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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ T ] / That doesn't work for me

That doesn't work for me translate Spanish

120 parallel translation
I let her work for me, paying her under the table.That doesn't concern you.
¿ Quién ha hablado de ti? Ha trabajado clandestinamente conmigo. Eso a ti no te importa.
But I realized that for me to say what I want to say, that style doesn't work. Only I don't have an alternative.
Pero para hablar de lo que a mí me interesa este estilo no me sirve... pero no encuentro otro...
Now, that may be okay for the others, but it just doesn't work for me.
Puede que a otros les sirva, pero a mí no.
You're telling me to close my eyes and watch people being destroyed so you can work in a town that doesn't have spine enough to stand up for anything but a buck!
Me estás diciendo que cierre los ojos mientras les destrozan para que tú puedas trabajar en una ciudad sin agallas ¡ que sólo defiende al dólar!
If it doesn't work out, you can get me a job with that wart healer that you work for.
Puedes conseguirme un empleo con ese tipo para el que trabajas.
That doesn't work for me.
Eso no funciona conmigo.
Joe, I'm not gonna hide. It doesn't work that way for me.
Joe, no me esconderé, no funciona así para mí.
I find it untenable that a radio talk show host could be held liable for employmental discrimination at a place where he doesn't work.
Bajo la ley me parece injustificable hacer responsable a un locutor de radio por discriminación laboral en un lugar donde no trabaja.
Right. That's the part that really doesn't work for me.
Esa es la parte que no me satisface.
Well, that doesn't work for me.
Pues eso no me sirve a mí.
you Never spoke for any thing me you made that to begin to work here before you you Entered left him andlet doesn't do to leave back on mental spontaneous blackout.
Nunca me dijiste nada de tu vida anterior a aquí. Enloqueces, gritas, entras, sales...
No, but, see, Mom, that doesn't really work for me.
No, pero, mamá, no puede venir conmigo.
I wouldn't work for a company that doesn't want me.
Yo no voy a trabajar para una compopañia que no me quiere
See, that doesn't work for me.
Ves, así no me va.
See, that doesn't work for me either. Fine.
- Eso tampoco me convence
Well, that really just doesn't work for me.
Con eso no hago nada.
All right, that doesn't work for me.
Eso a mi no me vale.
No, but, see, Mom, that doesn't really work for me.
¿ Por qué tienen que venir? ¿ No tienen teléfono? " Hola, Buffy.
That doesn't work for me.
Eso no funciona para mí.
That way of thinking, it just doesn't work for me all the time.
Esa forma de pensar no siempre me sirve.
So at one point, the music editor asked me for the scene... and she proceeded to put music on it... and I looked at it and I said, "That doesn't work at all."
En un momento, el editor de música me pidió que le diera la escena... y ella le puso música... y yo vi la escena y le dije : "Eso no funciona."
That doesn't work for me at all.
No. No me viene nada bien.
That doesn't work for me.
Eso no me gusta
He starts blowing smoke rings all around Catherine's naked, flawless body, as the galaxies go whizzing by over the glass-domed ceiling. Now, tell me that doesn't work for you.
Echa anillos de humo alrededor del bello cuerpo desnudo de Catherine... mientras galaxias pasan sobre el techo de cristal. ¿ No te gusta?
That doesn't work for me.
Eso no me sirve.
That doesn't really work for me.
Eso realmente no me sirve.
We didn't get that far. But if we had, I would've explained that it doesn't work for me.
nunca llegamos tan lejos pero si hubieramos llegado, hubiera te hubiera explicado que no funciona para mí
It doesn't work like that for me.
No es lo mismo para mí.
Oh, that doesn't work for me.
Oh, eso no funciona para mi.
Yeah, that doesn't work for me.
Ya, eso no me vale.
Okay, that doesn't work for me, so...
Eso no funciona conmigo.
It's me. I have always needed for everything to fit my schedule. And you have shown me that sometimes life doesn't work that way.
Siempre necesite estar programada para todo, pero tu me has enseñado que no funciona asi.
That doesn't work for me.
Éso a mí no me vale.
Name me one other successful doctor you know that is so hard at work, he doesn't have time for 18 holes.
Mencióname un solo doctor exitoso que conozcas que trabaje tanto para no tener tiempo para 18 hoyos.
That Doesn't Work For Me.
- Eso no funciona para mí.
Well, that doesn't, uh, it doesn't really work for me.
Bueno, eso no... eso no me viene bien.
It doesn't work like that for me.
No funciona así para mí.
it doesn't work like that for me.
No funciona así para mi.
- We've reached the time limit, I'm leaving. - That doesn't work for me.
- Se me ha acabado el tiempo, Me voy.
But that doesn't work for me.
Pero no va a ser posible.
That doesn't work for me.
Eso no me parece bien.
Maybe that works for you, but it doesn't work for me.
Tal vez eso funcione para ti, pero no funciona para mí.
I told her Mom said that powder doesn't work for me.
Le dije que mi Mamá me dijo que ese polvo no funciona para mí.
Well, I live in Washington, so that doesn't, like, really work for me.
Bueno, vivo en Washington ; así que eso no funciona para mí.
That doesn't work for me.
Eso no sirve para mí.
I'm not really attracted to effeminate dudes, so when you're in high school, you're growing up, you're in college or whatever, you tend to fall For the straight guy. And that doesn't tend to work out.
A mí no me atraen los hombres afeminados entonces cuando estás en la secundaría y estás creciendo, o en la universidad o lo que fuere, tiendes a enamorarte del tipo heterosexual y eso tiende a no funcionar.
Everything that you have told her and me has been a lie, and this company you say you work for, that doesn't exist.
Todo lo que le has dicho a ella y a mi ha sido una mentira, y esta compañía para la que dices que trabajas, no existe.
Yeah, tried that, doesn't really work for me, for any of us, actually.
Sí, lo intenté, pero no funcionó para mí para ninguno de nosotros, en realidad.
Everything I've worked for, everything I care about, and I traded it in for a six-times-a-day pain pill habit that doesn't work.
Todo por lo que trabajé, todo lo que me importa. Lo cambié por una píldora seis veces al día que no funciona.
Well - If that doesn't work out for you, call me.
Bueno... si eso no te funciona, llamame.
That location doesn't work for me, Arthur.
Esa ubicación no me sirve, Arthur.

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