Then don't be translate Spanish
1,510 parallel translation
Excuse me? Well, I just don't understand who say they want to be mothers, but then hand their kids over to glorified babysitters.
Bueno, simplemente no entiendo a las que dicen que quieren ser madres, pero luego dejan a sus hijos con célebres niñeras
Just be careful they don't see us. Wait till she runs off and he follows then go to your dad.
Ten mucho cuidado que no nos vean, espera a que ella salga corriendo y el siga, entonces ve con tu padre
If they don't want us to be alarmed, then why call the button "alarm?"
Si no quieren que nos alarmemos... Por qué llaman al botón "alarma"?
I don't want to be getting you all hot and bothered at work, so maybe you should tell me what you find so attractive about me, and then I can try and tone it down a little.
No quiero que estés excitado y eso me moleste en el trabajo. Entonces tal vez deberías decirme que te atrae tanto de mí para que pueda intentar disimularlo un poco.
And if you don't take any risks then you might as well be dead.
Y si no corres riesgos entonces será como si estuvieras muerta
And if you don't believe that, then you won't be there.
Y si tú no crees en eso, entonces no estarás allí.
They're not due here till 3 : 00, and I will absolutely be back before then, so don't worry.
Ellas no estarán aquí hasta las 3 : 00, y yo estaré de regreso antes que ellas... -... así que no te preocupes.
Too bad I don't have my girlfriend back. Then things would be perfect.
Pena que ya no tenga novia, sería perfecto.
Because if you don't, then nothing you find here will be admissible in court.
Si no la tienen, lo que encuentren será inadmisible en el juicio.
And then Sean and Christian will say they knew all along that we'd screw it up- - that I would screw it up because I don't have what it takes to be a success, and I can't let them be right about that.
Y Sean y Christian dirán... que sabían de entrada que fracasaríamos. Que yo fracasaría... porque no tengo lo necesario para ser un éxito... y no puedo permitir que tengan razón.
I don't think I'll be going, then.
No creo que vaya, entonces.
It's not like you don't have a right to be upset, but at least wait five minutes and talk to her, and then give her a ride home.
No es que no tengas derecho a estar enfadado, pero espera cinco minutos y habla con ella, y luego llévala a casa.
Then don't be shooting at shadows when there's a man out there on watch!
Cuando nuestros hombres estan afuera de guardia! Quiére matar a uno de los suyos?
- If we don't get him on board there's not gonna be any digging in that cell. If there's no digging in that cell, then there's no escape.
Si no lo llevaremos a bordo, no habrá ninguna excavación en esa celda y si no hay excavación en esa celda entonces no hay escape.
I don't think mold should be a problem before then.
No creo que el moho sea un problema hasta entonces.
Then don't call them,'cause they ain't gonna be happy.
No llames. No les va a hacer gracia.
- Then don't be.
- Entonces no lo sean.
Look, I don't want to be one of those moms that never sees her kids, but I also don't want to be one of those moms that stays at home but then resents her kids'cause she wishes she was working so she could go to an office and feel bad about not being at home with her kids.
Mira, no quiero ser una de esas mamás que nunca ve a sus hijos... pero tampoco quiero ser de las que se quedan en casa y luego resienten a sus hijos porque desean estar trabajando y así podrían estar en una oficina y sentirse mal por no estar en casa con sus hijos.
But if you can't do that and you don't love me anymore, Then I don't want to be here. I'll move out.
Pero si no puedes seguir y ya no me quieres, entonces no quiero estar aquí.
It's a play. Don't worry, I think it will be over soon, then we'll eat.
Es una obra, no te preocupes... creo que terminará pronto, luego comeremos.
If you're gonna go off and marry someone you don't even know, then we can't be together anymore
Si solo te vas a ir y casarte con alguien que ni siquiera conoces, entonces no podemos estar juntos.
Because if I don't, then I'm gonna be in trouble with...
Porque si no lo hago voy a tener problemas con...
