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We have to get going translate Spanish

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We have to get going.
Tenemos que movernos.
I'm afraid we have to get going.
Cariño, me temo que debemos marcharnos.
We have to get going!
¡ Vamos a empezar ya mismo!
We have to get going.
Tenemos que ponernos en marcha.
Are you going to pay and get out peacefully or are we going to have to throw you out?
¿ Piensa pagar y salir de allí pacíficamente, o vamos a tener que echarle?
no how the girls at school will be amazed when they hear that we'll get a new father we are not going to have one!
No. Oye, ¡ qué ojos van a poner las niñas de la escuela cuando sepan que tenemos un nuevo padre ¡ ¡ No vamos a tenerlo!
I think, gentlemen... very true, we'll have to get going come on, children one must know when it's time to go gentlemen, pastor, I have to pay my compliment such a shattering funeral sermon
Yo creo, señores... Muy cierto, vamos a esfumarnos. Vamos, niños, vamos...
We have to respect each other if we're going to like each other... and living here together as we all do... we have to like each other if we're going to get along.
Debemos respetarnos si queremos agradarnos... y vivir juntos como lo hacemos... tenemos que agradarnos para llevarnos bien.
- Citizens. I have come to ask you if we are going to continue to send our men to get killed in a war where their biggest enemy is not in front of them but behind them.
¿ Vamos a seguir enviando a nuestros hombres a una guerra donde los enemigos no están al frente sino a la espalda?
I have a feeling we're going to get on very well.
Tengo la impresión de que nos vamos a Ilevar muy bien.
So you see we have gone through quite something to get this far, Captain, and nobody is going to make us turn back now, if only for the little old man who didn't get to come with us.
Como ve, pasamos por muchas cosas para llegar tan lejos, Capitán... y nadie nos hará regresar... aunque fuera por el anciano que no pudo venir con nosotros.
Say your president said that you're fighting this war so there won't have to be any more wars, and that when we get through with it, we're going to sit down with other people who feel as we do
Díganle que su Presidente ha dicho que están luchando en esta guerra para que no haya más guerras. Y que cuando acabemos...,... nos sentaremos con gentes de otros países que piensen como nosotros y elaboraremos algún plan que haga innecesario que jóvenes...
We've taken Haskell's money... You can have the dough we get from selling the car but you're not going to keep me a prisoner. It's a good thing I bought the paper.
Te quedaste con el dinero de Hazkel puedes quedarte con el dinero de la venta pero no me vas a mantener prisionero.
We're going to your place. I have to get the slippers.
Necesito agarrar las pantuflas.
We gotta keep going. Once we give up we won't have the courage to get back to the good time.
Si no, no tendremos valor para cuando vuelvan los buenos tiempos.
At last I got it through my thick skull that I'm not going to get one so we'll have to forget about Jackie's Hot Spot and the Blue Devil and all the rest.
Al fin, me he dado cuenta de que no voy a conseguir ninguno. Tendremos que olvidar el "Club de Jackie"... el "Diablo Azul" y todos los demás.
We're going to have dinner in a few minutes, and you'd better get ready.
Vamos a cenar enseguida, será mejor que te prepares.
John, I'm sorry to send you out so late. Would you go out to the corner, and get a few things. We're going to have some supper.
John, ya sé que es muy tarde, lo siento, pero ve al restaurante de la esquina y trae algo para cenar.
If we're going to have a high tariff, I might as well get a little high myself.
Si vamos a tener un arancel alto, también podría tener un poco más para mí
They went upstairs to get some sleep... because at dawn, we have a business going on...
Han ido arriba a dormir un poco... porque al amanecer, tenemos cosas que hacer...
You won't have to stay here much longer we are going to get this whole thing settled before dark
En unas horas se solucionará todo y podrá irse.
We'll have to wait until dark if we're going to get out of here.
Tendremos que esperar al anochecer si queremos salir de aquí.
But, at the moment, if we're going to get you to Metaluna alive, there's a little procedure you'll have to go through.
Pero ahora, si queremos que lleguen con vida a Metaluna, hay un pequeño procedimiento al que deben someterse.
Ron, we're going to have to wait to get married.
Ron, tendremos que esperar para casarnos.
There's no true charts aboard, the compass is on the fritz... and we're running out of fuel... but this ship is going to Hong Kong if I have to get out and push.
