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There's something wrong with it translate Spanish

210 parallel translation
If there's something wrong with her approach to her studies, I'd like to know what it is and correct it.
Si hay algo equivocado con su enfoque de los estudios, quisiera saberlo y corregirlo.
There's something wrong with him, we both know it.
Tiene un problema, los dos lo sabemos.
There's something wrong with it.
Hay algo extraño en todo esto.
I think that if can't mention Richard, it doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with me, it might mean there's something wrong with you.
Pienso que si yo no puedo mencionar a Richard, no significa que algo ande mal conmigo, sino con usted.
It's too big, there's something wrong with it.
Es muy grande. Hay algo que no va bien.
There's something wrong with it, and I can't put my finger on it.
Tiene algo que no me gusta y no logro identificarlo.
Now, if he don't laugh, if he don't think the show is any good then I know there's something wrong with it something people just ain't a-gonna take to.
Si él no ríe, si no cree que el programa es bueno sé que entonces algo anda mal hay algo que no le gustará a la gente.
Well, if it is, it sounds like there's something wrong with its insides.
Bueno, si lo es, suena como si hubiera algo malo en sus entrañas.
There's something wrong with it.
- Hay cualquier cosa que no anda.
There's something wrong with it's pitch.
Hay algo malo con su tono.
There's something wrong with my car, it might take some time.
Algo le pasa a mi coche, puede que tarde un rato.
And I have a sneaking suspicion... there's something wrong with it.
Y tengo una sospecha de que algo está mal.
Oh, yes, sir, it did occur to me, but there's something wrong with your thinking. If you'll forgive a criticism, sir.
Oh, si, señor, se me habia ocurrido, pero hay algo en su razonamiento que no funciona si me permite una crítica, señor.
There's something wrong with it.
Hay algo que no funciona.
Now, I don't know why, but there's something wrong with it. It stinks.
Es muy sospechoso, apesta.
Seems to me there's something wrong with you this morning and not just this morning, when I think about it.
- En mi opinión tu suenas extraña... esta mañana. Y no sólo para mí esta mañana... estas peleas y estar celosa y elegir argumentos.
They try to press it and the shit don't work they be going like : "There's something wrong with it..."
Luego le das y no sale : "Le pasa algo raro!"
There's something wrong with me. I try to fight it. But I can't even remember what.
Algo pasa conmigo Intento evitarlo, pero no se qué es, ¡ ni por qué!
They only make money if they tell you there's something wrong with it.
sólo ganan dinero si te dicen que tiene algo.
There's something wrong with the starter, so I hid it here.
Algo le pasa al arranque, lo escondí aquí.
No, if there's something wrong with it it's your fault... and you will hang for it.
No, si algo está mal, es culpa tuya y te colgarán a ti por ello.
Oh, there's nothing wrong with new, Mrs. Webber... if it makes something good better.
Ah, no hay nada de malo en renovarse, Sra. Webber... si hace algo bueno, mejor.
And now you're trying to make it sound like there's something wrong with Leo... something wrong with us.
Y ahora usted está intentando que parezca que Leo tiene un problema... que nosotros tenemos un problema.
Do you think perhaps there's something wrong with it?
¿ Crees que está descompuesto?
Mr. Simpson, if you have to talk it over with those humans out there, there's something wrong with all of us.
Si tiene que ir a discutirlo con esos humanos algo falla.
No, I think there's something wrong with it.
No, yo creo que tiene algo malo.
The unbelievers try to make it seem... like there's something wrong with us... that we're stupid.
Los que no creen tratan de hacerlo parecer... como si nos pasa algo, que somos tontos.
There's something wrong with this microphone. It's not transmitting.
Este micrófono está mal.
There's something wrong with my face, it's not my face.
Hay algo malo en mi cara, no es mi cara.
But It's hard, because there's something wrong with the floor.
Pero es difícil, porque algo pasa con el suelo.
There's something wrong with his ship. It looks like his attitude stabilizers have failed.
Le fallan sus estabilizadores de altitud.
There's something deeply wrong with him and you have to find out what it is.
Está muy mal y debe descubrir lo que es.
There's something wrong with it.
No puedo abrirla.
- Is that it? - Come on. I'm only sayin'there's something wrong with "Homemade Cooking."
Vamos, yo sólo digo que hay algo raro... en lo de "Comida casera".
There's something wrong with it!
¡ No sirve...! Se nota que es un muñeco.
Doctor, there's something wrong with me. What is it?
Doctor, no me encuentro bien.
I mean, say, say a woman is sitting alone in a bar reading. You know, a man who comes in, he automatically makes an assumption... that she's either sitting there waiting to be propositioned, and, you know, if she doesn't want it, then there must be something wrong with her, because, you know, what woman in her right mind... would be content just sitting by herself, you know.
Quiero decir, una mujer sentada sóla en una barra leyendo... un hombre entra, y, de forma automática hace una suposición... que ella esta ahi esperando una propuesta... y, si no quiere, entonces algo debe ir mal con ella... porque, ¿ Qué mujer cuerda puede estar contenta solo por estar consigo misma?
It's like they want something from you. Because I turned out this way, there must be something else wrong with me.
Es como si quisieran algo de ti, como si por ser yo así debería haber algo malo en mí.
It's okay. Is there something wrong with dad.
Está bien. ¿ Algo va mal con papá?
Did it ever occur to you that the fact that so many people want to leave might mean that there's something wrong with your society?
¿ Alguna vez se le ha ocurrido que tanta gente que quiera irse significa que hay algo malo con su sociedad?
There's got to be something wrong with it if you're letting it out of your hands.
Tiene que haber algo malo en ello, si usted está dejando fuera de sus manos.
Let's face it, there's something wrong with me.
Seamos realistas, hay algo mal en mí.
I can always tell when there's something wrong with him but it doesn't seem like he wants my help right now.
Siempre sé lo que le pasa pero no quiere mi ayuda, ahora.
There's obviously something wrong with the DRDs. We've just got to figure out what it is before they do some serious damage to the ship.
Obviamente hay algo mal con los DRD's. Debemos encontrar de que se trata... antes de que hagan un daño mas serio a la nave.
If a man is over 30 and single, there's something wrong with him. It's Darwinian.
Si un hombre tiene más de 30 años y es soltero, tiene un problema.
Look, like I said, maybe I don't want to admit there's something wrong but if he's got this thing we'll deal with it.
Quizá no quiera admitir que algo va mal con él pero si tiene eso lo afrontaremos.
There's something wrong with it.
Hay algo malo con esto.
- I tried to call, but... it seems there's something wrong... with your phone.
- Intenté llamarte... pero me parece que hay un problema... con tu teléfono.
There's something wrong with him up here, and you know it.
Hay algo mal en él aquí arriba, y lo sabes.
- Listen, I can wrap it up- - l can't do it because there's something wrong with my stomach.
- Escucha, puedo darles- - No puedo porque ando mal del estómago.
There's definitely something wrong with it.
Definitivamente algo está mal con ella.

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