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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We know who he is

We know who he is translate Spanish

424 parallel translation
How will we know who he is?
¿ Cómo sabremos quién es?
Now we know who he is.
Ahora sabemos quién es.
Among all the skeletons, how will we know who he is?
¿ Si entre tantas calaveras como sabemos quien es?
Now that we know who he is, we may be able to take care of him sooner than expected.
Ahora que sabemos quién es, le podemos derrotar antes de lo estimado.
We have an advantage : we know who he is, but he doesn't know that we know.
Tenemos ventaja sobre él. Nosotros sabemos quién es en realidad y él no sabe que nosotros sabemos.
It doesn't matter, we know who he is'which is a sight more than we did until tonight.'
- No importa. Por lo menos ya sabemos quién es. Lo encontraremos esta misma noche.
We know who he is.
Sabemos quién es.
He may call himself Capt. Smith, but we know who he is, don't we?
Él se hace llamar Capitán Smith, pero todos sabemos quién es.
We know who he is and what he does.
Sabemos quién es y lo que hace.
How can we expect to know what Ivan Ivanovitch thinks... if we don't even know who he is?
¿ Cómo saber lo que piensa Iván Ivanovitch si no sabemos ni quién es?
We don't know who he is and -
- No sabemos quién es y...
Second, we don't know who he is.
Segundo, no lo conocemos.
The boy will never know who he is or how we robbed him.
El Boy no sabrá nunca quién es ni cómo le robamos.
Han matado a un tipo, y seis horas más tarde, quien Io hizo ya está muerto.
How will we know who he is?
- ¿ Cómo sabremos quién es?
We don't know who he is, sir.
No sabemos quién es.
Besides, We don't even know who he is and where does he comes from.
Además, Nosotros incluso no sabemos quién él es y donde hace él viene de.
Sir is very young, my friends and I are happy about this because we know that he who is young is also pure of heart.
Vuecencia es muy joven. Mis amigos y yo nos alegramos porque sabemos que quien es joven tiene un corazón puro.
We know that his name is Matsuoda. Now, who is he?
Sabemos que se llama Matsuoda.
We don't even know who he is.
Ni siquiera sabemos quién es él.
What did you do, you? A person phoned, but we can not know who he is.
- Ha llamado alguien, pero no sabe quién ha sido.
Let him know who we are. Go up there and find out where he is.
Ve ahí y averigua dónde está.
What makes us feel awkward, we don't know who he is... just that he's tall and slender and was in her English class.
Nos gustaría saber quién es. Sabemos que es alto, delgado y que estaba en su clase de literatura.
We don't know who he is.
- No sé quién es.
All we know is he's the piano man who's raising his kid brother and who minds his own business.
- Sabemos muy pocas cosas de él. Es pianista, cuida de su hermano pequeño... y sobre todo, no quiere historias.
By the way, do you know who he is? That is precisely what we are investigating.
El Barón del terror en 1961, El mal en 1966,
- We don't know who he is.
Yo lo cojo.
- We don't know who he is.
- No sabemos quién es.
What is? They say "115 guerrillas," and it means nothing to us. But each one is a man, and we don't even know who he is, if he loves a woman, if he has kids, if he prefers movies or plays.
¿ Cómo? no sabemos si... si tienen hijos si prefieren el cine o el teatro.
Guerin i beg of you don't ask questions it is he who called tonight, i'm sure he'll be back you know the state he's in we must find him
Guerin Le ruego que no me haga preguntas. Es él quien le llamó esta noche, estoy segura.
Now that I know who he is, we'll have him watched.
Ahora que sé quién es, lo tendremos vigilado.
That means that we now know he's a man who smokes cigars, who dresses with elegance and who is left handed.
Ahora sabemos que es un hombre que fuma havanos, que viste con elegancia y que es zurdo.
Nobody knows who he is, nor where he came from. Neither do we know how a gutless Mexican like Manolo found the courage to shoot someone he's never seen before.
No sé como un mexicano como Manolo... tuviste coraje para disparar en uno desconocido.
We do not know who he is.
No tenemos referencias de él.
We have to know who he is.
- Me gustaría saber quién es.
Come on, will ya? Let's find out who the killer is... before he commits suicide, and then we'll never know.
Averigüemos quién es el asesino antes de que se suicide.
In fact, we're sad to say that during the last couple months, we do not even know who he is anymore.
De hecho, nos entristece decir que durante los últimos dos meses o así, ni siquiera sabemos ya quién es él.
Yes, sir, we do, but we don't know who he is yet.
Sí, señor, lo tenemos, pero no sabemos quién es todavía.
I've told you that we don't know who this person is.
Ya basta. Le he dicho que no conocemos a esta persona.
It's been ten days, see... and we got this architect over in Atlanta... keeps billing us... just like he don't know who Craig Blake is.
Han pasado diez días... y tenemos un arquitecto en Atlanta que nos cobra... como si no supiera quién es Craig Blake.
We don't know who he is yet, sir.
Aún no sabemos quién es, Señor.
And we don't know who he is or what he intends?
¿ Y no sabemos ni quién es ni sus intenciones?
He is staying anonymous. - We don't know who is this person or where is it.
No sabemos quién es, ni dónde está.
We need to know who he is and what he is doing here.
Tenemos que saber quién es y lo que está haciendo aquí.
We don't know who this guy is, and we don't know what he's going to do.
No sabemos quién es, no sabemos lo que irá a hacer
So who is he, this partner we didn't know we had?
¿ Entonces quién es ese socio que no conocíamos?
We don't know who he is.
- No sabemos quién es.
Do you know why we're here? I'm supposed to find out who your lover is before it drives your father crazy.
He venido para averiguar quién es tu amante antes de que tu padre enloquezca.
We do not know who he is.
No sabemos quién es.
- I don't know who Hirsch is. Sure we do. He's a Russian spy.
Poco después su muy amado y muy adinerado padre murió de un infarto.
We don't even know who he is yet.
No sabemos quién es.

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