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Waring translate Spanish

245 parallel translation
I told you I didn't want you following me around, Waring.
Le dije que no quiero que me siga, Waring.
What is it, Waring?
¿ Qué pasa, Waring?
¡ Waring!
Fred Waring, Kay Kyser, Glenn Miller.
Fred Waring, Kay Kyser, Glenn Miller.
I must drink to this occasion, Captain Waring.
Brindo por esa ocasión, capitán Waring.
says he, "is Jamie Waring."
"Entre sus invitados"... dice él, "está Jamie Waring".
Waring is my name, but those who... love me call me Jamie-Boy.
Me llamo Waring, pero los que... me tienen cariño me llaman pequeño Jamie.
Your seat, Captain Waring.
Tú aquí, capitán Waring.
Jamie Waring. Come on, Jamie-Boy.
Jamie Waring, vamos, pequeño Jamie.
Hey, Barney. More ale for Captain Waring.
Más cerveza para Waring, Barney.
- Gentlemen, to Captain Waring... my loyal right hand at Government House.
- Por el capitán Waring. El fiel ayudante del gobernador.
- To Jamie Waring!
- Por Jamie Waring...
I never thought I'd live to see Jamie Waring play the snob.
Nunca creí que vería a Jamie Waring de fanfarrón.
Morgan, Waring, Graham, Blue... the whole lot of them.
Ahí les tienen. Morgan, Waring, Graham, Blue... todos ellos.
- Captain Waring, take the Revenge.
- Capitán Waring lleva el "Venganza".
Captain Waring, You come in the nick of time.
Capitán Waring, llegáis en el momento oportuno.
Where are your ships hiding now, Captain Waring?
¿ Dónde se ocultan ahora vuestros barcos, capitán Waring?
They commissioned me to present the case... of Pirate Morgan, Pirate Waring and Pirate Leech to His Majesty.
Me han elegido para presentar el caso... de los piratas Morgan, Waring y Leech ante su Majestad.
I didn't know you were a thief and a housebreaker too, Mr. Waring.
No sabía que eras un ladrón y un arrumbador... de casas también, señor Waring.
I am not interested in your emotions, Mr. Waring.
No me interesan sus emociones, señor Waring.
Your conceit, Mr. Waring, has unhinged your mind.
Vuestra presunción, Sr. Waring, os ha trastornado el juicio.
Don't try any fancy tricks on me, Waring.
No intentes ningún truco, Waring.
You're lying, Waring, you were with him yesterday.
Mientes, Waring, ayer estuviste con él.
There's a hole in it, Waring.
Algo no encaja, Waring.
Madame Waring, daughter of the former... Governor of Jamaica, Lord Denby.
Madame Waring, hija del ex-gobernador... de Jamaica, Lord Denby.
- Captain Waring...
- Capitán Waring...
Your presence is more disturbing... to Madame Waring, I assure you.
Tu presencia es que molesta más... madame Waring, le garantió eso.
Jamie Waring!
¡ Jamie Waring!
Our only chance of getting them back and keeping off... the king's gibbet... is to bring in the heads of Jamie Waring and Billy Leech... with Lady Margaret in good enough repair to bespeak us... as her saviors.
El único modo de recuperarlos y librarnos... de la horca del rey... es si conseguimos las cabezas de Jamie Waring y Billy Leech... y a Lady Margaret en buen estado para... ser sus salvadores.
But if there's a gentleman called Jamie Waring aboard...
Si hay un caballero que se Llama Jamie Waring...
Jamie Waring, that black-livered turncoat!
Jamie Waring, ese maldito traidor.
- Jamie Waring.
- por la boca a Jamie Waring.
I feel exceedingly grateful to Captain Waring for... his hospitality.
Me siento agradecida al capitán Waring por su hospitalidad.
Captain Waring!
¡ Capitán Waring!
Oh, Mr. Waring?
¿ Sr. Waring?
Light up and listen to the shortest 15 minutes on radio with Fred Waring and his Pennsylvanians.
Dispónganse a escuchar los 15 minutos más breves con Fred Waring y sus Pennsylvanians.
And this is Fred Waring and over half-a-hundred Pennsylvanians saying even in sleep, a song is the thing.
Fred Waring y unos 50 Pennsylvanians dicen :
The nation this week mourns the death ofJosiah Waring, world-famous ship magnate, here seen in his last public appearance.
La nación entera esta semana llora la muerte deJosiah Waring... el famoso magnate de la navegación, visto aquí en su última aparición pública.
Josiah Waring, whose rise from steeplejack to head of a great industrial empire... was terminated when he fell to his death from a stepladder at his Long Island estate.
Josiah Waring... cuya ascensión desde limpiador de chimeneas a dueño de un gran imperio industrial... llegó a su fin irónicamente al caer y encontrar la muerte... desde una escalera en su mansión de Long Island.
Here we see him... at the launching of a few of the hundreds of vessels built by the Waring shipyards.
- Aquí lo vemos en la botadura... de varios de los cientos de buques construidos por los astilleros Waring.
Josiah Waring died on Long Island.
- Es imposible, murió en Long Island.
Good evening, Mr. Waring.
Buenas noches, Sr. Waring.
I didn't let them out, Mr. Waring. Stop it!
No los saqué, Sr. Waring. ¡ Quieto!
Arnold Waring, the old boy's nephew.
- Arnold Waring, el sobrino del viejo.
"Arnold Waring, whose loyalty and devotion I heartily reciprocated, " I bequeath the large and munificent sum of...
Arnold Waring, cuya lealtad y devoción he correspondido... le lego la inmensa y munificente suma de...
"And to my other dearly beloved nephew, Jonathan Waring, " who expected nothing from me in life, I bequeath the legal equivalent of nothing : one dollar. "
Y a mi otro queridísimo sobrino, Jonathan Waring... que no esperaba nada de mí en la vida... le lego el equivalente legal de nada : un dólar ".
"The rest, residue and remainder of my estate, " including... 3,000 shares of common stock... or full controlling interest in Waring Industries, Incorporated... "
"El resto, el remanente y lo que queda de mi patrimonio... incluyendo... 3000 acciones ordinarias... o el control de Industrias Waring, S.A...."
"I, Josiah Waring, in the city of New York, state of New York..."
"Yo, Josiah Waring, en la ciudad y el estado de Nueva York..."
I'd like to talk to you about the Waring securities.
Quisiera hablarle de los valores Waring.
Thank you very much, Mr. Waring.
Muchísimas gracias, Sr. Waring.
Old Mr. Waring had the most fantastic ideas.
El Sr. Waring tenía unas ideas fantásticas.

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