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Tillie translate Spanish

103 parallel translation
Tillie, don't.
Tillie, no.
There you are, Tillie.
Vamos, Tillie.
You're behaving like Tillie the Toiler.
Te comportas como TiIIie the ToiIer.
Tactful Tillie, we always call her.
La discreta Tillie, siempre le llamabamos eso.
I'm lookin'for Tillie Wiecek.
Busco a Tillie Wiecek.
- I'm Tillie.
Yo soy Tillie.
I got your address from your former mother-in-law, Tillie Wiecek.
Su ex suegra, Tillie Wiecek, me dio su dirección.
No, that's what Tillie might think.
No. Eso pensará Tillie.
Did you contribute to the reward money, or did Tillie earn all that by herself?
¿ Contribuyó para la recompensa o Tillie ganó todo el dinero sola?
Oh, you mustn't regard me as company, Tillie.
No me considere una visita, Tillie.
I really can't stay, Tillie.
No puedo quedarme, Tillie.
- Tillie, I must tell you this.
- Tillie, tengo que decirle algo.
But don't you see, Tillie?
Pero ¿ no se da cuenta, Tillie?
I can't tell you how sorry I am, Tillie.
No se imagina cuánto lo siento, Tillie.
No, Tillie.
No, Tillie.
Stella, Joan, Lucy, Martha, Tillie, Patsy, Lucille - Deedee?
Stella, Joan, Lucy, Martha, Tillie, Patsy, Lucille. ¿ Deedee?
And Tillie, professionally known as the Titillating Twister from Tennessee.
YTillie, cuyo sobrenombre artístico era el Tornado Estimulante de Tennessee.
That'll be $ 20. - Tillie, Herman.
- 20 dólares. ¿ Tilly, Herman?
Tillie, Herman.
¿ Tilly, Herman?
- No, your Aunt Tillie.
- No, con tu tío Tillie.
Come meet Tillie.
Ven a conocer a Tillie.
Tillie, this is Dr. Prentice.
Tillie, él es el doctor Prentice.
She helps Tillie during the week.
Ayuda a Tillie entre semana.
Oh, Tillie, I'm sorry.
Tillie, lo siento.
Tillie's made us some sandwiches.
Tillie nos hizo unos emparedados.
Thank you, Tillie.
Gracias, Tillie.
- Tillie said there was a doctor here.
- Tillie dijo que había un doctor aquí.
Tillie said...
Tillie dijo...
Tillie's behaving very strangely today. Would you like coffee?
Tillie se ha comportado muy extraña hoy. ¿ Quieres café?
You haven't asked your mother, and there's Tillie.
No le has preguntado a tu madre, tampoco a Tillie.
You'll tell Tillie, won't you?
¿ Tú le dirás a Tillie, verdad?
I forgot to tell Tillie something.
Olvidé decirle algo a Tillie.
I'd better tell Tillie.
Le avisaré a Tillie.
No, Tillie's baked some pies.
No, Tillie horneó unos pasteles.
I don't know, Tillie.
No lo sé, Tillie.
We're not ready, Tillie.
No estamos listos, Tillie.
The day began for me when I walked into this house and Tillie said to me...
El día comenzó para mí, cuando llegué a casa y Tillie me dijo...
¡ Tillie!
Sit down, Tillie.
Siéntate, Tillie.
Well, Tillie, when the hell are we gonna get some dinner?
¿ Tillie, cuándo diablos servirás la cena?
Ah, Tillie, look at the baby doll.
Tillie, mira las muñecas.
- Tillie and Mac.
- Tilliey Mac.
It's all right, Miss Tillie.
No hay problema, Srta. Tillie.
I will now take my partner, Miss Tillie Wong... out of her state of hypnosis.
Ahora sacaré a mi compañera, la Srta. Tillie Wong... de su estado de hipnosis.
A round of applause, ladies and gentlemen, for Miss Tillie.
Aplausos, por favor, para la Srta. Tillie.
I have money.
Tengo dinero. Tillie.
Tillie, don't you think I look kinda cute?
¿ Qué piensas Tillie?
Tillie, thank you so much for taking my boy along and doing all this.
Tille, muchas gracias por llevar a mi hijo y por hacer todo esto.
- Aunt Tillie and Uncle Harry are here.
Llegaron la tía Tillie y el tío Harry.
Sorry, Tillie.
No sabemos nada de ti y tememos por tu salud. Lo siento, Tillie.
Tillie. Come on out.
Sal de ahí.

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