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Walleye translate Spanish

29 parallel translation
¡ Walleye!
He's hooked Walleye!
¡ Ha pescado a Walleye!
You've got Walleye.
Ha cogido a Walleye.
- Walleye.
- A Walleye.
To Walleye, king of trout.
Por Walleye, la reina de las truchas.
You suffer from legislative walleye!
Eso es extravio legislativo
I've got walleye vision.
Soy estrábico.
Might find a walleye in there.
A lo mejor encuentra una perca.
Catch me a walleye.
Tráeme un bacalao.
A walleye.
- Un ojizarco.
The Americans were now using a new generation of smart bombs including the Walleye television guided weapon which had been operational in Vietnam since 1966.
Los americanos usaban ahora una nueva generación de bombas inteligentes que había estado operativa en Vietnam desde 1966.
The Walleye Saloon.
El "Walleye Saloon".
Ol'Bill was a big walleye, believe you me.
El viejo Bill era un pez gordo, créanme.
I just read that the mayor of Winnipeg's nephew went ice fishing and caught himself a 16-pound walleye.
Acabo de leer que el sobrino del gobernador de Winnipeg ganó un concurso porque pescó un walleye de 7 Kilos.
And the sauger and the walleye dangling from it, huh?
¿ Y la perca y la lucioperca colgando de él, eh? ...
Floyd and I helped Herb catch that walleye, you germs.
Floyd y yo ayudamos a Herb a atrapar ese pescado, gérmenes.
Floyd and I helped Herb catch that walleye.
Floyd y yo ayudamos a Herb a pillar ese bizco.
They caught, like, this 15-pound walleye.
Pescaron uno de 7 kilos
The only place to get a walleye that big in Tennessee is Boone lake.
El único lugar para conseguir una perca tan grande en Tennessee es en el Lago Boone.
Hope there are walleye in the lake today.
Espero que hoy haya muchas percas en el lago.
These walleye are crafty bastards.
Estos bizcos son unos malditos astutos.
You finally ready to try your hand at catching some walleye?
¿ Por fin estás lista para intentar atrapar algunos lucios?
It was a really, really nice piece of walleye, Cruz...
Realmente era un buen pedazo de lucioperca, Cruz...
¡ Una perca!
He came back with walleye.
Volvió con una perca.
Well, walleye are found in deep water with hard, rocky bottoms, or weed beds in shallow lakes.
Bueno, la perca se encuentra en aguas profundas con fondos rocosos, duros, o camas de malezas en lagos poco profundos.
You perform four nights a week at the Walleye Nook.
Cantas en el Walleye Nook.
A ti te llamaban Galúa, ¿ no?

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