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There was nothing i could do translate Spanish

586 parallel translation
But it was night, and I realized there was nothing I could do.
Pero era de noche, y me di cuenta de que no podía hacer nada
There was nothing I could do.
No pude hacer nada.
He said there was nothing I could do about it because as long as he lived... he would insist he had lent them to you.
Dijo que yo no podría hacer nada, porque mientras estuviera vivo insistiría en que se los había prestado.
There was nothing I could do!
¡ No me quedaba otra!
There was nothing I could do.
No podía hacer nadar.
There was nothing I could do.
No he podido evitarlo.
There was nothing I could do but accept the inevitability of my destiny
He intentado convencerme de que ése era mi destino. He estado desesperada.
There was nothing I could do.
No había nada que pudiera hacer.
There was nothing I could do to save her.
No hay nada que pueda hacer para salvarla.
There was nothing I could do. Nothing. There was nothing anybody could do.
No había nada que hacer, nadie podía hacer nada.
You had your job, your own apartment. There was nothing I could do for you.
Te ganas la vida, no podía hacer nada para financiarte.
There was nothing I could do for him, I'm afraid, inspector.
Me temo que no pude hacer nada por él, inspector.
But there was nothing I could do.
Pero no pude hacer nada.
There was nothing I could do.
No podía hacer nada.
There was nothing I could do but wait.
Solo podía esperar.
It was your fault, not mine! There was nothing i could do!
No había nada que pudiera hacer!
No, there was nothing I could do.
No, no había nada que pudiera hacer.
They moved fast, we were outnumbered, there was nothing I could do.
Lo hicieron rápido y nos superaban en número. No pude hacer nada.
There was nothing I could do to stop it!
¡ No podía impedirlo!
- There was nothing I could do.
- No podía hacer nada.
But there was nothing I could do about it.
No he podido hacer nada.
There was nothing I could do. I lied.
Tuve que mentir, dije que no.
Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do.
Infelizmente nada puse hacer.
There was nothing I could do.
- ¿ Dónde fuiste?
I couldn't help him. There was nothing I could do.
¡ No he podido hacer nada!
There was nothing I could do!
¡ No he podido hacer nada!
There was nothing I could do.
No hubo nada que pudiera hacer.
But with a son who is neither consenting nor dissenting there was nothing I could do.
Se ha encargado Dios.
There was nothing I could do to help that young lad.
No pude hacer nada para ayudar a aquel joven.
Listen, about last night, sir, there was nothing I could do about it, sir.
Escuche, sobre la pasada noche, señor, no pude hacer nada, señor.
There was nothing I could do when he went on one of his cocaine binges, except hope and pray that some interesting case would come along to snap him out of it.
Yo no podía hacer nada... cuando él estaba bajo el efecto de la cocaína... sino rezar que algún caso interesante... lo sacara de ese estado.
I'm very sorry, sir, but there was nothing I could do.
Lo siento mucho, señor, pero no pude evitarlo.
There was nothing I could do but send her off to give what help she could.
Y evidentemente, he preferido enviar a Dolly a su casa.
There was nothing I could do, so why be careful?
No podía hacer nada. ¿ Por qué preocuparse?
Didn't mean to lie, but there was nothing else I could do.
No quería mentirte, pero no me quedaba más remedio.
I figured that them guns was killing hundreds, maybe thousands, and there weren't nothing anybody could do, but to stop them guns.
Comprendí que en ese momento que caían a cientos y millares no había otra solución para acabar con la matanza que acabar con ellos. Y eso es lo que hice.
But I suppose there was nothing else you could do.
Pero supongo que no pudo evitarlo.
But there was nothing I could do about it.
Demasiados niños corriendo por la casa.
She knew there was nothing I could do about it. - He knew it.
Él lo sabía.
There was nothing else I could do.
Yo no pude evitarlo.
There was nothing else I could do. You're my buddy, right?
No había nada que pudiera hacer Tú eres mi amigo, ¿ verdad?
There was nothing Eve could do except stay there. It had been over three months since I'd
Yo llevaba varios meses sin visitar a nuestro clientes.
I told you that I was sorry, there was nothing that I could do for you.
Te dije que lo sentía, pero que no podía ayudarte.
No pude hacer nada.
I'm sorry, there was nothing else I could do, but the girl will live.
Lo siento, no pude hacer otra cosa, pero la niña va a sobrevivir.
Nothing, Dearie - I wondered if there was anything I could do for you.
Nada, cariño, me preguntaba si yo podía hacer algo por ti.
Mr. Nazerman... there was... nothing I could do.
Sr. Nazerman... No había... nada que yo pudiera hacer.
There was nothing else I could do- -
- No podía hacer otra cosa...
There was nothing I could do, I swear it.
- No podía hacer nada.
- There was nothing I could do.
Yo no podía hacer nada.
It was so quick. There was nothing I could do.
Tuvo el libro del Presidente en la mano... hasta el último segundo de su vida.

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