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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We don't know him

We don't know him translate Spanish

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I don't know if he had a heart attack... or just a horrifying experience... but we need supplies, and I've got to stay with him.
No sé si tuvo un infarto... o sólo una experiencia horrible. Necesitamos provisiones y yo tengo que quedarme con él.
We don't even know him.
Si ni siquiera le conocemos.
I said : "We don't have any appointment. We don't know him."
Yo le dije : "Pero no le conocemos, ni siquiera tenemos cita."
Don't we all know him?
¿ Todos no le conocemos?
We met him, but I don't know where he is.
le vimos, pero no sé dónde está.
We're not sure what's wrong with him, and we don't know what to do for him.
No estoy seguro de qué le ocurre, y no sabemos qué hacer por él.
We can't find him, then I don't know anyone who can.
Si no le encontramos, no sé de nadie que pueda.
Hey, you guys, since we don't know how to vanquish the ghost, we have to try to stop him from killing his next victim.
Chicos, ya que no sabemos cómo vencer al fantasma hay que impedir que vuelva a matar.
We don't know it was Eddie who killed him.
No sabemos fue Eddie quien lo mató.
I don't know if we can save him this time.
No sé si esta vez podamos salvarlo.
We don't know what all Catherine may have told him over the years.
No sabemos todo lo que Catherine pudo haberle dicho a lo largo de los años.
Don't you think this is important enough that we have to let him know?
¿ No cree que es tan importante que debemos decirle?
Oh! We don't know him!
No lo conocemos.
No, we don't know anything about him, but we'd like to. What does he look like?
No, no sabemos nada de él, pero nos gustaría. ¿ Qué aspecto tiene?
That is an uncorroborated interview given by a foreign journalist with someone we don't know. You don't know him?
Ésa es una entrevista no corroborada dada a un periodista extranjero por alguien que no conocemos.
I don't know how long we can keep him.
No sé cuánto tiempo podremos tenerlo acá.
I... we don't know what to say about Him.
Yo... No sabemos que decirte.
We don't know where to find him.
- ¿ Cómo? No sabemos dónde.
We don't know where he lives, how to reach him. He's a complete mystery.
No sabemos dónde vive, ni cómo comunicarnos.
I don't know what his plan is, but I know that we can stop him.
No se cual sea su plan, pero se que lo podemos detener.
You know, I don't care how well he knows this creep. I say if his pupils don't dilate, then we don't need him.
Aunque él conozca al gusano si está drogado no nos sirve para nada.
We're friends, aren't we? But I don't know where to find him.
No sé dónde encontrarlo.
You're telling him we don't know what happened?
¿ Dices que no sabes qué pasó?
We don't know him.
No lo conocemos.
If Dylan isn't in trouble, and remember, we don't know that he is, an outright attack could definitely put him in harm's way.
Si Dylan no está en problemas, y recuerda, no sabemos que lo esté, un ataque podría definitivamente ponerlo en riesgo.
It's just this guy, a warlock or demon or something, burst into the house, and somehow Phoebe managed to vanquish him, but we still don't know who he was.
Se trata de ese tipo, un hechicero o demonio o algo así irrumpió en casa y, de algún modo, Phoebe le derrotó pero todavía no sabemos quién era.
I don't want him to know we're back together.
No quiero que sepa que estamos juntos.
I mean, we're gonna get to know him sooner or later. Why don't we just all go together?
Lo vamos a conocer tarde o temprano Por qué no vamos todos juntos?
Problem is, we don't know how long he was unconscious before they brought him in, so the next few hours will be dicey, but I think he'll be fine.
El problema es que no sabemos cuánto tiempo estuvo inconsciente así que las próximas horas serán cruciales pero creo que estará bien.
I, I don't know, but we'll find him.
Yo... no lo sé, pero lo encontraremos.
I don't know how we're gonna tell him.
no se como se lo diremos.
I don't know what papa will say, when we tell him.
No sé lo que dirá papá cuando se lo digamos.
And Avery, we just met him tonight. We don't know who he is.
Acabamos de conocer a Avery, no sabemos quién es.
And we don't know the first thing about him.
Y nosotros no sabemos ni lo principal de él.
If we don't get to Karnak before them, we won't know where to look for him.
Si no llegamos a Karnak antes que ellos, no sabremos dónde encontrarlo.
I've been with him so long, I don't even know why we're together anymore.
Llevo tanto tiempo con él que ya ni sé por qué estamos juntos.
I don't know why we didn't stop him.
No se porqué no lo detuvimos.
You don't know Mickey like we know him.
No conoces a Mickey como nosotros.
OK, so I got a fare in the back, I got a job to do... but if we don't talk, I feel like I'm only doing half the job. You know, if we don't talk, if I don't talk to him. - Yeah, right...
Cuando llevo a un cliente, si no hablo con él... me parece que sólo estoy haciendo la mitad del trabajo.
We don't know him.
No le conocemos.
Tell him you don't know where we're at.
Dile que no sabes dónde estamos.
- True... we don't know him very well... but...
Evidentemente... no lo conocemos demasiado...
How should I know little flower? We don't know him.
¿ Cómo voy a saberlo yo, cariño?
Yeah. - We don't even know him.
- Ni siquiera lo conocemos.
We don't know him.
No le conocemos bien.
We don't know where the call came from, so we're trying to track him down.
No sabemos de donde vino la llamada, por eso estamos intentando localizarla.
We don't know anything about him.
No sabemos nada de él.
We don't even know if we have the power to vanquish him.
Ni siquiera sabemos si tenemos poder para hacerlo.
We ah... we don't know what to tell him about the guy cacking
Nosotros ah... no sabemos qué decirle sobre el chico muerto
I don't want him to know we're here yet.
No quiero que sepa que estamos aquí.
They've moved their base, so we don't know where they're keeping him.
Mudaron su base... así que no sabemos dónde lo tienen.

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