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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We don't have the time

We don't have the time translate Spanish

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In this situation when we don't even have time to shoot the additional scene, if we have to add one more scene?
Ni siquiera tenemos tiempo de filmar una escena adicional... En esta situación, ¿ si tuvieras que agregar una escena adicional?
The others die off so quickly we don't have time to get acquainted.
Los otros mueren tan rápido que no hay tiempo para conocernos.
We used to have a lot of fun... and now you're training most of the time... and we don't get to see much of each other.
Solíamos divertirnos mucho... y ahora te la pasas entrenando... y no nos vemos a menudo.
- We'd like to have a little of your very valuable time here at the bank this morning, if you don't mind.
- Nos gustaría robarle... un poco de su valioso tiempo en el banco esta mañana, si no le importa.
Maybe we can go back to living like normal human beings again where we don't have to be under a microscope all the time.
Podríamos volver a vivir como seres humanos... y dejar de estar bajo un microscopio todo el tiempo.
I'd read it, went into the stables, and... and not that bastard says... that old bastard, that Pjotr... no, he says that you... papa, don't get exited, we have so much time
Yo lo leí, me fui al establo... - y va y me dice ese estúpido... - ¡ Papuchka!
The Corporal and I figured we'd need a few more night's work, but we don't have much time.
El cabo y yo creemos que necesitaremos un par de noches más de trabajo, pero no tenemos mucho tiempo.
We don't have time to get a ladder in But here is a mat I'll throw the light on it
No hay tiempo para escaleras, pero aquí hay una lona, la enfocaré.
So we spend the rest of our dream trip eating away from the hotel so we don't run into these people and have to play post office all the time.
Así que pasamos el resto del viaje comiendo fuera del hotel... para no encontrarnos con esa gente y tener que evitar sus jueguecitos.
The point is we don't have much time!
¡ El caso es que no tenemos mucho tiempo!
And don't be afraid, we have all the time in the world.
Y no tengas prisa. Tenemos mucho tiempo.
Since we don't know what time it'll cross tomorrow we'll have to do the job manually.
Pero como no sabemos la hora de paso habrá que hacerlo a mano.
We don't have the time.
No tenemos tiempo.
Mire, no quiero estropear su programa, pero ¿ qué tal un juego de cartas, eh?
- We're not having the coffee? - No, we don't have the time.
no tenemos tiempo.
Now, we don't have too much ready cash in the Ponderosa this time of year, what with it being tied up in the herd and all, but...
No tenemos mucho dinero en la Ponderosa esta época del año, estamos sin dinero...
Return to the castle and don't leave Katia alone. Quick, we don't have any time to lose!
Vaya al castillo y no deje sola a Katia. ¡ Rápido!
We're in the same boat, Irene. In one sense at least. We don't have much time.
Von Basil y yo, estamos en un barco que se hunde y el tiempo se agota.
Of course, we don't think we have the power to overturn their throne at this point in time.
Por supuesto, no creemos tener el poder para cambiar las tornas en este momento.
Sorry, if the boy goes to the television, we'll be charging a fee, I told you already, and forgive me, I don't have any time for you.
Lo siento, si el chico va a la televisión tiene que ser cobrando, ya se lo dije, y perdóneme, que no tengo tiempo para más.
But we don't have to be all the time saying it out in words.
Pero no tenemos que ser todo el tiempo diciendo que en palabras,
I'm sorry, lady. We don't have the time.
Lo siento, no tenemos tiempo que perder. ¿ Dónde está?
I'm sorry, uh... We don't have the time.
Lo siento no tenemos tiempo.
I just didn't want the commissioners to become involved in a long drawn out highly technical discussion we just don't have the time.
extensa y muy técnica para la cual no tenemos tiempo.
, next time we'll double the bet, with only one we don't have enough.
, la próxima vez doblaremos la apuesta, con una no tenemos bastante.
We don't have the time!
¡ No tenemos tiempo!
And then, too, we don't have the time.
Y tampoco tenemos tiempo.
Now, we don't have much time, so listen what the man says.
No tenemos mucho tiempo, escuchen con atención.
- We don't have the time to spare.
- No nos queda tiempo.
And we just- - They just don't have time fooling around with people who are more interested in prying into their employees'lives than in the job they do for them.
Y no tenemos tiempo para andar tonteando con la gente que está más interesada en husmear sobre la vida de sus empleados que en el trabajo que ellos hacen
I'm sorry, Doctor, but we don't have the time.
Lo siento, doctor, pero no tenemos tiempo.
But we don't have to spend all the time with him.
Pero no tenemos porque pasar todo el tiempo con él.
I don't think that has been... It's the only logical explanation that we have at this time.
No creo que esa sea una explicación suficiente.
No, we don't have the time to break up the tapes.
No, no hay tiempo para fraccionar las cintas.
I don't think we have the time.
No tenemos tiempo.
We don't have time to fight between us, but with the Turks.
No tenemos tiempo para luchar entre nosotros. Contra los turcos, sí.
If we don't hurry up we won't have the time to confirm the obituary in the newspaper
Es alguien mucho más importante para mí que el abuelo. Cuento contigo.
I like to get business done at the beginning. That way we don't have to think about it, then we can just have a good time.
Me gusta el negocio al principio, para no pensar en nada... sólo pasarlo bien.
I already told you we don't have to watch the passengers all the time.
Ya le he dicho que no tengo por qué mirar a los pasajeros todo el tiempo.
So we'll have to let it go at that for the time being since we don't have any alternative, and I really can now get on with my game.
Así que, por ahora, vamos a tener que dejar el asunto porque no nos queda alternativa. Y quiero seguir con el juego.
We don't have the time nor the people.
No tenemos tiempo ni hombres.
Captain, around here we don't have time to sew up all the little holes.
Capitán, aquí no tenemos tiempo para coser todos los agujeros.
We don't have the time!
¡ No tenemos ese tiempo!
We'll have a tough time making it to the next island... if we don't get that shaft fixed.
Será difícil llegar a la siguiente isla... si no arreglamos la transmisión.
During this time of the year we don't have a lot of guests and so I hope you have a nice, relaxing stay.
Durante esta época del año no tenemos muchos huéspedes así que espero que tengan una agradable y relajante estadía.
Most of the time. We just ordinary... hope we don't get in no situation where you have to be brave.
En la mayoría de Ios casos, somos gente común... esperando no meternos en una situación en Ia que haya que ser valiente.
Time's the one thing we don't have much of.
Tiempo es lo que no tenemos.
We don't have much time. Give the sub our position and get some help.
Dale nuestra posición al submarino y consigue ayuda.
Well, I don't think that we have the time to get into that today.
Bueno, Creo que hoy no tenemos tiempo de meternos en eso.
I mean, we don't have the time today to talk about that.
Quiero decir, hoy no tenemos tiempo de hablar de eso.
Dr. Kiley, we don't have the time.
Dr. Kiley, no tenemos tiempo.

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