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We don't know what happened translate Spanish

440 parallel translation
But what has happened we still don " t know.
Pero aún no sabemos qué ha sucedido.
Well, we don't exactly know what happened.
- Bien, no sabemos exactamente qué pasó.
How can you sit there when we don't even know what's happened to her?
¿ Cómo puedes estar tan tranquilo sin saber qué le ha podido pasar?
So many planes, and we don't know what happened to the others.
Tantos aviones, ignoramos qué ha pasado con los otros.
Something happened back there we don't know what it is
Algo pasó allá atrás. No sabemos qué es.
We heard tanks up ahead and still don't know what's happened.
Oímos tanques y aún no sabemos qué ha pasado.
I know, why don't we find out what happened to your people?
¿ Por qué no investigamos sobre tu familia?
Colonel Brickley, what happened to Major Hardin? We don't know.
- Coronel, ¿ qué le ha pasado al mayor?
But for Keti, who has languished... since we don't know what happened to Harry... we decided with Thodoris to butcher him.
Pero para Keti, que ha languidecido... desde que no sabemos nada de Harry... hemos decidido con Thodoris matarlo.
I know you're angry very angry with me but don't be harsh I want to get back with you forgive for what has happened forget it and don't be spiteful if you think about it we all make mistakes.
Yo sé que estás enojada muy enojada conmigo pero no seas renegada quiero regresar contigo perdona lo que ha pasado olvida y no seas ingrata pos viéndolo bien mira'o todos metemos la pata.
I want to know what's happened out there, too, but Mike's right. We don't know what would happen there.
Yo también me pregunto qué ocurrió ahí fuera pero Mike tiene razón, no sabemos qué nos puede pasar.
What we don't Know is, What's happened To the new will?
Lo que no sabemos es, que ocurrió con el nuevo testamento.
You have ruined me, and my brother, to whom we don't know what happened!
Me has arruinado a mí y a mi hermano, que ni siquiera sabemos dónde está.
I don't remember exactly what happened next. But next thing you know, we're all standing around talking.
No recuerdo bien qué pasó después pero empezamos a hablar.
We don't know what really happened.
No sabemos qué ha pasado.
You know, after what happened today, I don't guess we'll be seeing you any more.
Después de lo sucedido hoy, no creo que volvamos a vernos.
No sabemos qué pasó.
But what has happened we still don " t know.
Pero lo que ha ocurrido... todavía no lo sabemos.
I don't know what happened to you, either, horace, but i think we're all like that.
Lo recuerdo ahora. Yo tampoco sé lo que te ha pasado, Horace,... pero creo que todos somos así.
We don't know what happened, Karan.
No sabemos qué pasó, Karan.
Then I don't know what happened We were both drunk.
Luego no sé lo que pasó. Los dos estábamos borrachos.
We still don't know what's happened to the Archons. Which way?
Aún no sabemos qué pasó con los archons. ¿ Por dónde?
We don't know what happened to him.
- No sabemos qué le pasó.
Listen, I don't know what happened with us, but I think we ought to talk it over. Okay?
Escucha, no sé lo que pasó con nosotros, pero deberíamos aclararlo. ¿ No te parece?
We're here to find out what's happened because I don't know.
Estamos aquí para averiguar qué pasó, porque no lo sé.
Don't say that. We don't know what happened.
Venga, no sabemos nada.
Uh, the reason I say that is because, you know, when my wife and I try to remember what happened yesterday or the day before, well, we don't agree on anything.
Lo digo porque cuando mi esposa y yo intentamos recordar qué pasó ayer o anteayer nunca estamos de acuerdo.
But what happened to you, we don't know.
Pero no sabemos que os ha pasado.
We don't know what happened to Lipyagin and his comrades.
No se sabe nada de Lipiaguin y de los demás compañeros.
We don't know what happened yet.
Bien, aún no sabemos lo que pasó.
I don't know what's happened but we have no electricity
Maestro, no sé qué ha pasado, se ha ido la luz.
We know what happened, but the governor is dead now and we don't want to embarrass his family.
Sabemos lo que ocurrió, pero ahora el gobernador está muerto y... no queremos avergonzar a la familia.
But in a minute, we find out, when we start to ask the people which they worked before us what had happened with them. They said, " What do you mean, what happened? Don't you know that?
Y sobre la masa, saltando como diablos unos individuos hacían fardos y los llevaban afuera.
- David, we don't know what happened.
- No sabemos lo que ha pasado.
- We don't know what happened.
- No sabemos Lo que ocurrió.
We don't know what happened to him, Branca.
No sabemos qué le ha pasado.
Maybe you can fool these guys with this saint act, but do not ever speak to me again like we don't know what really happened.
Puedes engañar a esos tipos haciéndote la santa, pero no me vuelvas a hablar nunca como si no supiéramos lo que pasó.
Well, we all know what happened, don't we?
Bueno, todos sabemos lo que pasó, ¿ no?
We don't know what happened.
No sabemos qué ha pasado.
Some of them don't even fully realize the extent of what's happened to them And they... they need all the support that we can give them, you know?
Algunos no llegan a darse cuenta de la magnitud de lo que les pasó, y necesitan todo el apoyo que podemos darles, ¿ sabes?
We don't know if Cady gave it to her or what happened.
No sabemos si Cady se lo dio o qué.
We don't know what happened. We know he wasn't robbed
Lo ignoramos.
We don't know what happened to Blue.
No sabemos qué le pasó a Azul.
Look, man, I don't know what you're talking about. Whatever happened today was horrible, but it doesn't stop us. We got to keep on going.
Oye, no sé de que estás hablando, lo que pasó hoy fue horrible pero no podemos renunciar por causa de eso.
Um, I don't know what's happened the other days, but we have to take it a little slower this time, o.k.?
No sé lo que ha sucedido entre nosotros estos días, pero hoy es mejor ir despacio.
We don't move till we know what happened here.
- No me movería ni una pulgada más hasta averiguar que les ocurrió a esas naves.
I don't know what happened. We tried to take him to the dentist.
No sé qué ocurrió, queríamos llevarlo al dentista.
Commander, I want you to know we don't blame Chief O'Brien for what happened.
Comandante quiero que sepa que no culpamos al jefe O'Brien por lo ocurrido.
We still don't know what happened to the rest of the crew.
Seguimos sin saber qué le ocurrió al resto de la tripulación.
We don't even know what happened to the Captain.
No sabemos qué ha sido de la capitán.
We don't know what happened to him.
No sabemos qué le pasó.

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