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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We can't let that happen

We can't let that happen translate Spanish

178 parallel translation
Well, we can't let that happen, can we?
Simplemente no podemos dejar que eso suceda ¿ verdad?
We know that Rankin is trying to destroy the unity of this country, but we can't let that happen.
Sabemos que Rankin intenta dividir este país y no podemos dejar que lo haga.
In one day, this town will be sat back five years, and I don't think we can let that happen.
En un día, este pueblo se atrasará cinco años y no creo que debamos dejar que eso ocurra.
We can't let that happen. The heir has been born. She's of no further use.
Puesto que ya nació el heredero, ella ya no es de utilidad aquí.
We can't let that happen!
¡ Yo no la he dejado que lo haga!
No podemos dejar que suceda otra vez.
We can't let that happen.
No podemos dejar que eso suceda.
That is terrible. We can't let that happen, Grandpa.
No podemos dejar que pase eso.
It's a risk we can't afford, John. We can't let that happen.
Eso no podemos permitirlo, John.
We can't let that happen.
No podemos permitirlo.
We can't let that happen, General.
No podemos permitir eso, General.
- We can't let that happen. - Right.
No podemos permitir que ocurra.
We can't let anything like this happen, now that we've reached the fourth plateau.
No podemos consentir que ocurra una cosa así. Ahora que hemos llegado al cuarto plató.
But we can't let that happen again.
Pero no podemos dejar que pase otra vez.
A couple of our friends are about to get squeezed and we can't let that happen.
Sn par de amigos están a punto de ser estrujados y no podemos permitirlo.
We can't let that happen.
No podemos dejar que pase.
No podemos dejar que ocurra.
We can't let that happen.
No podemos permitir que eso suceda.
Which means, if we warn these people about what's coming if we try to help them in any way we risk altering a pivotal moment in history and we can't let that happen.
Si les avisamos de lo que se avecina, si intentamos ayudarlos podríamos cambiar un momento decisivo de la historia. No podemos dejar que suceda.
Cos they say the cult is gonna come try and get more of us and... we can't let that happen.
Porque dicen que la secta intentará matar a otros y... no podemos dejar que suceda.
If the Predacons get enough Energon, they'll start it again. We can't let that happen. Besides, you wanted exploration, and here we are on an unknown planet.
si los predacones adquieren energon, reiniciarán la guerra no podemos permitir que eso pase ademas... querías explorar y aqui estamos en un planeta desconocido
And we can't let that happen.
Y no podemos permitirlo.
We can't let that happen.
No puedo dejar que eso suceda.
It's just that we can't let anything happen to this boat, no matter what.
no importa qué.
We know what you're about to attempt and we can't let that happen, so the Federation Council is willing to make you an offer- - hand over the Borg transmitter, stand down your vessel and the charges of conspiracy will be dropped.
- Sabemos lo que se disponen a hacer y no podemos dejar que pase. - Así que el Consejo de la Federación, está dispuesto a hacerle una oferta. - Dénos el transmisor temporal Borg, entregue su nave y los cargos de conspiración serán retirados.
Then I guess we got a problem'cause I just can't let that happen.
Entonces creo que tenemos un problema porque simplemente no puedo dejar que eso pase.
We can't let that happen.
No podemos dejar que ocurra.
We can't let that happen, especially since my job's hanging by a thread as it is.
No lo permitiremos porque mi trabajo pende de un hilo.
No, we can't let that happen.
No podemos permitirlo.
Maybe us too. We can't let that happen.
No podemos dejar que pase eso.
- And we can't let that happen.
- Y eso no podemos permitirlo.
We can't let that happen.
No podemos dejar que eso ocurra.
- We can't let that happen, sir.
- No podemos permitirlo, señor.
we can't let that happen.
No podemos permitir que eso ocurra.
We can't let that happen.
- No podemos permitirlo.
Yeah, well... ... we can't let that happen.
Si, bueno......... no podemos dejar que eso pase.
And I think you see why we can't let that happen.
Y sé que entenderás que no podemos permitirlo.
We can't let that happen.
No podemos dejar que pase eso.
We- - You know, we can't let that happen again, you know?
Y no dejar que eso pase, ¿ cierto?
You know, we can't let that happen again, you know?
Sabes, no podemos dejar que eso pase de nuevo.
We can't let that happen. I have an idea.
No podemos permitirlo. Tengo una idea.
Obviously we can't let that happen.
Obviamente, no podemos dejar que éso ocurra.
We can't let that happen!
¡ No podemos dejar que eso pase!
We can't let that meeting happen.
No podemos dejar que tenga lugar la reunión.
We can't let that happen.
Podemos detener lo que pasa.
- We can't let that happen.
- No podemos dejar que eso pase.
We can't let that happen to people with disabilities.
Eso no les puede ocurrir a los minusválidos.
We can't let that happen to the social safety net that we have labored as a society to pitch.
No le puede ocurrir a una red de seguridad que hemos logrado conseguir trabajando como sociedad.
He was a victim, too. You both were too sheltered to learn how to protect yourselves, and we can't let that happen to George Michael.
Los dos estaban demasiado protegidos y no sabían cuidarse solos.
We can't let that happen.
Pero no podemos dejar que pase eso
We can't let that happen. If he succeeds, everything we've done means nothing, and I'm not willing to live with that.
no podemos dejar que eso pase. y no estoy dispuesta a vivir con eso.

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