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There was nothing we could do translate Spanish

180 parallel translation
There was nothing we could do.
No pudimos hacer nada.
There was nothing we could do. He just died.
No pudimos hacer nada, se murió.
It was a Russian patrol and there was nothing we could do.
Era una patrulla de rusos, y no tenía nada que hacer contra ellos.
There was nothing we could do, Bruno.
No podíamos hacer nada, Bruno.
It's not my fault, there was nothing we could do.
No es culpa mía, Bruno, no pudimos hacer nada.
Since she fell ill, there was nothing we could do.
Desde que ella enfermó, hicimos todo lo posible.
There was nothing we could do.
No hemos podido hacer nada.
We can reproach ourselves until kingdom come, but there was nothing we could do.
Podemos reprocharnos hasta la llegada del reino, pero no hay nada que pudiéramos hacer.
- There was nothing we could do.
- Lo siento. No podíamos hacer nada.
I must go and see him. There was nothing we could do, mervyn.
No se ha podido hacer nada.
They said there was nothing we could do.
Dijeron que no podríamos hacer nada.
There was nothing we could do.
No pudimos evitarlo.
There was nothing we could do now but wait for the bomber's next move and hope we could stop him before he struck again.
No había nada que pudieramos hacer excepto esperar su próxima movida con la esperanza de detenerlo antes que ataque de nuevo.
Some terminals found the capsule before we did so there was nothing we could do.
Algunos terminales encontraron la cápsula antes que nosotros, no pudimos hacer nada.
- There was nothing we could do.
- No pudimos hacer nada.
There was nothing we could do about it.
No podíamos hacer nada.
There was nothing we could do.
Hicimos todo lo que pudimos...
She called me right away, but there was nothing we could do.
Me llamó enseguida, pero ya no podíamos hacer nada.
There was nothing we could do. There was too many of them.
No había nada que hacer, ellos eran muchos.
There was nothing we could do about it.
No podíamos hacer nada al respecto.
There was nothing we could do.
No podíamos hacer nada.
By the time he got here there was nothing we could do.
Para cuando llegó aquí, ya no había nada que hacer.
There was nothing we could do.
No había nada que pudiéramos hacer.
Mr. O'Neill... there was nothing we could do to save the baby.
Sr. O'Neill... No hay nada que se pueda hacer para salvar al bebe. Lo siento.
There was nothing we could do, sir.
No podemos hacer nada por ellos, Señor.
But there was nothing we could do about it, so we buried her.
No podíamos hacer nada, por eso la enterramos.
Ethan, there was nothing we could do.
Ethan, no hay nada que podamos hacer.
There was nothing we could do.
- Nada pudimos hacer.
And there was nothing we could do.
Y sufrían dolores espantosos. Y no podíamos hacer nada.
- There was nothing we could do.
- No hemos podido hacer nada.
There was nothing we could do, so... we boarded the Transport Pod to return to Moya... and, um... and that's when you captured us.
No había nada que pudieramos hacer... asi que... abordamos el transporte pod para volver a Moya... y... y entonces es cuando nos capturaron
There was nothing we could do to help you.
Con aquello no podíamos hacer nada.
There was nothing we could do
No había nada que pudiéramos hacer
there was nothing we could do, it was fate, irrevocable destiny.
no había nada que pudieras hacer, era su destino, el destino irrevocable.
That there was nothing we could do.
No había nada que pudiéramos hacer.
In short, there was nothing we could do, is that you know, bad luck is something that happens I want to say...
Vaciaron todo el lugar. No pudimos hacer nada. ¿ Qué puedo decir?
And there was nothing we could do so my mom put her in a home.
Y no hay nada que pudieramos hacer entonces mi mama la puso en un asilo.
I wish there was some way for us to go back and undo the past. But there wasn't. There was nothing we could do.
Deseo que hubiera un modo de volver atrás y deshacer el pasado pero no lo hay, y no hay nada que pueda hacer al respecto así que me quedé callado y traté de decirle telepáticamente cuanto sentía lo que había sucedido.
But since they stopped on this side of the Arno, and there was nothing more we could do, we went and joined them.
- Sí, ya... - Sólo se han parado para mirarnos... Como estábamos acorralados, no podíamos hacer nada... los otros se nos han echado encima.
There was nothing else we could do.
No podíamos hacer nada.
They moved fast, we were outnumbered, there was nothing I could do.
Lo hicieron rápido y nos superaban en número. No pude hacer nada.
Paul, there was nothing we or anybody else could do.
Paul, no pudimos hacer nada y nadie puede hacer nada.
We all know there was nothing you could do.
Todos sabemos que no podías hacer nada.
There was nothing we could not do.
- Podíamos hacer cualquier cosa.
" There was really nothing much we could do, other than pray.
" Realmente no podíamos hacer mucho más aparte de rezar.
There was nothing we could do about it, it had to happen.
Y no había nada que pudiéramos hacer al respecto.
'There was nothing we could do.'
No había nada que pudiéramos hacer.
'There was obviously nothing we could do.'
Obviamente, no había nada que pudiéramos hacer.
There was nothing more we could do for him.
No hubo forma de ayudarlo.
There was nothing else we could do.
- No nos quedaba nada por hacer.
I mean, there was nothing that we could do to deserve- -
No había nada que pudiéramos hacer para merecer...

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