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Warped translate Spanish

481 parallel translation
Leave me with your records in peace - they're even more warped than you!
¡ Déjame en paz con tus discos - son más retorcidos que tú!
Don't make your son warped.
No hagas a tu hijo retorcido.
It's a lie growing in his warped imagination.
Es una mentira producto de su imaginación.
And your sick, warped little Soul are driving us out. No, Henry!
Y tu enferma y pequeña alma pervertida la que hace que nos vayamos.
From his warped brain... down to the tiniest argumentative cell of his huge carcass... he's unearthly.
Desde su retorcido cerebro... hasta la menor de las luchadoras células de su enorme armazón, es sobrenatural.
- Yes, Ma! I was getting the seed, and I saw one of the boards warped up, and I stumbled... and - and there it was.
Sí mamá, fui a por el saco de semillas, y vi algo en... el suelo que brillaba y tropecé.
You wanted to be like other women, not warped and twisted and bitter? - Yes.
¿ Una mujer normal y no una amargada?
Warped floors!
¡ Alfombras con relieves!
Such a warped sense of humor.
Qué sentido del humor más perverso.
Si su idea del sacramento del matrimonio es tan retorcida como para permitirle oficiar esta farsa, debería ser secularizado
At last you've seen with your own eyes what we officials have known all along. That this story of the Blessed Virgin was born in a sick and warped mind.
Por fin, veis lo que los oficiales hemos sabido siempre esta historia de la Virgen nació de una mente enferma y retorcida.
- Oh, Prior. Prior.
Lopsided, warped, scrawny, undernourished and overworked.
Encorvados y vencidos, flacos y desnutridos, agotados...
- I don't deny that he's infatuated with you in some warped way of his own. - I don't think so.
Creo que no.
Of course, my wife may feel the country's judgment's a bit warped.
Creo que mi esposa piensa que el juicio del país está algo deformado.
Mother means she wouldn't want your infant mind warped, my pretty.
Mamá piensa en sus orejas inocentes.
That ring looks warped.
Ese aro se ve deforme.
─ Branwell! Really, your sense of humour is becoming more warped every day.
Branwell, tu sentido del humor está llegando a ser cada día más retorcido.
People were human beings to him, but to you, a warped, frustrated old man, they're cattle.
Para él la gente eran seres humanos. Pero para usted, un hombre defraudado y retorcido, son ganado.
You once called me a warped, frustrated old man.
Una vez me llamaste viejo retorcido y frustrado.
What are you but a warped, frustrated young man?
¿ Qué eres tú ahora más que un joven fracasado?
You'd have to add something that appealed to your warped sense of humour.
Tenías que añadir algo para satisfacer tu perverso sentido del humor.
Then you'll become warped and cynical like the rest of them.
Te volverías pervertido y cínico como el resto.
Five whose warped lives were to be a heritage from their teacher,
Cinco hombres cuyas vidas torcidas iban a ser una herencia de su profesor,
The rudder's sluggish, the turnbuckles won't turn... the capstan's rusted, the decks are warped... she's stubby, and high in the water.
La pluma no gira, el timón es pesado,... el cabrestante oxidado, las cubiertas onduladas... y el barco es ancho y de poco calado.
You make me see myself as warped and crooked.
Hace que me vea a mí mismo como ruin y torcido.
It's warped.
Está combada.
- Look, it's warped.
- Mire, se va a romper.
For I believe that in his progress to the chair, or to the insane asylum, that he has reached a way station, where his sick and warped ego demands to be fed with the milk of self - importance.
Porque creo en su progreso hacia la silla eléctrica o el manicomio, ha llegado a un punto en que su mente enfermiza y cruel exige sentirse una persona importante.
"Warped" is the word you're looking for.
Creo que "sádico" es la palabra más adecuada.
Bet it's because the bullet's warped.
La bala debía estar torcida.
Like I said from the beginning, the bullet's warped, warped.
Como dije antes, la bala estaba torcida, torcida.
You've a warped mind!
¡ Tienes una mente retorcida!
They seem to destroy every vestige of the peace and beauty of this morning. Air is foul, the trees seem to become twisted and warped.
Destruyen lo que queda de paz y belleza de esta mañana.
Loneliness has warped your mind.
La soledad le ha desquiciado, Ancelin.
They're warped, sadistic, rotten little cowards.
Son unos pervertidos, sádicos y terribles cobardes.
Todo deformado y torcido, sin forma, pero era real también.
It's definitely the best bit, unless morphine has warped my judgment.
Es lo mejor que has hecho, si es que la morfina no me traiciona.
Their minds weren't warped at an early age by Nazi teachings.
Sus mentes no fueron corrompidas en su juventud por las enseñanzas nazis.
Cue's warped.
El taco está torcido.
You think my affection is as warped as my back?
¿ Crees que mis afectos están tan deformados como mi espalda?
A fair trade to a warped mind.
Un buen intercambio para alguien con una mente retorcida.
If he could speak, I think we would find that his mind is warped.
Si pudiera hablar, vería que tiene una mente deformada.
But when you fight for the sick, for the warped, for the lost... then you've had justice.
Pero cuando se pelea por los enfermos, los pervertidos, los perdidos... eso se llama hacer justicia.
Why, your world with Candy will become so warped... that you'll hate all men... and you'll hate yourself... because you'll become a social problem, a medical problem... a mental problem... and a despicable failure as a woman.
Tu vida con Candy llegará a ser tal, que odiarás a todos los hombres y te odiarás a ti misma, porque te convertirás en un problema social y médico, en un problema mental. Y en un despreciable fracaso como mujer.
Said that being alone with the machines had warped me.
Dijeron que estar a solas con las máquinas me había cambiado.
That was the expression they used - "warped."
Esa fue la expresión que usaron, "cambiado".
You got a twisted, warped little mind.
Tienes una mente perversa y retorcida.
It's warped.
Está torcido.
It's Ezekiel ; he's warped and twisted Edwards'mind.
Ezequiel le llenó la cabeza al Sr. Edward.
I think it's warped.
- ¿ Está el disco roto?

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