir conmigo, Probablemente se toca el botón de mi mal genio.
That "s what I don" t understand.
Es lo que no puedo entender.
That's what I don't understand.
Eso es lo que no entiendo.
It's this. I don't think Mr. Fouquet will ever understand what Your Majesty would like him to understand, to know that it's high time to put his accounts in order.
Mirad, creo que Monsieur Fouquet nunca podrá comprender los propósitos de su Majestad y ya es hora de poner un poco en orden todas sus cuentas.
I don't understand a word. What's that?
- No entiendo nada. ¿ Qué dice?
That's what I don't understand, either.
Eso es lo que yo tampoco entiendo.
I don't understand what's happening to that kid of mine.
No entiendo qué le pasa a mi hija.
That bothers you? I just don't understand What you've got goin with them, that's all.
Es solo que no entiendo que interés tienes en ir con ellos.
After that very excellent lunch you must think it's silly of me, but I still don't quite understand, what your proposition is?
Después de esta deliciosa comida, yo no comprendo todavia vuestra proposicion.
Now that I listen to old Wolfram, even though I don't understand what he's saying, I feel like crying, too.
Ahora que oigo al viejo Wolfran, aunque no entiendo nada se lo que dice, me entran ganas de llorar también a mí.
That's what I don't understand. While she was here, we treated her like our own daughter.
Cuando estaba aquí, la tratábamos como a una hija.
You know what I don't understand there's a light in her eyes that speaks louder than words.
Usted sabe algo, no entiendo hay una luz en sus ojos, que hablan más fuerte que las palabras.
That's what I don't understand.
Es lo que no comprendo.
I don't understand. What's so special about that map?
¿ Qué hay de especial en ese mapa?
I don't think many of them realize that many of their patients can and want to understand what's wrong with them and they're capable of making decisions about their own bodies.
Algunos no se dan cuenta que muchos pacientes quieren entender lo que les pasa y que son capaces de decidir sobre sus cuerpos.
That's what I don't understand.
No lo entiendo.
And I don't understand why you're being so stupid copper to let me know what's coming down that's really dumb. Copper?
No entiendo cómo ha sido tan estúpido de decirme lo que está ocurriendo.
What I don't understand anything is why anybody would want to take your picture. That's what I don't understand.
Lo que no comprendo es cómo le interesan tus fotografías a alguien.
Well, that's what I don't understand.
Es eso lo que no entiendo.
I don't understand. What's that mean?
No lo entiendo. ¿ Qué quiere decir eso?
Well, listen, I know that it's none of my business, but I don't understand what he's doing here.
Bien, escuche, sé que no es de mi incumbencia, pero no entiendo que está haciendo aquí.
Well, yeah, I heard you, but I don't understand, because it's clear to me that what I'm doing is shopping'.
Sí te escuché, pero no comprendo. porque está claro que estoy de compras.
- I know what you mean. I don't understand how it is that you can stuff your face and nothing happens... and I subsist on 60 calories a day... or else blow up like a Macy's Day float.
No comprendo... cómo puedes tú, mi hermana gemela, comer sin engordar... y yo subsisto con 60 calorías al día o me inflo como un globo.
That's why I don't understand what I'm doing here with you.
Por eso no entiendo que hago aquí contigo.
He must realize. You know what I don't understand there's a light in her eyes that speaks louder than words.
Debe darse cuenta maldición, hay una luz en sus ojos,
If you don't believe by now that what I did was an act of conscience to stop the war... then there's nothing I can say to you that's going to make you understand.
Si no crees que lo hice en conciencia para parar la guerra, no te puedo decir nada para que lo entiendas.
What I don't understand is how anyone could have... gotten into my cabinet with all the security around here. That's what I don't understand.
Lo que no entiendo es como ha podido entrar alguien en mi gabinete con toda la seguridad que tenemos.
Don't you remember anything? Why doesn't Gooshie just open the door? See, that's what I don't understand.
La última vez que supe de ella, Sibby era... cajera del banco First Farmers... y Herky era mecánico en John Deere.
There's just one thing I don't understand. - What's that?
Sólo hay una cosa que no entiendo.
- That's what I don't understand.
- Por eso no lo comprendo.
What's he want to do that for? I just don't understand Arthur.
La verdad es que no entiendo a Arthur.
Wait, Dylan, I don't even know if I can do that, and frankly, I just don't understand. I mean, what, what's all the urgency about this for?
Espera, Dylan, no sé si puedo hacer eso y francamente no lo entiendo.
I have to make Mom understand that I don't care who he is... or what he's like... or how he behaved towards her.
Tengo que hacerle comprender a mamá que no me importa quien sea... ni como sea... ni como se portó con ella.
There's another part about what drives Jarod that l-l - I don't understand.
Hay otra parte sobre lo que impulsa a Jarod que no entiendo.
See, that's what I don't understand.
¿ Ves? Eso es lo que no entiendo.
I don't understand what that's coming from. Because... because I tried to make the Pagong team think that we weren't going to eliminate them one by one? I thought that was part of the game.
No sé de dónde se ha sacado eso, porque sólo traté de hacer que Pagong creyese que no los íbamos a eliminar uno tras otro.
But you want to stay in prison. That's what I don't understand!
Sí, pero está preso como si lo hubiese hecho... y esto no consigo entenderlo, disculpe.
That's what I don't understand about humans...
Los humanos no lo entienden.
That's what I don't understand. I've had so little experience with death.
He tenido poca experiencia con la muerte.
That's what I really don't understand.
Eso es lo que realmente no entiendo.
That's what I don't understand about humans or that police girl.
Ustedes los humanos son incomprensibles. Tú y la oficial.
- That's what I don't understand either
- Eso es lo que no entiendo tampoco

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