No tengo cartas naúticas abordo, el compás no es confiable... y navegamos con poco combustible... pero este barco irá a Hong Kong aunque tenga que bajarme y empujarlo.
I wasn't even impatient to get to Maurice, for we were, at last, going to have an undisturbed time together.
Ni siquiera estaba impaciente por ver a Maurice, porque por fin íbamos... a pasar un tiempo juntos sin interrupciones.
You get a move on and get up here, or this is finally finally the showdown. We are going to have it out right here and now.
Aclararemos esto de una vez.
I think it is very late... and that unless we get back, the maharani is going to have one of her tantrums.
Opino que ya es muy tarde y que si no volvemos, la Maharaní tendrá una de sus pataletas.
It's something that I have to tell you... because I know now that this is the only way... we're going to get our lives straightened out.
Debo contarte algo... porque ahora sé que es el único modo... de enderezar nuestras vidas.
I think we're going to have to get him back to the boat.
No estoy tranquilo. Creo que deberíamos llevarle al barco.
Inuk when we get back i'm going to have to arrest you.
Inuk, cuando volvamos, te detendré.
If he can handle the dames like he can get the liquor we're going to have a ball.
Si puede manejar a las chica de la misma manera que consigue licor vamos a conseguir mucho.
We're going to have to prop up the ship, get the wheels down, try to take her off - get her in the air.
Intentaremos despegar. Chicos. Haré que volvamos.
If we don't get out of here, I'm going to have to explain the Fischer-Tropsch process to the Japanese delegation.
Si no nos vamos de aquí, tendré que explicarles el proceso Fischer-Tropsch... a la delegación japonesa.
If we're going to have a conference on this subject, I think you'd better get out of here, away from that bed.
Si vamos a conferenciar sobre este asunto, creo que sería mejor... hacerlo lejos de la cama.
Listen, Matt, you're going to see my show... and then we're going to have supper together... and then I think I'II bed you down at the Savoy... and after that, we'II get your tape recorder tomorrow... that he promised you... and a couple of other things, maybe.
Escucha, Matt, verás mi función y Iuego vamos a cenar juntos y Iuego creo te acostaré en eI Savoy y después de eso, mañana te compramos Ia casetera que él te prometió y un par de cosas más, tal vez.
He'll drive there and get the money and we're going to have it. That's how!
lrá hasta allá, sacará el dinero y lo tendremos nosotros. ¡ Así será!
If we could get started, I do have a class, and I do have to get going.
¿ Empezamos? Tengo una clase y voy a tener que irme.
You're going to have to cut your hair differently when we get married.
Tendrás que cortarte el pelo distinto cuando nos casemos.
We all think they're going to have to bust it to get it loose.
If we get away... we're going to have a child.
Si escapamos... tendremos un hijo para unir más nuestras vidas.
Keely. As soon as I get the other council men, we're going to have a meeting.
Keely, el consejo junta a al consejo, vamos a tener una reunión.
Beauty! We'll get us a drink'cause we're going to have a raffle.
Nos tomaremos otra porque haremos un sorteo.
Look, do you think we're going to have enough drive-force to lift off here and get us back to Earth?
Mira, ¿ crees que vas a tener suficiente potencia para sacarnos de aquí y devolvernos a la Tierra?
If we're going to have visitors, we better get out of here.
Si vamos a tener visita, será mejor que nos vayamos.
I have a feeling we're going to get bounced.
Tengo la sensación de que vamos a rebotar.
We aren't going to have the chance, unless we can get out of here.
Nosotros no vamos a tener la oportunidad, a menos que podamos salir de aquí.
If word gets out that you think there are aliens here before we have the proof either the people will panic or you're going to get laughed at.
Si corre la voz de que hay alienígenas antes de tener pruebas o cundirá el pánico o se reirán de ti.
And I feel that I couldn't afford to get married... if it meant that I would have to take on any special problems... in addition to those we're obviously going to have.
Y siento que no puedo casarme si eso significa tener que afrontar problemas especiales además de los que obviamente tendremos.
Meanwhile, if we don't wanna get eaten up, we're going to have to grow bigger and faster than nature intended.
Mientras, si no queremos que nos coman... habrá que hacerse más fuertes más rápido.
We're going to have to get a divorce.
Vamos a tener que divorciarnos.

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