I don't know. The only way to find out would be to seize the past I've lost. Then, perhaps,
no lo se la única manera de averiguarlo seria agarrar el pasado que he perdido, entonces, quizas, encuentre la respuet que mi subconsciente busca entonces sabre lo que es la paz hoy se supone que tenia que ir al supermercado
I don't think anybody is going to be like that, but if they are, then they're not worth caring about what they say.
Creo que nadie será malo contigo, y si lo son, es porque no vale la pena escucharlos.
If we don't seize our national liberation now, if we don't gain our independence, then we'll be enslaved forever and never be free.
Si no nos hacemos con nuestra liberación nacional ahora,.. ... si no conseguimos nuestra independencia,.. ... estaremos esclavizados para siempre, y nunca seremos libres.
If I do so, then I will be a failure in life, so I don't want to do that.
Si lo hago así, entonces seré un fracaso en la vida, así que no quiero hacerlo.
If I have reason to believe that there's gonna be a riot started, and somebody tells me that there's gonna be trouble if you don't stop them, then it's my duty to stop them.
Si tengo razón para creer que habrá un disturbio, y alguien me dice que habrá problemas si no los detienes, entonces es mi deber detenerlos.
Ok, honestly, I don't understand why you can't go to Mexico for a week... and just be like "I love you", or whateveryou say to her... and then like "I'll see you in a week."
No veo por qué no puedes ir a México por una semana... decirle que la quieres o lo que sea que le dices... y quedar de verla una semana después.
But if we waver now... if we don't dig deep and give more than we think we can... then those sacrifices would be wasted...
Pero si vacilamos ahora si no nos sacrificamos y damos más de lo que creemos poder entonces los sacrificios habrán sido desperdiciados...
Oh, the world is a beautiful place to be born into... if you don't much mind a few dead minds in the higher places... or a bomb or two now and then in your upturned faces.
El mundo es un lugar hermoso en el cual nacer... si no les importan algunas mentes muertas en lugares elevados... o una bomba o dos de vez en cuando en sus rostros respingones.
If we assume your idea that climatic anomalies don't just happen, then the wetters could be part of of the anomaly defending earth from us. Could be.
Eso significa que la anomalía climática no sucede por sí misma, los Mokretsi podrían ser parte de la anomalía, defendiendo la Tierra de nosotros. ¿ Qué opina?
If you don't know how I feel about you after 19 years of marriage then I must be a failure as a wife.
Si no sabes lo que siento por ti en 19 años de matrimonio entonces debo ser un fracaso como esposa.
If he can't recognize that you got it going on, then... you don't need to be involved with him.
Sí él no puede reconocer que estás progresando entonces... no tienes que tener una relación con él.
Then why don't you come overfor dinner? Lisa was supposed to be home tonight, so I cooked for both of us, and then she called and said that she wasn't coming, so tonight would be perfect because I have enough fortwo and there aren't two.
Se supone que venía Lisa así que cociné para las dos, pero llamó y no viene así que esta noche sería perfecta porque tengo para dos y no hay dos.
But if you don't keep that then it will be a great loss.
Pero si usted no guarda eso entonces será una gran pérdida.
Then he woked up our bastard and smiled with his teeth out and said don't be afraid it must be Billo
Tring Tring. Yo cogí mi revólver. Entonces se despertó el muy imbecil, sonrió de oreja a oreja... y dijo : no te asustes, debe ser Billo.
If we don't do something with that CO2, if you don't sequester it, then it's gonna be going up into the atmosphere, and CO2 is a global warming gas.
Si no hacemos algo con ese CO2,... si no lo secuestramos, subirá a la atmósfera, y CO2 es un gas del calentamiento global.
"No, I don't." Then what can I be, your clone?
"No, no creo" ¿ Entonces que soy, tu clon?
If you're gonna take on that type of a public policy role, for american culture, then, I don't think that you should be hiding in a veil of secrecy.
