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There's nothing wrong with that translate Spanish

503 parallel translation
She saw you both in the bath, naked. - There's nothing wrong with that.
me dijo que os vio bañandoos juntos desnudos en la bañera son cosas que ocurren en una casa
There's certainly nothing wrong with that meal.
La comida no está mal.
And it's true that there was nothing organically wrong with those men, but they were sick just the same, sick with fear.
Y esos hombres no tenían ningún problema físico... pero igual estaban enfermos, enfermos de miedo.
- There's nothing wrong with that.
- Eso no es malo.
No te pasa nada malo que una buena taza de café no pueda arreglar.
A ti no te pasa nada que no pueda curarse con una patada en el ego.
There's nothing wrong with anyone's life that a good marriage can't cure.
No hay nada malo en la vida que un buen matrimonio no pueda curar.
There's nothing wrong with that.
No hay nada malo en eso.
♪ There's nothing wrong with that!
¿ Hay algo malo en eso?
Mrs. Rand was at the houmfort... but there's nothing wrong with that.
La Sra. Rand estaba en el houmfort... pero no hay nada de malo en eso.
There's nothing wrong with you that fresh air, exercise and hard work won't cure.
No hay nada que el aire fresco y el ejercicio no puedan curar.
No, and there's nothing really wrong with that plane.
No, y este avión está en perfecto estado.
Well, there's nothing wrong with us that a good bath won't fix.
Un buen baño, y no se hablará más.
There's nothing wrong with him that the Army won't put right.
Los problemas de Davenport pasarán de aquí a unas semanas...
I'll have you know he said there's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfect. That is good news.
Sí, señor, me ha dicho que estoy perfectamente que no me ocurre nada.
There's nothing wrong with that meat.
Mira. Mira.
At least, there's nothing wrong with me that a nice, long kiss wouldn't cure.
Al menos no tengo nada que un lindo y largo beso no pueda curar.
There's nothing wrong with that.
- No hay problema.
There's nothing wrong with Larrapoe that a good stretch
¿ Ha visto su historia clínica?
But there's nothing wrong with me that a million dollars won't cure.
Pero no hay nada que no se cure con un millón de dólares.
There's nothing wrong with me that a good doctor couldn't cure.
No me pasa nada que un buen médico no pueda curar.
There's nothing wrong with Omaha, but it's just that I might not even make it here.
Lo sé. No tiene nada de malo jugar en Omaha, pero es que es posible que ni siquiera tenga éxito aquí.
Oh, there's nothing wrong with Harry that two years in a dance school wouldn't cure.
Un par de años más en Murray's y fenomenal.
People often make excuses for all this and say that there's nothing wrong with doing what do you want to do.
Con frecuencia la gente pone excusas para todo esto y dice que no hay nada malo en hacer lo que uno desee.
There's nothing wrong with that boy.
- No hay nada malo en ese tipo.
There's nothing wrong with that Dr. Terwilliker.
Terwilliker no le hace mal a nadie.
He's not like some of these other doctors that tell you there's nothing wrong with you.
No es como todos esos otros doctores que te dicen que no te pasa nada...
There's nothing wrong with that.
No tiene nada de malo.
No hay nada malo en eso, ¿ verdad?
Why should the world fall down to prove I'm what I am and that there's nothing wrong with what I am.
El mundo ha tenido que acabar para que se demuestre lo que soy.
And you knew somehow that it didn't matter how much you kicked people, how much you despised them. If they can get up and make a pure, natural noise like that, there's nothing wrong with them.
Sabía que, en cierta forma, no importa cuánto machaques a la gente, o los desprecies, si pueden levantarse y sacar un sonido tan puro y natural, no tienen nada de malo.
Madeline, there's nothing wrong with you that leaving this house won't cure.
Madeline, no te pasa nada que no pueda curarse en cuanto dejes esta casa.
Well, there's nothing wrong with that, sir. Of course not.
No hay nada de malo en ello, señor.
There's nothing wrong with me! You're the one that's changed, that's why I won't touch you!
¡ Pero que fiebre, que bronquitis, no me pasa nada, eres tú la que estás cambiada, por eso no te toco!
What I've learned from this is that there's nothing organically wrong with you that you have occasional blackout spells and that you find it difficult to fall asleep.
Esto me ha mostrado que no hay nada orgánicamente mal con usted que sufre desvanecimientos ocasionales y que se le dificulta conciliar el sueño.
There's nothing wrong with that.
Eso no tiene nada de malo.
There's nothing wrong with that toy. Kids'll be crazy about that.
A los niños les encantará.
I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you but a... couple of fixations that are going to go away with time.
Fenómenos y patrones de reacción.. ... que sólo podemos suponer. Estoy seguro que estoy es una de ellas.
I can swear to you that there's nothing wrong with my bodily fluids.
Le juro que no ocurre nada con mis fluidos corporales.
Then there's nothing wrong with him? - Absolutely nothing. I told him that in my office on Friday.
- Ni lo más mínimo, ya se lo dije el viernes.
Ah, there's nothing wrong with that.
No hay nada raro allí.
It proves that although there's plenty wrong with her there's nothing wrong with you.
Pero demuestra que aunque ella tiene muchos problemas no le pasa nada a usted.
Si no pasa nada con ese bolígrafo, Emilio Naharana ¿ por qué no me deja pincharlo con él?
There's nothing wrong with that, is there?
No hay nada malo en ello, ¿ verdad?
- I thought so! Look at that, there's nothing wrong with those two!
Fíjense, no ha ocurrido nada malo entre ellos.
There's nothing wrong with you that hasn't gone wrong with every other human male since the model first came out.
No hay nada malo en ti que no haya estado mal con todos los otros hombres desde el primer modelo.
I only know that there ´ s nothing wrong with me.
Sólo sé que estoy bien.
Nonsense. Besides, there's nothing wrong with me that a good paddling wouldn't cure.
Además, no tengo nada que un buen azote no pueda curar.
There's nothing wrong with the British army that a damn good swim won't cure.
"No hay nada malo sobre la Armada Británica que un buen nado no pueda curar".
There's nothing wrong with that.
No tiene nada de malo. Ben,
There's nothing wrong with that, is there, Vito?
No hay nada de malo en eso, ¿ no, Vito?

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