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We'll get through this together translate Spanish

88 parallel translation
We'll get through this together.
Vamos a superarlo juntos.
We'll get through this together, won't we?
Pasaremos esto juntos, ¿ vale?
I think if you just summon up a little willpower, we'll get through this thing together, alone.
Creo que si apela a su fuerza de voluntad... superaremos esto juntos, solos.
We'll get through this together.
Lo superaremos juntos.
And we'll get through this together.
Y superaremos esto juntos.
We'll get through this together.
Resolveremos esto juntos.
We'll get through this together.
superaremos esto juntos.
We'll get through this together.
Atravezaremos esto juntos.
Just tell them the truth, and we'll get through this together. I swear.
Caleb, díselo y juntos conseguiremos salir de esto.
- We'll get through this together.
- Nos encargaremos todos juntos.
We'll get through this together, all right?
Vamos a pasar esto juntos, ok querido?
We'll get through this together, all right?
"Vamos a pasar esto juntos, querido."
We'll get through this thing. Together.
Enfrentaremos a esta cosa... juntos.
We'll get through this together.
Pasaremos esto juntos.
We'll get through this thing together.
Pasaremos por esto juntos.
We'll get through this together.
Vamos a pasar por eso juntos.
We'll get through this Countess thing together.
Conoceremos sobre esta Condesa, juntos.
Don't worry, we'll get through this together.
No te preocupes. Superaremos esto juntos.
We'll get through this together.
Superaremos esto juntos.
We'll get through this if we just stick together as a...
Saldremos de esto, si solo nos quedamos juntos como un...
At least we'll get through this together, right, Francine?
Al menos pasaremos por esto juntos, ¿ verdad, Francine?
whatever comes, we'll get through this together.
Venga lo que venga lo pasaremos juntos.
We'll get through this together.
We'll get through this together, Ruben.
Vamos a pasar por esto juntos, Ruben.
We'll get through this together.
Pasaremos por esto juntos.
We'll get through this together.
Superaremos esto juntas
And I can promise all of you, that we'll do whatever we need to do, to restore the university's faith in us. But if we want to get through this, we have to work together.
Y les prometo a todos ustedes, que haremos lo necesario para restaurar la fe que tenía la universidad en nosotros.
We'll Get Through This Together.
Pasaremos juntas por esto.
We'll get through this together.
- Saldremos de esta juntos.
Tell you what. I'll give you one more day to calm yourself down, work through your anger, angst, whatever it is you're all hot and bothered about, and then we're gonna get together and discuss this like grown adults.
Te digo algo..... te daré un día más para que te calmes manejes tu rabia, angustia o lo que sea que te molesta y después discutiremos esto como adultos.
We'll get through this together as a group... the three of us, the three amigos.
Pasaremos por esto juntos como grupo nosotros tres, los tres amigos.
We'll get through this together, Julia.
Lo superaremos juntos, Julia.
We'll get through this together.
Nos pondremos en contacto a través de este conjunto.
We'll get through this together.
Lo superaremos juntas.
And we'll get through this. Together.
Y superaremos esto.
We'll get through this together like we always have.
Superaremos esto juntos, como siempre hemos hecho.
We'll stick together and get through this. No matter what.
Pero estaré de vuelta a las 10 : 00 luego cogeremos el collar y derechas al aeropuerto
We'll get through this. We just have to stick together.
Llegaremos hasta el final de todo esto, simplemente tenemos que atar los cabos.
I'll stay and we'll get through this together.
Yo me quedaré. y pasaremos todo esto juntos.
We'll get through this together, okay?
Pasaremos esto juntos, ¿ está bien?
Ah, it's all right, J-Bird. We'll get through this together.
Está bien, J-Bird, lo superaremos juntos.
We'll get through this... together.
Pasaremos por esto... juntos.
We'll get through this together, Alex.
Vamos a superar esto juntas, Alex.
We'll get through this together, with the help of the teachers, parents, and our psychologist, Julie Latendresse.
Lo superaremos juntos con la ayuda de los maestros, los padres y de nuestra psicóloga, Julie Latendresse.
We'll all get through this together!
Vamos a hacer un esfuerzo que vamos a hacer todo acá.
Besides, this family's been through a lot together, We'll get through this, too.
Además, esta familia ha pasado mucho junta, pasaremos por esto también.
We'll get through this together.
Saldremos juntos de esto.
Oh... okay, okay, it wasn't my finest moment, but we'll get through this together.
Vale, vale, no fue mi mejor momento, pero haremos estos juntos.
We'll get through this, as long as we stick together.
Pasaremos por esto, tanto como podamos estar juntos.
Look, just help me get through this vote tonight, and I will look into clemency, we'll discuss Bressler, and then together, we'll start to build this new government.
Mira, ayúdame con la votación esta noche, y pediremos clemencia, discutiremos con Bressler, y luego juntos, comenzaremos a forjar este nuevo gobierno.
- We'll get through this together.
- Pasaremos por esto juntas.

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