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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / We should talk to him

We should talk to him translate Spanish

134 parallel translation
Perhaps we should talk to him, try to arrange a truce, make peace!
Tal vez deberíamos hablar con él, negociar una tregua, conseguir la paz.
We should talk to him.
Por eso deberíamos hablar con él.
We should talk to him.
Sí. Lo haremos mañana.
We should talk to him.
- Deberíamos hablar con él.
- We should talk to him directly.
- Deberíamos hablar con él directamente.
I think we should talk to him.
Creo que debemos hablarle.
- We should talk to him. - OK.
- Deberíamos hablar con él.
The doctor says we should talk to him.
El doctor dice que deberíamos hablar con él.
Maybe we should talk to him.
Quizá si nosotros hablamos con él.
We should talk to him.
Hablaremos con él.
Well, maybe we should talk to him. We could use some publicity. Who does he want to talk to?
Igual hablo con él, nos conviene la publicidad.
- I mean, maybe we should talk to him.
Tal vez deberíamos hablar... - No.
Well, I-I still think we should talk to him.
Aún así deberíamos hablar con él.
Maybe we should talk to him.
- Tal vez debamos hablarle...
- Maybe we should talk to him.
- Tal vez debamos hablarle...
- We should talk to him. - We're not talking to him.
Necesitamos hablar con él.
But you were the one who said we should talk to him.
Tú fuiste el que dijo que habláramos con él.
If this Merlin claims to know what happened then we should talk to him.
Si ese Merlin pretende saber lo que pasó, debemos hablar con él.
- We should talk to him.
- Deberíamos hablar con él.
Maybe We should talk to him about it.
Quizas deberiamos hablar con el al respecto.
We should talk to him.
Deberíamos hablar con el.
We should talk to him.
Debemos hablar con el
We should talk to him.
- Debemos hablar con él. - Bien.
We should talk to him again.
Hablaremos con él de nuevo. Él estuvo allí.
Now she said that the meeting with Gavin and Cassie didn't go well and that she didn't know whether there was a connection, but we should talk to him.
Ahora, ella dijo que la reunión de Gavin con Cassie no fue bien u que ella no sabía si había una conexión, pero que debería hablar con él.
I didn't say we should talk to him. I just... Think about it.
Yo no dije que deberíamos hablarle, sólo que...
We should talk to him.
Deberíamos hablar con él.
I wondered if we should torture him to make him talk.
Me pregunto si deberíamos torturarlo hasta que hable.
Should we talk to him?
¿ Quieres que hablemos con él?
Wait, before we panic, we should at least talk to him. You know, get the "straight dope." Also known as "the skinny."
Espera, antes de que cunda el pánico, al menos deberíamos hablar con él.
I think we should go talk to him.
Creo que debemos ir a hablarle.
No, but by the looks of things, you would think an additional sword would be welcome. If he's good enough to get through the siege scum, the border lord should talk to him. We can always kill him later.
, pero por lo que he oido creo que una espada mas les vendría bien si ha sido capaz de desacerse de esa escoria, el jefe querra hablar con él y podriamos matarlo después
What should we do? You want me to go talk to him?
¿ Quieres que vaya a hablar con él?
Should we talk to him?
¿ Hablamos con él?
We should talk to him.
Hablemos con él.
We'd better talk to him again, sir. Yes, so we should.
Sería mejor hablar de nuevo con él, señor.
Should we go talk to him?
Deberíamos ir a hablarle? No.
I just think that once General Fury cools off, we should go talk to him.
Una vez que el General Fury se calme, deberíamos hablar con él.
Guys, we should really go in there and talk to him.
Chicos, deberíamos ir y hablar con él.
We should talk to him, find out why.
Deberíamos hablar con él, y descubrir por qué.
- You think we should go talk to him?
¿ Crees que debemos hablar con él?
Perhaps we should go and talk to him now.
Quizás deberíamos hablar con él.
Give him a call, and I suppose we should talk to the other parents.
Llámalo, y creo que hablaremos con los otros padres.
We should go see him, talk to the doctors, let them explain.
¿ Qué sucedió? Deberíamos ir a verlo, hablar con los doctores, que ellos te expliquen.
We should arrange to have him cleaned up - revealed so to speak - so that Dr. Wyatt and I can talk to him and exploit that connection.
Debemos mandar asearlo... sacarlo al descubierto, por así decirlo... para que el Dr. Wyatt y yo hablemos con él y explotemos esos lazos.
All right, should we give Nikki a-a chance to talk him down?
¿ deberíamos darle a Nikki una oportunidad de hablar con él?
I mean, in fact, they call him the Sorcerer, but maybe we should go talk to him.
De hecho, lo llaman "el hechicero". Pero, uh, quizás deberíamos ir a hablar con él.
We're the ones that should talk to him.
Somos nosotras las que deberiamos hablar con el.
We should, like, talk to him. See if he wants to hang out with us.
Deberíamos hablar con él ver si quiere pasar el rato con nosotros.
You're saying we should use the cop thing to force him to talk?
-... este asunto para forzarlo a hablar?
We should talk to them because if Ramey did kill her brother... let's go. I'm not defending him.
- No lo estoy defendiendo.

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