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That is not going to happen translate Spanish

149 parallel translation
That is not going to happen here.
Eso no va a pasar aquí.
- That is not going to happen.
- Eso no va a poder ser.
I'm willing to take the chance that that is not going to happen.
Quiero creer que eso no sucederá.
That is not going to happen, by God!
Pero no sucederá.
That is not going to happen. - You are not going to take my money!
¡ No podrás llevarte mi dinero!
That is not going to happen.
Y eso no va a suceder.
That is not going to happen.
Esto si que no va a pasar.
- That is not going to happen.
- Eso no va a pasar. - Muy bien.
But that is not going to happen.
Eso no va a suceder.
That is not going to happen.
Eso no sucederá.
- That is not going to happen.
Eso no ocurrirá.
That is not going to happen. "
Eso no va a ocurrir. "
That is not going to happen, you know?
Eso no va a suceder, ¿ sabes?
No, that is not going to happen!
¡ No, te he dicho que eso no va a ocurrir!
That is not going to happen again.
Eso no sucederá de nuevo. Tom Baldwin.
That is not going to happen.
Eso no va a suceder.
But that is not going to happen.
Pero eso no sucederá.
That is not going to happen.
Eso no va a ocurrir.
No, don't worry, that is not going to happen.
No, eso no va a suceder.
Quiet now,'cause that is not going to happen.
Tranquilo, porque eso no va a pasar.
That is not going to happen.
Eso no va a pasar.
I'd like my own little restaurant in brooklyn, but that is not going to happen.
Me gustaría mi propio restaurante en Brooklyn, pero eso no va a suceder.
That is not going to happen.
- Eso no sucederá.
But that is not going to happen, is it?
Pero eso no va a pasar ¿ Verdad?
That is not going to happen, Stanley.
Eso no va a suceder, Stanley.
I'm afraid they'll have to put the little guy down and that is not going to happen. Is it, Keith?
Temo que tendrán que sacrificarlo y eso no ocurrirá. ¿ Verdad, Keith?
That- - That is not going to happen.
Eso, eso no va a pasar.
Do you feel sometimes that nothing is going to happen to you anymore, that everything good had already happened, and you feel not so much bored, as sad?
¿ No te parece, a veces, que no va a pasar nada, que todo lo bueno ya ocurrió? Y entonces, ¿ No te sientes más triste que aburrido?
AII I know is that I'm not going to let anything happen to Mary.
Lo único que sé es que no permitiré que le pase algo a Mary.
That is so not going to happen.
Para nada.
And blaming me isn't going to change the fact... that the future is going to happen, whether you are ready for it or not.
Y culparme no va a cambiar los hechos... que van a ocurrir.. Bueno, estes listo para ellos o no.
Listen... That vision is not going to happen, all right?
Escucha, esa visión no se va a cumplir, ¿ está bien?
Something very bad is going to happen here today and I want you to know that I'm not going to let it happen.
Algo muy malo va a suceder hoy aquí y quiero que sepas que no voy a dejar que eso pase.
spilling over wine or losing a wallet is something that happens, but going to bed with the other lead role does not happen!
Que se cumplan tus sueños, puede suceder. Perder la cartera, también. Pero cogerte al coprotagonista no sucede simplemente.
- Julian gets an order for twice as much more dope and he thinks he can just wave some mone y around and the magical fairy grandmother of dope is gonna come and give us twice as much dope. That's not going to happen
Julian recibe un pedido por el doble de droga y cree que tirando unos dólares aparecerá el hada mágica de la marihuana y nos dará el doble, eso no va pasar.
We both know that Clark is not going to let anything happen to Amanda.
Ambas sabemos que Clark no dejará que nada le pase a Amanda.
Now, the only thing that matters is right here, right now. All right? Mama's not going to let anything happen to you, okay?
Todo lo que importa es aquí y ahora, mamá no dejará que les pase nada.
That film is not going to happen. Let's go to bed now.
No vuelvas a mencionarme la ciencia-ficción.
Uh, because it suggests something that is definitely not going to happen.
Uh, porque sugiere algo que definitivamente no va a pasasr.
What is this sort of talk? That's not going to happen.
Vaya cosas que dices, eso no va a pasar.
I guess that's not going to happen now, is it, sir?
Parece que ahora no va a ocurrir, ¿ no, Señor?
And that is not going to happen.
Y eso no va a pasar.
But that's not going to happen, is it?
Well, that's not going to happen now, is it?
Y bueno, eso ya no podrá suceder ¿ verdad?
There's those ways of creating a sexual tension that has actually nothing to do with a kiss, a hug, an embrace, but more between what could be and is not quite going to happen.
Esas maneras de crear tensión sexual... NEWTON THOMAS SIGEL Camarógrafo, X-Men que no eran ni un beso ni un abrazo... sino algo que podría ser y que no sucederá.
And all for an ocean phenomenon that I'm not entirely sure is going to happen, but if it does, I'm going to get to see tides behave in a quite spectacular way.
Todo para un fenómeno del océano que no estoy del todo seguro que vaya a ocurrir, pero si lo hace, voy a ver el comportamiento de las mareas de una manera bastante espectacular.
This tide is a bit unpredictable and I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen, but what we expect to happen is for a wall of water to pour up from over that direction.
Esta marea es un poco impredecible y no estoy exactamente seguro de qué va a ocurrir, pero lo que esperamos que ocurra es que se levante un muro de agua desde esa dirección.
- That's not going to happen, Juliet. I promise you that Rachel is fine.
Eso no va a suceder Juliet, pero puedo prometerte que Rachel está bien.
Not at all it is going to happen, he is confident of my, the hour I passed and David will give to one bill that He has passed all his life worried By something that I never pass.
Nada va a pasar, confia en mi, la hora pasara y David se dara cuenta que ha pasado toda su vida preocupado por algo que nunca paso.
But that will not happen It is not going to happen today
Pero eso no sucederá No va a ocurrir hoy
I don't know what that means, but if this is Manning, that's not going to happen. BONES season 03 episode 11 "Player under pressure"
no es importante, pero si es Manning, no acabará nunca! Traducción al español por : MariajoAzo y Clarice Starling Bones, Season 03 Episode 11 : "Player Under Pressure"

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