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Tryin translate Spanish

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We're out here on our own dime, tryin'to catch some of these dogs.
Estamos aquí por cuenta propia, intentamos atrapar a estos perros.
He got shot by a guard during'a truck heist. Actually, tryin'to save Mad Dog.
Le disparó un guardia mientras robaban un camión, por salvar a Perro Loco.
- I'm tryin'to see where we might fall. - Sit the...
- Intento ver adónde podemos caer.
♪ What a day to die tryin
Vaya dia para morir intentando
He was chasin'fats domino, tryin'to sign him.
El estuvo persiguiendo dominos gordos, tratando de que lo firmen.
You're tryin'to sabotage me.
Estas tratando de sabotearme.
but you still are my brother, and I know you're just tryin'to be happy.
pero aun eres mi hermano, y se que solo estas tratando de ser feliz.
I got my G.E.D. I got certified as a mechanic. Now I'm tryin'to stay clean no matter what.
Estudié, conseguí el diploma de mecánico y ahora intento vivir honradamente.
He's tryin'to track down some guy from Georgia.
Está intentando localizar a un tipo de Georgia.
Tryin'to come up with a gift - something that says, "I love you, but I can't marry you."
Intento encontrar un regalo- - algo que diga "te amo, pero no puedo casarme contigo".
You probably remember me as that little screw-up kid, tryin'to raise hell like you and Andre used to.
Me recordarás como ese chiquillo travieso... haciendo diabluras como Andrey tú.
I ain't tryin to think about that stuff.
Trato de no pensar en eso.
I'm just tryin'to make sure the weight is right.
Sólo quiero ver que el peso sea el indicado.
I ain't tryin'to hurt no!
¡ No quería lastimar a nadie, [blip]!
The police ain't gonna come,'cause, you know, they tryin'to get out of the way for the hurricane too.
La policía no vendrá, le están sacando la vuelta al huracán.
# The nigga be tryin'to holla Broads be playa-hatin'#
Los negros me quieren Las negras me odian
# Tryin'to swallow me up but I was determined to make it #
Intentando tragarme pero yo decidí salvarme
# See me walk for makin'groceries tryin'to make it home #
Caminando para comprar las provisiones y volver a casa
# Tryin'to stop from clicking'over to the next page #
Tratando de no dar el siguiente paso
# The niggas be tryin'to holla Broads be playa-hatin'#
Los negros me quieren Las negras me odian
# Tryin'to get me on that coke and turn me into a ho #
Quiso volverme adicta a la coca y hacerme prostituta
# Thirsty like a damn dog tryin'to get somethin'to eat #
Sedientos como perros y muy hambrientos
I... I... I ain't tryin to keep up with Billy.
No compito con Billy.
You tryin'to tell me you ain't the least bit curious about Leon... why God brought the two of you together?
¿ Intentas decirme que Leon no te provoca nada de curiosidad? ¿ Por qué Dios los unió a ustedes dos?
Another dream... she was tryin'to pick a apple off a tree, but she's a squirt.
Intenta alcanzar una manzana de un árbol, pero es una inútil.
You're been intentionally tryin to accidentally run into those janitor guys again, haven't you?
He tratado intencionalmente de encontrarme accidentalmente con los conserjes, ¿ tú no?
We wasn't tryin'to kill him.
No pretendíamos matarle.
Look, they're working their way to the surface, tryin'to get out.
Mira, Se dirigen hacia la superficie, tratan de salir.
Well, not for lack of tryin'.
Bueno, no por falta de intentarlo.
Lord knows how hard they've been tryin'... the normal way.
Dios sabe con cuánto esfuerzo lo han intentado... del modo normal.
I was tryin'to be like you.
Estaba tratando de ser como tú.
They're only tryin to bring peace.
Sólo tratan de llevar paz.
What we're tryin'to do here, son, is protect the Ten Commandments.
Lo que tratamos de hacer aquí, es proteger los 10 Mandamientos.
You tryin'to protect someone?
¿ Intentas proteger a alguien?
I kept tryin to put pen to paper.
Seguí tratando de poner la pluma al papel.
Hey, i think wooldoor's Tryin'to communicate through blinking'.
Oye, creo que Wooldoor trata de comunicarse guiñando.
It's not flyin'solo, being reckless, Goin'off half-cocked, tryin'to be a hero.
No es volar solo, ser descuidado, precipitarse y tratar de ser un héroe.
And The Silliest Thing, I Kept Tryin'To Yank It Off, And It Wouldn't Come Off. My Finger Just Kept Getting More And More Swollen.
Lo gracioso es que mientras más trato de sacarlo mi dedo sigue hinchándose.
Are You Tryin'To Tell Me Something?
¿ Tratas de decirme algo?
I'm Not Tryin'To Force A Decision.
- No intento forzar una decisión. - Sí, lo sé.
They tryin'to... McCain just got that old story.
McCain tiene esa vieja historia.
No, no intento disgustarte.
- You tryin'to bluff me?
¿ Trata de engañarme?
He's probably just tryin'to get out of trouble for stealin'.
Probablemente esté tratando de zafarse del problema de robar.
Look, Oscar, you need to return the money you stole... and quit tryin'to freak me out.
Mira, O-Scar tienes que devolver el dinero que robaste y dejar de intentar asustarme.
It's not real. Then how come I'm tryin'to kiss you?
Entonces, ¿ cómo es posible que esté intentando besarte?
No, freak, I'm tryin'to tell you, My brother's near your house.
No, tontita, intento decirte que mi hermano está cerca de tu casa.
Tryin'to get them to wanna leave under their own volition.
Intentar hacer que se quieran ir bajo su propia voluntad.
And who'll be watchin'for anyone tryin'to make contact with the family.
Y quienes estarán vigilando que nadie logre contactar con la familia.
* Yeah, And If She Had To Die Tryin'*
* Sí, y si tuviera que morir intentándolo. *
- I'm tryin', Terry.
Lo intento tan duro como puedo.

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