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There is nothing wrong with you translate Spanish

96 parallel translation
There is nothing wrong with you a job won't fix and I got it
No hay problema para pillarte un curro. Yo lo tengo.
There is nothing wrong with you that a woman...
No te pasa nada porque una mujer...
There is nothing wrong with your jeep. You could operate it now... if I choose to let you.
Ahora puede conducirlo... si yo se lo permito.
We know that there is nothing wrong with you medically. Physiologically, that is.
No tiene ningún problema médico, o lo que es lo mismo, fisiológico.
There is nothing wrong with you except for the way you dress.
No hay nada malo contigo excepto por la forma en que vistes.
Are you trying to tell me that possibly there is nothing wrong with you?
¿ Estás tratando de decirme que posiblemente no hay nada mal con usted?
There is nothing wrong with you, organically.
A Vd. no le pasa nada, orgánicamente.
There is nothing wrong with you.
No te pasa nada.
There is nothing wrong with you.
No hay nada malo contigo.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Nada malo hay contigo.
There is nothing wrong with you.
No tienes nada malo.
In short, caller, there is nothing wrong with you.
Y resumiendo, oyente, no te pasa nada malo.
- There is nothing wrong with you,
- Tú no estás enferma.
- There is nothing wrong with you.
- No tienes nada.
There is nothing wrong with you. It's all up here.
No hay nada malo con Ud. Todo está aquí arriba.
Hey, there is nothing wrong with you.
Tú no eres raro.
What's wrong with you? There is nothing wrong with your furnace.
No hay nada mal con tu horno.
Just like there is nothing wrong with you.
Así como no hay nada malo contigo.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Nada malo.
There is nothing wrong with you at all.
No hay nada malo con usted en absoluto.
How can I be expected to brew up? Because there is nothing wrong with you.
¿ Cómo quieres que plumeree?
There is nothing wrong with you, Payson.
No hay nada mal en ti, Payson.
I'll have you know he said there's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfect. That is good news.
Sí, señor, me ha dicho que estoy perfectamente que no me ocurre nada.
When Itchen, Boles, Coombe put up a house for rent, you may be sure there is nothing wrong with the drains.
Cuando Itchen, Boles y Coombe ofrecen una casa en alquiler... puede estar segura de que no tiene problemas de desagüe.
There ain't nothing wrong with you, is there?
¿ No te ha pasado nada?
There is nothing wrong with the city's credit, and you know it.
No hay nada malo con el crédito de la ciudad, y Uds. lo saben.
What I've learned from this is that there's nothing organically wrong with you that you have occasional blackout spells and that you find it difficult to fall asleep.
Esto me ha mostrado que no hay nada orgánicamente mal con usted que sufre desvanecimientos ocasionales y que se le dificulta conciliar el sueño.
Is that what you really feel? There was nothing wrong with the dinner?
¿ Es que no les gustó la cena?
You don't have to take the car. There is nothing wrong with the car.
No se lleven el coche, está bien.
Oh, there's nothing wrong. What is the matter with you?
No pasa nada.
You see, Pino, this is a respectable business and there's nothing wrong with that.
Ésre es un negocio resperable. No riene nada de malo.
If you go without me, you're saying there is nothing wrong with this discrimination.
Si vas sin mí, estás demostrando que no está mal discriminar a la gente.
My dear man, your mind is ill but there's nothing wrong with you.
Mi querido hombre, su mente está mal pero usted no tiene nada malo. ¡ Cambie su punto de vista!
There is nothing wrong with anyone you know, and you're not under suspision.
No le sucede nada a nadie que usted conozca, ni se le considera sospechoso.
There is nothing wrong with admiring the scenery while you're doing business, as long as you're doing business!
¡ No tiene nada de malo admirar el escenario mientras haces negocios siempre y cuando hagas negocios!
What you have to understand... is there's nothing wrong with his body.
Lo que tiene que entender es que no hay nada malo con su cuerpo.
- Merche, there's nothing wrong with you, is there?
No. Merche, no te pasa nada, ¿ verdad?
You can love someone deep inside your heart... and there is nothing wrong with it.
Puedes amar a alguien en el fondo de tu corazón... y eso no tiene nada de malo.
You see, there is nothing wrong with her.
Mira, no pasa nada malo con ella. Ya te dije que no te preocupases.
Oh, tiger, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.
Ay, tigre, no tienes nada de malo. Eres perfecta.
There's nothing wrong with me, but the word is... There's something really wrong with you.
No me pasa nada malo, pero según dicen a ti sí que te pasa algo muy malo
There is nothing wrong with those things if you are an adult.
No hay nada de malo en eso si eres un adulto.
There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you.
No hay nada malo con dejar que la gente que te quiere, te ayude.
If there were something that you had to put past you... to get on with your life... and you tried every way that was fair and honest to do that... and nothing worked... is it really wrong to bend the rules just once?
Si hubiera algo que tuvieras que dejar en el pasado para seguir con tu vida e intentaras de todas las formas justas y honestas de hacerlo y nada funcionara ¿ estaría mal romper las reglas una vez?
I mean, there's nothing wrong with being a poof or being a gay or whatever it is you call it, I don't know.
No tiene nada de malo ser un mariquita, gay... o como se les diga. No sé.
I'm almost certain, Sophie, that there is nothing physically wrong with you.
Estoy casi seguro, Sophie de que no hay nada físicamente malo contigo.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.
No hay absolutamente nada malo en ti.
Then you'll be Chuck, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Entonces, tú serás Chuck, y no hay nada de malo con eso.
There is nothing wrong with you.
Al menos, no estás herido.
I want you to know there is nothing wrong with a man showing his feelings.
Quiero que sepas que no hay nada malo con un hombre mostrando sus emociones.
There is nothing wrong with Paul, I told you.
No hay nada malo con Paul, te lo dije.

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