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There is no such thing translate Spanish

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there is no such thing in what we call " life.
Sin embargo, no existe tal cosa en lo que llamamos "vida".
Oh love.. there is no such thing.. for a man.
Amor. Eso no existe para un hombre.
Alice, I am sure you know that there is no such thing as a rabbit dressed up in a muffler and an overcoat.
Alicia, estoy segura de que sabes que no existen los conejos con bufanda y abrigo.
There is no such thing.
No existe semejante cosa.
There is no such thing.
No hay tal cosa.
- There is no such thing as a safe bull.
- No existe un toro seguro.
There is no such thing.
Eso no existe.
And you still say there is no such thing as a vampire?
¿ Y todavía mantiene que los vampiros no existen?
There is no such thing as love, only proofs of love.
No existe el amor como tal, solamente pruebas de amor.
There is no such thing as ar empty room.
No existen las habitaciones vacías.
There is no such thing as one love to Carmen.
Para Carmen no existe sólo un amor.
There is no such thing as too much.
"Demasiado" no existe.
It's just that there is no such thing as a little garlic.
Es solo que no hay nada como un poco de amargura.
There is no such thing as a collective brain.
El cerebro colectivo no existe.
There is no such thing, Rick.
Eso no existe, Rick.
There is no such thing as luck, Chris.
No es cuestión de suerte, Chris.
Because these kind of good works, free gifts, I don't trust them. There is no such thing.
Yo no creo en las buenas obras ni en los regalos, eso no existe.
There is no such thing as a stick bloodhound.
No existen perros que busquen palos ni nada.
Of course, to be serious for a moment... there is no such thing as a nice murder... or a perfect murder.
Por supuesto, ahora hablando en serio... el buen crimen no existe... ni tampoco el crimen perfecto.
Widow, there is no such thing as a beautiful officer.
Widow, no existen las oficiales guapas.
There is no such thing as shell shock.
No existen los traumas de guerra.
There is no such thing as "not possible".
No hay nada imposible.
There is no such thing here.
Aquí no hay beneficios públicos.
You realize there's a government directive stating that there is no such thing as a flying saucer?
¿ Lo que usted realiza lo definió una directiva del gobierno como si tales cosas no existen?
There is no such thing as the unwritten law.
El derecho consuetudinario no existe.
There is no such thing.
No existe.
Yes, except there is no such thing.
Sí, salvo que no existe tal cosa.
I confess that there is no such thing as medicine or science.
Confieso que no existe la medicina o la ciencia.
But there is no such thing as a Spanish disease.
Pero si no hay una enfermedad así en España.
There is no such thing as the dignity of man.
No existe tal cosa como la dignidad del hombre.
There is no such thing as the sort of amnesia you describe.
No existe una amnesia como la que describe.
Even if there is no such thing as love.
Aunque no exista tal cosa como el amor.
There is no such thing as "innocent pleasure".
No existen los placeres inocentes.
There is no such thing as spirits in this world.
- En este mundo no existe el castigo.
There is no such thing as a witch.
No existen las brujas
Is there such a thing? Africa?
Eso no es posible en esta era global. ¿ Tal vez África?
There is no such thing as exercising too much discretion.
El oponente es un imperio que ha dominado a la tercera parte del mundo.
If you are good for child I forgive you for your such a thing There is no advantage at all to child
Nunca dejaré a mi hijo al hombre que me abandonó sabiendo que estaba embarazada de él.
And that is, that there's no such thing in the world as a bad boy.
Y es que no existe en el mundo un niño malo.
I'm not sure there is such a thing.
No sé si exista tal cosa.
Oh, Pinky child, when folks is real friends, there ain't no such thing as place.
Hija mía, cuando eres amiga de alguien no existe eso de estar en tu sitio.
You know, General Huerta, there is such a thing as an honest man.
¿ Sabe, general Huerta? No hay como un hombre honrado.
There is such a thing as coincidence.
No puede negar la coincidencias.
Lieutenant, there is such a thing as disciplining yourself.
Teniente, ¿ es que no sabe lo que es la disciplina?
It is not safe, because a snake is cold-blooded and anesthetic does not work so well or so quickly with such animals, but there is no other thing to do.
No es segura, porque una serpiente es de sangre fria. y el anestesico no funciona bien o no es rapido en algunos animales Pero no hay otra cosa que hacer.
It was rather a sad period too because my mother had been taken to the hospital and had been diagnosed with cancer, luckily, if there is such a thing, a minor form and fully recovered but my father was sort of a basket case that whole time
También fue un periodo más bien triste porque habían llevado a mi madre al hospital y le habían diagnosticado cáncer. Afortunadamente, si es que se puede decir eso, no era grave y se recuperó, pero mi padre estaba hecho un manojo de nervios, así que fue muy difícil tratar de mantener todo en calma y sereno durante el estreno de Vertigo en San Francisco.
The world is full of nutcases but there's such a thing as a dangerous nutcase.
El mundo está lleno de locos pero no todos son inofensivos.
There is such thing as friendship in this world, Uncle Karoly!
En este mundo no hay otra cosa como la amistad, Tío Karoly.
Do you believe that if there is no God, there can be no such thing as virtue?
¿ Cree que Dios no existe, que no puede existir algo como la virtud?
It turns out, with due respect, when all is said and done, that there's no such thing as you!
Resulta que, con el debido respeto, una vez dicha, no queda nada como usted.
Kumiko is not a typical japanese - if there is such a thing.
Koumiko no es una japonesa típica - si es que eso existe.

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