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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We should get out of here

We should get out of here translate Spanish

437 parallel translation
- We should get out of here.
- Es mejor que nos marchemos.
Poor creatures. Ian thinks we should get out of here as soon as possible.
Ian cree que deberíamos marcharnos pronto.
I think we should get out of here.
Deberíamos salir de aquí.
I think we should get out of here.
Creo que deberíamos irnos.
Don't you think we should get out of here?
¿ Crees que deberíamos de irnos?
I think we should get out of here.
Creo que deberíamos salir de aquí.
I think we should get out of here.
Creo que deberíamos irnos de aquí.
We should get out of here.
Deberíamos salir de aquí.
I think we should get out of here.
Pienso que deberiamos largarnos de aqui.
We should get out of here. Hey!
Debemos salir de aquí ahora.
we should get out of here.
Salgamos de aquí.
Look it's getting late, we should get out of here before dark.
Escucha, es tarde debemos irnos antes de que oscurezca.
We should get out of here by the time it hits 50!
¡ Debemos salir cuando llegue a 50! De acuerdo.
We should get out of here.
Debemos salir de aquí.
I think we should get out of here now.
Creo que debemos salirnos de aquí ahora.
I think we should get out of here, Mr. Mallory.
Creo que debemos salir de aquí, Sr. Mallory.
We should get out of here.
Tenemos que irnos.
Maybe we should get out of here, doc, before it's too late. Well, well, we meet again.
Tal vez deberíamos salir de aquí, doc. Antes que sea tarde.
- We should get out of here.
- Debemos salir de aquí.
Guys, maybe we should get out of here.
Um, eh, chicos, larguémonos de aquí.
We should get out of here.
Debemos irnos de aquí.
Xena, we should get out of here.
Xena, debemos salir de aquí.
But maybe we should get out of here.
Ya deberíamos irnos.
We should get out of here.
Vámonos de aquí.
Daniel, we should, uh, we should get out of here.
Daniel, creo que deberíamos irnos.
We should get out of here.
Vémonos de aquí.
I think we should get out of here.
Deberíiamos irnos de aquíi.
Honestly, I think we should get him out of here and put him away.
Honestamente, creo que deberíamos llevárnoslo y sacrificarlo.
Look, I think we should go back to the hotel, pick up Hank, and get out of here as quickly as we can.
Deberíamos volver al hotel, recoger a Hank y salir de aquí rápido.
We should work out how we'll get out of here, even if we have to rush the wire.
Debemos trabajar en como salir de aquí, aunque tengamos que cortar la alambrada.
We should try and get out of here.
Mira, debemos intentar salir de aquí.
We should be get... getting the heck out of here before that General Hermack starts to send some more minnows out, and I've used up all my copper needles! Well who's General Hermack?
Deberíamos estar... sacando el culo de aquí antes de que el general Hermack comience a enviar algunos Minnow más, y yo ya he utilizado todas mis agujas de cobre!
It was a standoff We should have stayed Move it Jenna, get out us of here
Es un callejón sin salida. Deberíamos habernos quedado. Muévete Jenna, sácanos de aquí.
Maybe we should just quit... get out of here.
Quizás deberíamos renunciar... e irnos de aquí.
We should get him out of here. He's causing trouble.
Deberíamos sacarlo de ahí, está causando problemas.
Don't you think we should get that man out of the house before he finds out what's been going on here?
¿ No deberíamos sacar a ese hombre de la casa?
Maybe we should get you out of here. What do you say, huh?
Tal vez debamos sacarla de aquí.
- we all should get out of here.
- deberíamos largarnos de aquí.
I think we should get the hell out of here.
Yo creo que deberíamos largarnos de aquí.
Maybe we should admit defeat and get out of here.
Tal vez deberíamos admitir nuestra derrota y salir de aquí.
Maybe we should get the hell out of here.
Quizá hayamos desatado el infierno aquí.
Maybe we should just get out of here.
Tal vez deberíamos salir de aquí.
Scott, I think we should just get in your car and get out of here.
Scott, Creo que debemos llevarte a tu auto y largarnos de aquí.
We should get in that little Jeep of yours and get the hell out of here.
Deberíamos subirnos a tu Jeep y salir cagando.
That fax from Iberia should be here in a few minutes and we can finally get out of here.
El fax de Iberia llegará en unos minutos, y finalmente podremos irnos.
Before we do anything, we should get Charlie out of here.
Antes que nada, deberíamos sacar a Charlie de aquí.
Maybe we should try to get out of here.
Quizás deberíamos tratar de escaparnos.
We should get the fuel, so we can get out of here.
Vamos a coger el combustible para salir de aquí.
Someone with more pathology experience... should examine the body when we get him out of here.
Alguien con más experiencia en patología debería examinar el cuerpo cuando lo saquemos de aquí.
- Yeah, I think we should get the hell out of here.
- Si, Creo que lo mejor es largarnos de aquí.
what they should do is leave us down here that's what they should do leave us down here until they get housing and when they get housing they ship us out but not just take us out of here i mean we're all down here by oursleves my friend
Deberían dejar que nos quedásemos aquí. Eso deberían hacer. Dejarnos hasta que consigan viviendas, y cuando las tengan, que nos echen.

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