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That happens all the time translate Spanish

194 parallel translation
No, no. That happens all the time.
No, no, eso pasa todo eI tiempo.
That happens all the time.
¿ Y eso qué? Eso pasa todo el tiempo.
That happens all the time...
Esto me pasa todo el tiempo.
That happens all the time, people doing that.
Eso sucede todo el tiempo. la gente hace eso.
That happens all the time.
- Eso pasa continuamente.
Connie, that happens all the time.
Connie, eso sucede todo el tiempo.
That happens all the time in the big city, right?
Eso sucede a menudo en una ciudad grande.
That happens all the time in stadiums and nightclubs all across our country.
Eso ocurre siempre en estadios y clubes nocturnos por todo el país.
I'm sure that happens all the time.
Seguro que eso pasa a cada rato.
Well, that happens all the time.
Bueno, eso siempre pasa.
And this isn't love that happens all the time
Y éste no es el amor que pasa todo el tiempo
That happens all the time...
Pasa constantemente...
Unfortunately, that happens all the time.
Entonces graban sus observaciones y después publican sus descubrimientos
Yeah, because that happens all the time.
Sí, eso ocurre siempre.
You know, I suppose that happens all the time on sports teams.
Supongo que pasa con los compañeros de equipo.
Yeah, sure. That happens all the time.
- Claro, pasa todo el tiempo.
Oh,'cause that happens all the time in these situations.
Porque eso sucede siempre en estos casos.
Besides, you could be with her all the time, see that nothing happens to her.
Podrías estar con ella, vigilar que no le ocurra nada.
It happens all the time things like that.
Siempre me pasan cosas así.
It happens all the time. Well, exactly ten years before that the same thing happened in San Francisco and ten years before that, in Bern, Switzerland.
Bien, exáctamente diez años antes de eso, lo mismo pasó en San Francisco.
But that was it. Happens all the time.
Sucede todo el tiempo.
- That sort of thing happens to me all the time.
- ¿ Por qué no? - Esas cosas me suceden continuamente.
The truth, that it happens all the time.
La verdad, que sucede todo el tiempo.
Guy got creamed, that's what. It happens all the time.
Se llevaron a un tipo por delante.
Apart from being a complete genius, that man happens to be a total delight. Has me in stitches all the time.
Además de ser un genio, no para de sorprenderme.
That sort of thing happens all the time.
Ese tipo de cosas pasan todo el tiempo.
You got a better idea? It just so happens that I have some of the classic films of all time in the trunk of my car.
Sucede que llevo algunos clásicos en la valija de mi auto.
Yes-I-am. And I'm sure you hear that women all the time. And in my case, it happens to be true.
resulta que es verdad.
That kind of thing happens all the time in L.A.
Esas cosas pasan a todas horas en L.A.
The pilot said that it happens all the time.
El piloto dijo que pasa siempre.
That happens on this planet all the time.
Esp pasa en este planeta a cada rato.
People will go off the deep end that lose their jobs in America. It happens all the time.
Nos hundiremos como todos los parados de este país.
That kind of thing happens all the time.
Esa clase de cosas ocurren todo el tiempo.
We're well aware that this kind of thing happens... all the time with terminal patients.
Sabemos muy bien que estas cosas suceden con enfermos desahuciados. Es un pueblo pequeño.
Oh, no, that happens to guys all the time.
Eso les ocurre continuamente a los chicos.
I think what we're trying to tell you is that it happens all the time.
Intentamos decirte que ocurre continuamente.
I must have been 13 or 14, before I had sex for the first time. It's not about to meet a beautiful girl... and have sex with her all night long. That happens only in books and films.
Pero... si por casualidad encuentras una hermosa mujer y te busca debes tener sexo toda la noche...
That stuff happens all the time in books.
Esas cosas suceden todo el tiempo en los libros.
That stuff happens all the time.
Eso pasa siempre.
This is the kind of thing that happens here all the time.
Es lo que sucede siempre aquí.
I know that kind of thing happens all the time.
Lo sé, eso pasa siempre.
There's a guy, he jumps that doesn't bother me, it happens all the time.
Un tipo, que saltó eso no me molesta, pasa todo el tiempo.
Gee, you strangle him all the time and that never happens.
Caramba, lo estrangulas todo el tiempo y eso no pasa nunca.
That's where it happens all the time.
- Allí es donde pasa todo el tiempo.
It can make you strong enough to go through that again, but all the time it's destroying who you are. Once that happens you won't be able to ascend, no matter how much you want to.
Puede regenerar tu cuerpo, hacerte lo... suficientemente fuerte para pasar por éso otra vez... pero al mismo tiempo, está destruyendo quien eres... y una vez que pase éso no podrás ascender,... no importa lo mucho que quieras.
Listen, I know there's a lot of stuff that happens in casinos all the time.
Sé que pasan muchas cosas en los casinos.
And I suddenly realized that life wasn't going to start later, that it is... you know, it starts at dot and it happens all the time, and then... at any point you can grasp the reins and start guiding your own destiny.
De repente me di cuenta de que la vida no empieza más tarde, sino de cero. Es un proceso continuo. En cada momento puedes tomar las riendas y determinar tu propio destino.
How could I let that happen? Okay, this happens all the time.
- ¿ Cómo pude dejar que eso pasara?
But when you say something witty at a party you should always appear bored take a sip of your drink and look away That way, it'll seem like it happens all the time
Así parece que es lo que haces todo el tiempo.
But that shit happens all the time, apparently.
Pero pasa todo el tiempo, aparentemente.
From what I've seen, that happens around here all the time.
Por lo que he visto, eso sucede aqui todo el tiempo.

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