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Violin translate Spanish

2,211 parallel translation
He's quit the violin...
Abandonó el violín.
Quit violin?
¿ Abandonó el violín?
He thinks his violin is the reason for our fights...
Cree que su violín es la razón de nuestras peleas.
There's no reason to quit violin... and there is absolutely no reason to play football...
No hay razón para dejar el violín... y no hay razón alguna para jugar al fútbol.
But only cool dudes play the violin...
Pero... solo los mejores tocan el violín.
You can play violin as much as you want from today...
Puedes tocar el violín tanto como desees a partir de hoy.
Go on play the violin...
¡ Adelante! Ve a tocar el violín.
You play the violin in the forward position...
Y tú tocas el violín en la delantera.
Violin doesn't have a forward...
El violín no tiene un delantero.
I used to play the violin, very, very badly.
Solía tocar el violín, pero muy mal.
I play a few pieces myself on the violin.
Yo toco algo el violín.
Some kids to play violin on the track.
Unos chicos tocando violín en el tema.
He plays piano, violin...
Toca piano, violín...
- No, dude, it's like a giant violin.
- No. Es como un violín gigante.
It's like the comic who gets to play Carnegie Hall but shows up and plays the violin.
No la pierdas dando una imagen que no es la tuya.
You there with the violin.
El del violín.
That violin must have some story.
Este violín debe tener una historia.
I think it was the violin man... that said the smell was coming from me.
Creo que era el hombre del violín... que dijo que el olor era mío.
You're gonna tell me you don't get chills every time you hear the violin
Me vas a decir que no te relajas cada vez que oyes el violín
All the emperor needs is a toga and a violin while Farmington burns. They offered you that job first.
Nerón sólo necesita una toga y un violín mientras Farmington arde.
Oh. Well I was at the park. Where I was practicing my violin.
Bueno yo estaba en el parque, tocando mi violin
You're gonna obsess about what to feed it and where to send it to school and whether it should take violin or piano.
Te obsesionará lo que le das de comer... y dónde enviarlo a la escuela y si deberá... tocar el violín o el piano.
i picked up the violin at 6 years old.
Cogí el violín a los 6 años.
I risk my life to bring a fugitive to justice, and you're giving me world's tiniest violin.
Arriesgué mi vida para traer a un fugitivo para que le juzguen y tú me estás dando el violin más pequeño de todo el mundo.
She plays violin.
- Toca el violín.
Because we all played violin, and I started playing fiddle and I was really jealous of her playing the fiddle, because whatever I would do, she would do better- like sports, whatever.
Porque todos tocábamos violín, y yo empecé a tocar el violín y estaba muy envidiosa de que ella lo hiciera, porque lo que fuere que yo hacía, ella lo hacía mejor... - deportes, lo que fuere.
She plays violin.
Ella toca el violín.
A Lady With A Violin,... Playing To The Seals
# # # A Lady With A Violin... # # # Una Mujer Con Un Violin... # # #... Playing To The Seals. # # #... Tocando Para Las Focas.
I seen your gangster ass playing violin in your grandmama's house with a powder-blue suit and wide-ass lapels.
Yo he visto tu culo de gánster tocando el violín en casa de tu abuela con un traje azul claro con solapas anchas.
She gets straight A's, right? She plays violin?
Es una niña de dieces y toca el violín.
Yeah. It's from my violin case.
Sip, es por culpa de la caja de mi violin.
All right, I'm confused. Who died and why do you want to see my violin?
Muy bien, estoy perdido, quien ha muerto y porqué quieren ver mi violin?
To be fair, it's not really your violin, is it?
A decir verdad, no es exactamente su violin, verdad?
And it's not just a violin, though, is it?
Además, no es solo "un" violin, verdad? Es un Stradivarius, vale... que, un millon? Quiero decir.
Running off to Vegas with Oliver's violin? You could see how that might look to a jury.
Huyendo a Las Vegas con el violin de Oliver, puede imaginar el resultado en un juzgado.
I have proof that my brother loaned me the violin for my audition.
No tengo pruebas de que mi hermano me dejase su violin para mi audicion
I understand the violin was stolen from the safe deposit box.
He oido que el violin ha sido robado de las cajas de seguridad?
Well, it doesn't do me a lot of good without a violin.
No se puede hacer gran cosa sin violin.
I think the least I can do is comp your stay and get you a violin. You know? Thank you.
Creo que lo menos que puedo hacer es regalarle su estancia y conseguirle un violin, de acuerdo?
Let's just hope that Mackey leads us to the fiddle. Do we have 340?
Esperemos que Mackey nos lleve al violin..
As a matter of fact, I have a friend that's looking for a violin. A Stradivarius.
En realidad, tengo un amigo, que está buscando un violin, un Stradivarius.
But I'm really looking for one violin in particular.
Pero busco un violin en particular.
The violin just vanished. Poof!
Le violin acaba justo de desaparecer.
See, now, whoever has the ring has the violin, which is good. Because it could save me from having one of those, irrational moments.
Sabe a lo que me refiero, el que tenga el trofeo, tiene el violin, lo que no está nada mal porque eso me evitaria tener que ponerme en uno de esos estados donde reaccionaria disproporcionalmente a la situacion.
Well, someone contacted me earlier. Said that they had a newly acquired violin and a Super Bowl ring.
Enfin, mmm, una gente me ha llamado antes diciendome que habian adquirido un nuevo violin y un anillo de la Superbowl ademas de algunas otras joyas de coleccion.
He went back looking for the violin.
Volvio en busca del violin.
What's that, violin?
¿ Violín?
The violin?
Al violin.
it's a violin.
Es un violin.
Maybe you'd rather use Oliver's violin.
Pienso que tendria que usar el violin de Oliver.
Everything was about that violin.
Todo giraba alrededor de ese violin.

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