There's something in here translate Spanish
424 parallel translation
do you think I fought my way in here just for... but there's something important I must tell you quiet!
¿ Crees que he venido hasta aquí para que ahora me dejes? ¡ Hay algo importante que tengo que decirte!
Oh, Lordy, there's something in here with us.
Ay, Señor, hay algo aquí adentro con nosotros.
Might be stupid to try and talk in here... but there's something I must tell you.
Quizá sea una estupidez hablar aquí, pero hay algo que debo decirle.
There's something in here.
Aquí dentro hay una cosa.
There's something loose in here.
Hay algo suelto ahí.
There's something in here.
Hay algo aquí dentro.
Come out here in the moonlight there's something sweet love
Sal conmigo a la luz de la luna Que yo quiero, mi dulce amor
There must be something in the water here that's very unhealthy.
Debe haber algo en el agua de aquí que es muy poco saludable.
Because there's something funny going on here and I'm not in the mood for laughs.
- Porque pasa algo raro aquí y no estoy de humor para tomarlo a risa.
- To please you, I'll say yes. There's something new in here, a strange air..
Hay algo nuevo aquí dentro, se respira un aire extraño...
I forgot something in the changing room there's nothing here!
- ¡ Aquí no hay nada! - ¿ Ah, no?
- There's something in here, all right.
- Hay algo aquí.
There's something I want to talk to him about. I got things in for supper here, but they'll keep.
Yo tenía preparada la cena...
Lieutenant Bixby, there's something funny going on in here.
Teniente Bixby, aquí pasa algo raro.
There's something in here, all right.
Ahí tiene que haber algo.
There's something in the air in here today.
- Esto no huele bien hoy.
There's something going on in this house or I wouldn't be here.
Algo pasa en esta casa o yo no estaría aquí.
There's something here in the ship and he doesn't want you to tell me.
Hay algo en la nave y él no quiere que me lo digais.
But I'll tell you this there's something very big going on here, and if the Daleks are involved, you can bet your life our whole galaxy is in danger!
Pero voy a decirte esto : hay algo muy grande pasando aquí, y si se trata de los Dalek, usted puede apostar su vida a que toda nuestra galaxia está en peligro!
There's bound to be something in here to help him.
Tiene que haber algo aquí que pueda ayudarle.
But if there's just one chance in a thousand that he has got something boy, I'd rather take it than just sit around here waiting to die.
Pero si sólo hay una probabilidad entre mil de que pueda funcionar,... ... prefiero arriesgarme antes de esperar aquí sentado a la muerte.
Come in here, mate, there's something up!
Ven aquí, amigo, hay algo arriba!
But there's something wrong up here in the old gearbox. What is it?
Pero hay algo que anda mal en esta vieja caja de cambios. ¿ Qué es?
There's 2,500 men in here and they all want me to do something.
Aquí dentro hay 2.500 hombres y todos quieren que haga algo.
Yes, sir? There's something bloody weird going on in here.
¡ Aquí está pasando algo muy raro!
There's something in here you ought to see, sir.
Aquí hay algo que debería ver.
There's something to eat in the kitchen. The booze is here.
Hay comida en la cocina.
Ah, I think there's something wrong with the air-conditioning in here.
Ah, creo que hay algo mal... con el aire acondicionado aquí.
Doctor, there's something in here with us - something alive!
Doctor, hay algo aquí con nosotros. - Algo vivo.
Oh, Doctor, there's something in here with us.
¡ Oh! Doctor, hay algo aquí con nosotros.
- There's something alive in here.
- Hay algo vivo.
Every time that I ever see any of these sitcoms on televisión over here in the United States, they're always about yuppies that sort of exist in a world that... I don't really associate with but somehow... there's something odd about these geeks.
Cada vez que veo cualquiera de estas comedias por televisión... aquí en los Estados Unidos, siempre se tratan de ejecutivos que existen en un mundo que- - realmente no los asocio con pero de alguna manera... hay algo extraño sobre estos geeks.
The menu won't be anything exceptional, but if you want something in particular? There's a great restaurant near here.
El menú no será gran cosa, pero si quiere algo en particular,... hay un restaurante muy bueno cerca de aquí.
There's something in here.
Hay algo aquí.
Barbara! There's something in here!
Aquí hay algo.
There's something in here!
Aquí hay algo.
In the interest of a fair trial, I'm going to suggest... there's something about our proceedings which seem to elude Mr. Horn here.
Con el fin de que el juicio sea justo, quiero sugerir... que hay algo en nuestras medidas que el Sr. Horn no acierta a entender.
There's no water got in here but something awful cold did.
Aquí no entró agua, pero sí algo terriblemente frío.
Well, it's just there's a draft in here or something.
Solo que hay una corriente o algo
There's something in here.
Aquí hay algo.
( Normal ) There's a draft in here. Smell's like cleaning fluid or something. Don't you smell it?
Hay una corriente aquí, huele a líquido limpiador o algo parecido ¿ puedes olerlo?
There's something here in the bushes!
Hay algo aquí en los arbustos.
- There's something in here.
- Hay algo aquí.
there's food and water here for five months, and, well, if something happens and there's time... you're welcome to join us here in the shelter.
Hay alimentos y agua aquí, para 5 meses Y, bueno, si algo sucede y hay tiempo... Tu eres invitado aquí.
- There's something in my eye. - Come here.
- Tengo algo metido en el ojo.
There's something stuck in here!
¡ Hay algo atorado aquí!
When a punk like Bollo comes in here and challenges the Vigils, there's something wrong!
Cuando un alborotador como Bollo entra aquí y ¡ desafía a los Vigilantes... algo anda mal!
There's something else in here, stuck to the bottom what is it?
Una caja de cerillas. - ¿ Qué carajo? - Esto podría ser una prueba?
There's something funny in here.
Hay algo gracioso aquí.
Here's one guy who spreads himself out in seven rooms and has forty pairs of pants,... and there's another who hangs around garbage cans looking for something to eat.
Algunos tienen departamentos de siete habitaciones y cuarenta pantalones,... mientras otros vagan por las calles y buscan su comida en la basura.
Father, there's something in here.
Papá, aquí hay algo.
there's something 214
there's something else 337
there's something wrong with me 39
there's something wrong with it 20
there's something wrong with him 27
there's something about him 23
there's something wrong with you 38
there's something missing 20
there's something wrong 107
there's something else going on 17
there's something else 337
there's something wrong with me 39
there's something wrong with it 20
there's something wrong with him 27
there's something about him 23
there's something wrong with you 38
there's something missing 20
there's something wrong 107
there's something else going on 17
there's something wrong here 21
there's something going on here 26
there's something out there 50
there's something in there 35
there's something you don't know 19
there's something i need to do 25
there's something i 17
there's something there 54
there's something you should know 107
there's something going on 41
there's something going on here 26
there's something out there 50
there's something in there 35
there's something you don't know 19
there's something i need to do 25
there's something i 17
there's something there 54
there's something you should know 107
there's something going on 41