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Unjustly translate Spanish

248 parallel translation
As man to man, I will confide in you that for years I have been hounded, most unjustly, by my creditors.
Voy a hablar con usted de hombre a hombre sepa que llevo años siendo acosado, injustamente, por mis acreedores.
I came to save a friend of the people, who was unjustly accused.
Vine a salvar a un amigo del pueblo que fue acusado injustamente.
We only ask you to try, ladies and gentlemen try and realize that an unjustly accused man sits in this court. Sits waiting, not in vain, I pray, for the young couple to step forward and say the words that will definitely establish his innocence.
Sólo les pido, damas y caballeros que intenten creer que el hombre que está ahí sentado... ha sido acusado injustamente y espero que no espere en vano.
Unjustly, Your Majesty.
- No es justo, Majestad.
Joe Rocke unjustly punished for crime committed by Butcher Dagan.
Joe Rocke castigado injustamente por crimen cometido por "Carnicero" Dagan.
We'll be punishing 246 of them unjustly.
Así castigamos injustamente a 246.
I'm afraid I treated you unjustly.
He estado a punto de ser injusto con Ud.
No woman shall succeed in Salic land - which Salic land the French unjustly gloze to be the realm of France.
en tierra sálica. Los franceses alegan injustamente que esa tierra sálica es el reino de Francia.
He would not unjustly demand the death of peace-loving men of good faith and an impetuous child.
No exigiría injustamente la muerte de hombres de buena fe amantes de la paz y de un niño impetuoso.
I hurt you so much, so unjustly.
Le hice tanto daño, tan injustamente.
You told me yesterday that once when you were a child... your father was angry at you, quite unjustly.
Ayer me dijo que una vez, cuando era niña su padre se enojó con Ud. injustamente.
Many convicted unjustly.
Muchos condenados injustamente.
And unjustly.
Y por motivos injustos.
I was afraid madam would accuse me unjustly.
Temía que la señora me acusaría injustamente.
I think caligula treated you unjustly.
Creo que calígula fue injusto contigo.
- Then he was relieved unjustly?
- Le relevaron injustamente?
If criticised, would he feel unjustly persecuted?
Debe pensar que todos le persiguen?
Those who have falsified God's law unjustly hold power and property.
Aquellos que han falsificado la ley de Dios injustamente consiguen poder y riquezas.
It's my feeling that a full hearing of this case could serve no purpose... except to damage, unjustly, the prestige of the Department.
Creo que una investigación a fondo del caso no servirá de nada... salvo para dañar injustamente el prestigio del Departamento.
Are there in this castle any wretched, oppressed, unjustly condemned, or captives?
¿ Hay en este castillo, desdichados, oprimidos,... injustamente condenados o cautivos?
Unjustly convicted, we remind you, who are free.
Los injustamente cautivos te recordamos que eres libre.
St. Crispin, you see, you know how unjustly I have been insulted, do nothing for me do a blind eye.
San Crispín, tú lo ves, tú sabes cuan injustamente he sido insultado, no hagas nada por mí, haz la vista gorda.
The unjustly accused can't help but be miserable.
Eso es cuando estás asqueado, por no haber merecido serlo.
That you accused him unjustly.
Que lo acusó injustamente.
Of course I accused him unjustly.
Claro que lo acusé injustamente.
If one finds a brother has treated someone unjustly... are you obliged to make amends?
Si uno se entera de que ha cometido una injusticia con una persona tiene que repararla, ¿ no?
.. le they chargeed unjustly and falsely of the crimes. .. e, finally, they condemned it iniquamente and they burnt it on the rogo.
.. la acusaron injustamente Y falsamente de crímenes..... y finalmente la condenaron a quemar en la hoguera.
And if Peyrac accused unjustly, father Kirsher will save him.
Si no es culpable de ningún comercio diabólico, el resto dependerá de Dios.
An innocent man has been unjustly imprisoned.
Un hombre inocente ha sido injustamente encarcelado.
Because I accused you unjustly, you were determined to prove me wrong.
Os acusé injustamente, así que te decidiste a demostrar mi error.
Now, rather than accuse this person unjustly, I have had this woman chaser followed.
Entonces, en lugar de acusar injustamente a esa persona... hice seguir a ese mujeriego.
Arthur would never banish the knights so unjustly.
Arturo no les hubiera desterrado tan injustamente.
Unjustly ignored grievances stir patriots awake!
La gente no para de suicidarse debido al mundo desesperado.
- He will not let you condemn unjustly.
- No os permitirá condenar injustamente.
If I am to rule, keep my sanity, and hold England off the rocks, and as you say, God would not allow me to condemn unjustly.
Tengo que regir, conservarme íntegro y librar a Inglaterra de los peligros. Y como tú dices, Dios no me permitiría condenar injustamente.
It's the man who has never sed one's blood... but who is now willing shed his own in order to revenge... half of the unjustly treated backlands.
Es un hombre que nunca derramó sangre de nadie, pero que ahora está dispuesto a derramar su sangre para vengar... la mitad de este desierto maltratado.
Master, maybe you've blamed him unjustly
Maestro, quizá lo está culpando injustamente.
"Listen to me well, the people of Athens are prepared to put up with the tyranny of The Thirty, but Alcibiades, who you unjustly scorn, will do everything to get rid of this tyranny".
"Oídme bien, " el pueblo de Atenas está dispuesto a soportar la tiranía de los Treinta, pero Alcibíades, al que injustamente despreciáis, "hará lo que sea para abatirla."
You're dying unjustly.
¡ Vas a morir injustamente!
This creature, though she may be innocent, is treated like a criminal, while everybody unjustly prospers.
Esta criatura, aunque ella puede ser inocente, Es tratado como un criminal, Mientras todo el mundo prospera injustamente.
I still adore the great leader, though he's unjustly sentenced me.
Yo aún adoro al gran jefe, si bien que la prisión me da lo que no merezco.
I've been treated most unjustly, first by Father and then by you.
He sido tratado injustamente, primero el padre y luego por usted.
I've been treated most unjustly, first by Father and then by you.
No me molestaré. Me schnorre un cigarro y digo "Farewell".
You will be pleased to know that during these days I have concerned myself with obtaining a pardon for the life of Joakin from the judges of this city, the peasant who was unjustly accused of homicide.
Estareís encantada de saber que durante estos días me he preocupado por obtener un indulto de los jueces de esta ciudad para la vida de Joakin, el campesino que fue injustamente acusado de homicidio.
Unjustly exiled to French soil.
Injustamente exiliado en tierras francesas.
When a man is abused unjustly by any form of authority all men are responsible ;
Cuando se abusa injustamente de un hombre por cualquier tipo de autoridad todos los hombres son responsables ;
Three people from this area were unjustly sent to jail for several years.
En esta zona hay tres personas inocentes. que han sufrido años de cárcel, sin culpa alguna.
I've served 52 years unjustly.
He tenido cincuentaydos de vida injusta.
Anarchy, the mother of order, will level up what has risen unjustly.
La anarquía, madre del orden, nivelará a los que se han elevado injustamente.
- You charge me most unjustly.
- Me acusas injustamente.
Barra was unjustly accused... of stealing money. First :
Tu ahora irás a ver al Juez para confirmar todo lo que me has dicho.

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