Si queremos ese tipo de papel de política pública para la cultura americana entonces creo que no se debían esconder por detrás de un velo de secretismo.
Then they pulled a different bey from the Bosporus, drowned, but now they don't know who he could be, this one.
Luego tiraron a un Bey diferente al Bósforo, le ahogaron... pero ahora no saben quién puede ser éste.
But we always wonder then, don't we... when we wish for all of those - to be able to heal with a touch... and to raise the dead and to manifest a loaf of bread in our hand.
Pero nos preguntamos siempre. ¿ no es cierto? Cuando deseamos todas esas cosas :
See, I don't quite understand what I just saw. Because I think I saw you two knuckle-draggers treating those men like they were Cylons, which of course couldn't be right. Because, if in fact that was the case, then you're both subject to charges of assaulting a chief and a lieutenant under color of authority in a time of war, which, if I'm not mistaken,
No entiendo del todo lo que acabo de ver,... porque me ha parecido verles a ambos, mamarrachos,... tratándoles como si fueran "Cylon" lo cual no puede ser,... porque, si ése fuera el caso, los dos se verían acusados... de agredir a un jefe y a un teniente en servicio activo... en tiempos de guerra lo que, si no me equivoco,... conlleva un castigo bastante severo en esta nave.
If we don't know who she is, then how will we be able to catch the person who murdered her?
Si no sabemos quién es ella, cómo atraparemos al asesino?
Then you find out no matter how cool you act, if you don't look cool, you might as well be five years old.
Entonces te das cuenta, no importa que tan genial seas, si no luces bien, puedes parecer de 5 años.
Ok, look, if you don't want Ben here, then I don't think he should be here.
Vale, mira, si no quieres a Ben aquí, entonces no creo que debiera estar aquí.
I just don't understand you know how... can someone... be so there... and then...
Es difícil de entender, ¿ sabes por que? Porque si alguien esta tan allí.. y entonces..
I'll be perfectly honest with you, I don't know if they're gonna be alive then.
Seré honesto contigo no sé si estén vivos para entonces.
Of course, if you don't have one of these, and you happen to be a friggin'genius, then you can also do all of this.
Por supuesto, si no tienes uno de éstos... y resulta que eres un genio, entonces puedes hacer todo esto.
Well, then it should be written somewhere, don't you think?
Entonces debería estar escrito, ¿ no crees?
Well, I don't want to be the story at my own newspaper, because then I'd be Judith Miller, and I'd have to wear my bangs too long and overdo my lipstick, and I don't want that.
Bueno, no quiero ser la comidilla de mi periódico, porque sería como Judith Miller, Y tendría que llevar el flequillo más largo y mucho pintalabios, Y no quiero eso.
- I can't believe it. You spend a lifetime worrying that you're dying, and you just don't know it. Then you find out that not only are you not dying, but your whole miserable existence didn't have to be miserable if only you weren't so afraid to peel back the onion and maybe get a checkup every once in a while!
¿ Te pasas la vida preocupándote de que te estás muriendo y no sabes de qué y entonces, descubres que no sólo no te estás muriendo, sino que tu miserable existencia no tenía por qué ser miserable si simplemente hubieras pelado la cebolla?
then don't 282
then don't go 17
then don't do it 28
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
then don't go 17
then don't do it 28
don't be silly 1150
don't be 1026
don't be a stranger 86
don't be late 287
don't be so hard on yourself 105
don't be a pussy 41
don't be sad 190
don't be shy 514
don't beat yourself up 132
don't be afraid 1221
don't be sorry 259
don't be embarrassed 84
don't be upset 117
don't be stupid 631
don't be like this 81
don't be angry 160
don't be such a pussy 16
don't beat yourself up 132
don't be afraid 1221
don't be sorry 259
don't be embarrassed 84
don't be upset 117
don't be stupid 631
don't be like this 81
don't be angry 160
don't be such a pussy 16