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Towne translate Spanish

165 parallel translation
Well, if it ain't Langdon Towne, my educated friend.
¡ Langdon Towne! ¡ Mi cultivado amigo!
Langdon Towne is my guest.
If you're here to say something to him, say it to me also.
Langdon Towne es mi invitado. Si quiere hablar, hágalo delante de mí.
Ever since I've been a little boy, I... " Langdon Towne.
Me gustan los mapas desde que era pequeño.
Harvard College. " Hmm. Quite an eye for detail.
" "Langdon Towne, Harvard" "...
Towne. Major wants you.
Towne, el mayor te busca.
Come on, Towne, get up.
¡ Towne, de pie!
Keep a report of this, Towne.
Tome nota, Towne.
I want Towne to make a report.
Que Towne haga el informe.
Where's Towne? Have you seen Towne?
¿ Alguien le ha visto?
Major. Well? I'd like to go and look after Langdon Towne.
Me gustaría ocuparme de Towne.
You can help Towne more by fighting off the French than by trying to look after him when he can look after himself.
Ayúdele combatiendo a los franceses. Puede ocuparse de sí mismo.
We'll meet Towne and everybody at Eagle Mountain.
Nos encontraremos con Towne y los demás en el monte.
See anything of Dunbar's men or Farrington or Towne?
¿ Y los hombres de Dunbar, de Farrington? ¿ Towne?
He's a friend of mine and Langdon Towne's.
Es amigo mío y de Towne.
Where's Towne?
¿ Dónde está Towne?
Towne, you can take over the orderly book again.
Puede dejar el libro de ordenanzas.
Towne... Towne's an educated man.
Él tiene educación.
There. Do you hear what Towne says?
¿ Habéis oído a Towne?
He didn't have a single bite, did he, Towne?
Ni un bocado. ¿ No es cierto? Nada.
Picked up at Fifth and Towne asleep in the gutter.
Detenido en la Quinta y Towne dormido en la calle.
Colonel Towne and Lieutenant Canellis are cooperating with us.
El coronel y el Teniente están colaborando con nosotros.
Well I'm Jack Towne the first and the last thing I want to think is kids, so here's to...
Bueno, yo soy Jack Towne el primero y en lo último que pienso es en hijos. Así que... Si, sin chicos...
I'd rather drink with those snail pellets from Gary's Old Towne Tavern.
Prefiero beber con esas bolitas caracol de Gary Old Towne Tavern.
Old Towne Tavern!
Old Towne Tavern!
- Old Towne Tavern!
- Old Towne Tavern!
We begin our coverage with Edward Towne in London.
Comenzamos conectando con Edward Towne, desde Londres.
Edward Towne, London.
- Edward Towne, Londres.
If you'd like to learn more about colonial times... we could take a field trip to Olde Springfield Towne.
Si quieres saber más de la época colonial podemos ir de excursión al Antiguo Pueblo de Springfield.
Out comes the phone, in flies Bobby Towne... and six drafts later, I had myself a party.
Aparece un teléfono, entra Bobby Towne y seis borradores después, estaba celebrando.
Bates and Towne opened the door from the inside.
Bates y Towne abrieron la puerta desde adentro.
Two seconds later, 3-1 Charlie Officers Towne and Bates... call and say they're responding. Okay.
Dos segundos después, los Oficiales del 3-1 Charlie, Towne y Bates respondieron al llamado.
Bates and Towne said that they were on meal break in their sector... when they got the call.
Bates y Towne dijeron que estaban en una pausa en su sector al recibir el llamado.
Bates and Towne?
¿ Bates y Towne?
We couldn't nail him until we found out that Bates, Towne, and Murray... have been guarding his shipments for the past year and a half.
No pudimos arrestarlo hasta averiguar que Bates, Towne y Murray vigilaban sus cargamentos hace un año y medio.
We gave him immunity in exchange for his testimony against... Bates, Towne, and Farnsworth.
Le dimos inmunidad a cambio de declarar contra Bates, Towne y Farnsworth.
You may have flipped Murray, but I still have Bates and Towne.
Quizá usted tenga a Murray, pero aún tengo a Bates y a Towne.
Bates and Towne came to me, said Karen was onto us... and we got to shut her up.
Bates y Towne se me acercaron, dijeron que Karen sospechaba y que había que callarla.
A friend of Towne's saw her talking to a known member of the rat squad.
Un amigo de Towne la vio hablando a un miembro de los soplones.
Said Murray, Bates, Towne tried to kill me.
Que Murray, Bates y Towne quisieron matarme.
D.A. is indicting Bates and Towne for rape.
El Fiscal acusará a Bates y Towne de violación.
A hundred years the Townes have rigged-out ships.
Hace un siglo que los Towne aparejan barcos con buena fortuna.
How about you, Towne?
¿ Se siente con fuerzas para ser el primero?
Towne, you and Marriner go with me.
Towne y Marriner conmigo.
Come on, Towne.
Vamos, Towne.
We've got to get moving.
¿ Dónde está Towne?
Crofton, have you seen Langdon Towne? No!
¿ Has visto a Towne?
Towne's wounded.
Towne está herido.
Si quiere buscar a Towne.
You want to look for Towne, your duty's done here.
Es el momento.
Ranger Towne!
¡ Ranger Towne!

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