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Verte translate Spanish

61,357 parallel translation
- Nice to see you.
- Fue lindo verte.
Used to watch you take it out and cry over it in your bedroom.
Solía verte sacarla y llorar encima de ella en tu dormitorio.
I was surprised not to see you at the Rite of Mourning.
Me sorprendió no verte en el Rito de Luto.
I get this weird text to meet you here at, like, 11 : 00 at night?
He recibido este mensaje raro de venir a verte aquí a las, ¿ once de la noche?
Seeing you here, drink in hand, all smiles, it makes me sick.
Verte aquí, con la copa en la mano y sonriendo, me pone enferma.
It's good to see you, too.
También me da gusto verte.
I'd like to see you try it.
Me gustaría verte intentándolo.
Maybe I get off on watching you grovel.
Tal vez solo me gusta verte rogar.
Actually, I was thinking we could meet in the city, have some dinner, like old times.
De hecho, estaba pensando verte en la ciudad y cenar juntos. Como antes.
Aw, it's nice to see you, Nancy.
- Me alegra verte, Nancy.
- Un gusto verte.
Oh, sweetheart, I came to see you, not your place.
Cariño, vine a verte a ti, no tu casa.
He came all the way out here to see you.
Vino hasta aquí para verte.
It's kind of weird seeing you smoke out here, you know?
Es raro verte fumar aquí.
I'm just happy to see your face.
Me alegra verte la cara.
- He's happy to see you. - Oh...
Está feliz de verte.
- Can I come watch you? - No.
- ¿ Puedo ir a verte?
It's good to see you, Maddie.
- Fue bueno verte, Maddie.
Oh, it's so good to see you.
Oh, es tan bueno verte.
It was good seeing you, dude.
Fue bueno verte, amigo.
I won't agree to see you again.
No estaré de acuerdo en verte de nuevo.
I wasn't expecting to see you today.
No esperaba verte hoy.
She didn't believe I was here for you.
No se creía que estaba aquí para verte.
John Diggle, it's good to see you.
John Diggle, me alegro de verte.
Is--is this mood because you got pulled back into some Bratva drama?
¿ Estás de este humor porque vuelves a verte implicado en algún drama de la Bratva?
Oh, so good to see you.
Qué bueno verte.
- Am I ever gonna see you again?
- ¿ Voy a verte alguna vez?
- It's nice to see you, Curtis.
- Es bueno verte, Curtis.
I'd like to see you in my office, please.
Quisiera verte en mi oficina, por favor.
Oliver, I really think that you should be checked out by an actual doctor.
Oliver, realmente creo que debería verte un médico de verdad.
I had to see you.
Tenía que verte.
Got to say it's good to see you up and walking again.
Tengo que decir que me alegra verte de pie y caminando otra vez.
It's good to see you.
Me alegro de verte.
It's nice to see you, too.
También me alegro de verte.
It's- - it's great to see you.
Es... es genial verte.
- Hi, oh it is so good to see you.
Hola, es bueno volver a verte.
- You said it, not me, anyway i don't wanna keep you, but it is so nice to see you again.
Lo has dicho tú, no yo, no te interrumpiré más. Me alegro de volver a verte.
I thought I was never gonna see you again.
Pensé que nunca volvería a verte.
He left. Nick, I really need to see you.
Nick, necesito verte con urgencia.
Just wanted to see you.
Solo quería verte.
Good to see you too, Francis.
Es bueno verte también, Francis.
Despite the satisfaction it would give me to see you arrested...
A pesar de la satisfacción que me daría verte arrestada...
I'm sure they'd love to see it too.
Seguro que ambos quieren verte.
I look forward to hearing...
Espero verte pron...
It's nice to see you again.
Me alegra verte de nuevo.
Nice to see you, too.
También me alegra verte.
Hi, uh, I've been thinking a lot, and I would really like to see you again.
Hola. Lo he estado pensando mucho y me gustaría volver a verte.
I guess that's why I thought I should come back and see you again.
Creo que por eso sentí que tenía que volver a verte.
I'm happy to see you.
Me alegra verte.
I'm happy to see you.
Me da gusto verte.
- It's so good to see you.
- Me alegra verte.

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