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There's something wrong with you translate Spanish

433 parallel translation
I know at once when there's something wrong with you.
Reconozco cuando te pasa algo.
There's something wrong with you.
Te pasa algo.
You know, I think there's something wrong with you.
Creo que tienes un problema.
- Now I know there's something wrong with you.
Ahora sé que está loco.
If there's something wrong with you let me help you.
Soy tu hermano. Si te pasa algo malo, déjame ayudarte.
Psst. If you've done anything to - Boss, there's something wrong with this.
Si has hecho algo que...
"Have you come..." There's still something wrong with that line.
¿ Han venido para quejarse o para consolarme? ¿ Sabe? Creo que le falta algo a esta frase.
There's also something wrong with you.
- ¿ Qué te importa lo que yo quiera?
- Why don't you stand still? ! - There's something wrong with him.
- Estate quieto.
You know, I think there's something wrong with him.
Yo creo que le pasa algo.
You think there's something wrong with my mind, don't you?
Crees que tengo un problema mental, ¿ no?
There's something wrong with you, Owen.
Tienes un problema, Owen.
There's something wrong with your car, you said.
Dijo que su coche estaba averiado.
There's something wrong with you?
¿ te acurre algo?
I think that if can't mention Richard, it doesn't necessarily mean that there's something wrong with me, it might mean there's something wrong with you.
Pienso que si yo no puedo mencionar a Richard, no significa que algo ande mal conmigo, sino con usted.
There's something wrong with him too. You
Lo hizo porque tenía problemas.
Oh, no. Not at all. If there's something wrong with our kids, you don't have to horse around.
Padre Dineen, si cree que no sirven, no ande con rodeos...
Are you wearing that mask because there's something wrong with your nose, possibly?
Oye, ¿ Quizás llevas esa mascara porque te ocurre algo en la nariz?
There's something wrong with you, Ed.
Tienes un problema, Ed.
And there's something very wrong with you for thinking you can talk to me this way.
Y a ti te pasa algo muy malo... si piensas que puedes hablarme así.
You know chickens as well as I do, and when they won't eat, there's something wrong with what they're being fed.
Sabes de gallinas tanto como yo, y no quieren comer. Hay algún problema con el pienso.
But there's something wrong around here... whether Loy is playing hide-and-seek with you or not.
Pero aquí algo está mal... esté o no jugando a las escondidas contigo Loy.
If you think there's something wrong with me, just say so.
¿ Helen?
There's something wrong with you. Why don't you go to a hot-spring or something?
Algo te pasa. ¿ Por qué no te vas a un balneario o algo así?
You know, there's got to be something wrong with us... to do what we did.
Algo tiene que funcionar mal en nosotros para hacer lo que hicimos.
If what you remember is different from the facts I'll assume the doctors are right, that there's something wrong with you.
Si sus recuerdos difieren de los hechos admitiré que los médicos tienen razón, que sufre un trastorno.
There's something wrong with the world you've made for people like Henry!
¡ El mundo que han creado para la gente como Henry es injusto!
Maybe you are right. Maybe there's something wrong with the computer.
Quizá tengas razón y la computadora se equivoca.
Since you're home I've been thinking - there's something wrong with him.
Puesto que estás en casa he estado pensando - hay algo malo con él. No es feliz.
Are you saying there's something wrong with her?
¿ quiere decir que estaba enferma?
If not, there's something wrong with you.
Si no me amas, algo en ti no anda bien.
- You see, there's something wrong with her, Eddie.
- Verás, hay algo malo con ella, Eddie.
I couldn't start again. There's always something wrong with you.
- Fallaba el alternador.
Oh, yes, sir, it did occur to me, but there's something wrong with your thinking. If you'll forgive a criticism, sir.
Oh, si, señor, se me habia ocurrido, pero hay algo en su razonamiento que no funciona si me permite una crítica, señor.
You know... you know there's really something wrong with you.
Sabes... hay algo que está realmente mal en ti.
Madam says there's something wrong with you, that you're some kind of cream puff or something.
La señora dice que te pasa algo, que eres marica o algo.
There's something wrong with you trying to keep men off me.
No está bien que intentes apartar de mí a los hombres.
There's something wrong with you.
Hay algo mal con usted.
There's something wrong with you.
Algo malo te ocurre
Colonel, I'm telling you something. There's something wrong with this guy Dugan.
Coronel, hay algo raro en ese sujeto llamado Dugan.
There's something wrong with you. You know that?
Te pasa algo. ¿ Qué te pasa?
Seems to me there's something wrong with you this morning and not just this morning, when I think about it.
- En mi opinión tu suenas extraña... esta mañana. Y no sólo para mí esta mañana... estas peleas y estar celosa y elegir argumentos.
Do you think there's something wrong with me?
¿ Crees que me pasa algo?
I think there's something wrong with you.
Pienso que hay algo que no funciona contigo.
There's something wrong with you.
Hay algo que no esta bien contigo.
Don't you think there's something wrong with that?
¿ No te parece que algo anda mal?
There's something wrong with you, torturing yourself like that.
No estas bien de la cabeza, torturándote así.
There ´ s something wrong with you.
Algo malo te sucede. No sé.
They only make money if they tell you there's something wrong with it.
sólo ganan dinero si te dicen que tiene algo.
There's something wrong with this guy. What's wrong with you?
hay algo mal con este chico
Max, do you ever think there's something profoundly wrong with the world when a company like ours produces hair removal cream and nuclear warheads?
¿ No crees que algo anda realmente mal en el mundo cuando una empresa como nosotros produce crema para remover el pelo y cabezas nucleares?

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