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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ T ] / They know what they're doing

They know what they're doing translate Spanish

813 parallel translation
They certainly know what they're doing... when they dress their hostesses in that drugstore.
Saben muy bien lo que se hacen cuando visten a las azafatas.
Saben lo que están haciendo.
But they do know what they're doing to me.
Ni saben lo que están haciéndome.
I hope they know what they're doing.
Espero que sepan lo que hacen.
These cops, they don't know what they're doing.
La policía no sabe lo que hace.
They wanna know what we're doing.
Quieren saber qué hacemos.
You don't know what they're doing to me.
No sabes lo que están haciendo conmigo.
They just don't know what they're doing.
Ellos no saben lo que hacen.
They know what they're doing.
Ellos saben lo que hacen.
- They all know what they're doing.
- Todas saben lo que hacen.
They're not gonna take it away, and I know what I'm doing.
No se lo llevarán y sé lo que hago.
It ain't because the buzzards know what they're doing but it brings a question to mind, "Do I know what I'm doing?"
Saben lo que hacen, pero yo, ¿ qué es lo que sé?
Well, don't blame me. If they don't know what they're doing out there that's tough, but this is a tough racket.
No es culpa mía que ellos no sepan conducir.
And before we know it, everybody who's got a telephone is gonna be on our necks. "What are you doing about it?" They're gonna ask.
Me atrevo a apostar que todo el que tenga un teléfono va a estar preguntando : ¿ qué van a hacer sobre esto, van a investigar?
Presumably, group know what they're doing.
Presuntamente, el Grupo sabe lo que hace.
I know what they're thinking and doing.
Sé lo que piensan y lo que hacen.
I know what they're doing to the old man.
Sé lo que le está ocurriendo a papá.
- They want to know who we are and what we're doing here.
Quieren saber quienes somos y qué hacemos aquí.
Know what they're doing?
¿ Sabe qué van a hacer? - ¿ Qué?
The laugh is on the guys who're paying the freight. All this loot and they don't even know what they're doing.
Lo gracioso es que pagan toda esa pasta y no saben ni lo que hacen.
But I want to know, step by step, what they're doing.
Pero quiero saber, paso a paso, lo que están haciendo.
Do they really know what they're doing?
¿ Crees que saben lo que están haciendo?
You know what they're doing?
¿ Y sabe qué hacen?
They don't know what they're doing!
No tienen idea de lo que hacen!
In fact, half the time I don't know what they're doing or where they are.
De hecho, la mitad del tiempo no sé lo que hacen. o dónde están.
I hope you know what they're doing to us.
Espero que sepas lo que nos están hacienda.
I know. What're they doing here?
Ya lo sé. ¿ Qué hacen aquí?
They know what they're doing.
Ellos saben lo que están haciendo.
They don't know what they're doing.
No saben lo que están haciendo.
I hope these people know what they're doing.
Espero que esta gente sepa lo que está haciendo.
And why, don't they know what they're doing?
Y qué, no sabes qué se hace?
They know very well what they're doing, I'm sure.
Saben muy bien lo que están haciendo, estoy seguro.
I suppose they know what they're doing.
Ellos deben saber lo que hacen.
All those people in the congregation... do they know what you're doing the other six days of the week?
Esa gente en la iglesia... ¿ Saben qué haces el resto de la semana?
Do you know what they're doing?
¿ Sabes qué están haciendo?
I don't know what you and the censors think they're doing on that bed, but I take the position that they're playing...
No sé lo que usted y la censura pensarán sobre esa escena, pero yo opino que están jugando...
Do you know what they're doing?
¿ Sabe qué están haciendo?
You don't know what they're doing downstairs.
Usted no sabe lo que hacen alla abajo.
Oh, I don't know what they're doing with their prisoners of war at the moment
¡ Oh, no sé lo que hacen con los prisioneros de guerra ahora.
You don't know what they're doing to me.
No sabes lo que me están haciendo.
I don't know what it is they're doing, but I'm sure it's dangerous.
No sé qué están haciendo, pero seguro que es peligroso.
Do you know who those people are? What they're doing here?
¿ Sabe quién es y lo que hace esa gente?
Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they're doing.
Padre, perdónalos, porque no saben lo que hacen.
But they don't know what they're doing.
Pero no saben lo que hacen.
If we're going to accept the thing at all, it seems to me... we'll have to trust the two of them... and accept that they know what they're doing.
Si vamos a aceptar esto, me parece que debemos confiar en ellos y aceptar que saben lo que están haciendo.
You know, Farge, if we could only duplicate the equipment I saw in that laboratory... We could demonstrate the existence of these creatures and alert the world to what they're doing.
Tú sabes, Farge, si sólo pudiesemos duplicar el equipo que vi en ese laboratorio... podríamos demostrar la existencia de estas criaturas y alertar al mundo sobre lo que están haciendo.
Well, I hope they know what they're doing.
Bueno, espero que sepan lo que hacen.
You know what kind of experiments they're doing?
¿ Sabe qué tipo de experimentos hacen? Eso no es ningún secreto.
How unfortunate for you But I suppose they know what they're doing
Qué lamentable para Ud. Pero supongo que saben lo que hacen.
It will be a sad day when England has her armies officered by men who know too well what they're doing.
Sería muy triste que todos los oficiales del ejército inglés supieran demasiado bien lo que hacen.
You know what they're doing?
¿ Sabes qué es Io que hacen?

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