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Veda translate Spanish

383 parallel translation
He was caught and charged with three crimes. Poaching with a snare, trapping a bird that shouldn't be killed, and out of season at that.
Fue agarrado y acusado de tres delitos cazar furtivamente, hacerlo con trampas... y atrapar pájaros que no podían ser matados, en época de veda.
I guess it's always open season on football coaches.
Supongo que nunca hay veda para los entrenadores de fútbol.
Two girls, Veda and Kay.
Dos niñas : Veda y Kay.
For Veda?
¿ Para Veda?
That Veda.
Esa Veda.
Bert, if you ever dare touch Veda, I'll- -
No te atrevas a tocar a Veda, o- -
Veda needs a piano, lessons and fancy dresses so she can smirk her way through a piece a talented 5-year-old could play.
Veda necesita piano y ropa. Para tocar una pieza que tocaría una criatura.
Veda has talent.
Tiene talento.
That's a lovely piece, Veda.
Hermosa pieza, Veda.
- Please, Veda. lt wasn't Mrs. Biederhof.
- Veda. No fue por ella.
- Veda! You awake? - Yes, Mother.
- Veda, ¿ estás despierta?
Veda, does a new house mean so much to you that you would trade me for it?
¿ Significa tanto una casa nueva, que me canjearías por ella?
- l love you, Veda.
- Te amo, Veda.
I was able to afford an expensive singing teacher for Veda and a good dancing school for Kay.
Pude pagar un profesor de canto para Veda y danzas para Kay.
One thing worried me. That some day Veda would find out I was a waitress.
Pero temía que Veda descubriera que yo era mesera.
- Miss Veda.
- La Srta. Veda.
Miss Veda gave it to you?
¿ La Srta. Veda?
- Veda.
- Veda.
Veda wants to know where her new bathing suit is.
Veda busca su traje de baño nuevo.
- Of Veda.
- En Veda.
- All right, of Veda.
- Bueno, sí.
Kay's twice the girl Veda is and always will be.
Kay es mejor niña que Veda.
- Maybe that's why I try to please Veda.
- Quizá por eso complazco a Veda.
Please, God, don't ever let anything happen to Veda!
¡ Por favor, Dios, que nada le pase a Veda!
- And it says your name is Veda.
- Y el suyo es Veda.
- Where does it say "Veda"?
- ¿ Dónde dice "Veda"?
- Maybe Veda will lend me a pair.
- Quizá Veda me preste.
- Take Veda home. - What?
Llévala a casa.
I needed it for Veda.
Para Veda.
Veda was growing up.
Veda estaba creciendo.
Veda likes him.
A Veda le gusta.
- A $ 1 800 birthday present for Veda.
- El regalito para Veda.
It's Veda.
Es Veda.
- Stay away from Veda.
- Aléjate de Veda.
- l've worked hard to give Veda the things I never had.
- Trabajé y le di lo que no tuve.
I don't think you understand Veda very well.
No entiendes a Veda.
Worst of all, you're interfering with my plans for Veda.
Interfieres en lo que planeo para Veda.
You want Veda and your business and a nice, quiet life.
Quieres a Veda, trabajo, buena vida.
I know you've had expenses taking Veda out.
Has tenido gastos paseando a Veda.
- Don't I, Veda?
- ¿ No, Veda?
- Veda hasn't told you?
- ¿ Veda no le contó?
- Do you mean they're engaged, Veda and Ted?
- ¿ Están comprometidos?
Why should Veda want to marry your son if he doesn't want to marry her?
¿ Por qué querría casarse si él no quiere?
Veda, I want to talk to you.
Veda, quiero hablarte.
- Veda was trying to spare you.
- Quiso ahorrarte la molestia.
I'm sorry about that, Veda.
Lo lamento, Veda.
Veda doesn't love this boy.
Veda no lo ama.
Miss Veda Pierce.
Srta. Veda Pierce.
¡ Veda!
Get out, Veda.
Vete, Veda.

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