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We want to help you translate Spanish

629 parallel translation
We want to help you, others may be harmed.
Queremos ayudarte, otros pueden resultar lastimados.
We want to help you get the fever medicine.
Queremos ayudarte a coger la medicina.
There's nothing to be afraid of. - We're your friends. - We want to help you.
- No tiene nada que temer Somos sus amigos.
We want to help you.
Te ayudaremos
We want to help you but you must cooperate.
Queremos ayudarle. Pero debe cooperar.
We want to help you so that when you go home, you can start a new life.
Queremos ayudar a que cuando salgas... puedas comenzar una nueva vida.
We want to help you escape the country. We want to come with you... defend you.
Queremos ayudarle a salir del país, queremos seguirla, defenderla.
We want to help you.
Queremos ayudarte.
We want to help you.
Te queremos ayudar.
And we want to help you find it.
Queremos ayudarlo a encontrarlo.
We're all for the TVA and we want to help you, so if you'll cooperate on this point, everything will be just fine.
Estamos a favor de la TVA, y queremos ayudarle, así que, si acepta esta condición, seguro que todo irá bien.
- We want to help you, but Bailey...
- Queremos ayudarle, pero Bailey...
Horn, we want to help you but help means rest and medical attention.
A casa. Queremos ayudarle pero necesita descanso y atención médica.
We want to help you Father but we need your help.
Queremos ayudarle a Padre Pero necesitamos tu ayuda,
Stop, we want to help you!
- ¡ Alto, queremos ayudarte!
This may sound odd to you, but, really, we want to help you.
Esto es una muy mala noticia.
And as you know her better than anyone else, we want you to help us.
Y como usted la conoce mejor que nadie, queremos que nos ayude.
Well, we want to use you. We want you to help us.
Nosotros queremos usarte y que nos ayudes.
Oh, we knew you'd want to help out.
Sabiamos que querrian ayudar.
Remember, we are Here to help you... If you want To be helped.
Recuerda que estamos aquí para ayudarte... si quieres que te ayudemos.
Glad to hear you say that, because we want your help.
Me alegro de oírle, porque queremos su ayuda.
If there's anything you ever want, anything you need, just let us know, and we'll do everything we can to help you.
Si hay algo que quieras... lo que sea que necesites, háznoslo saber... y haremos todo lo que podamos por ayudarte.
I've been close-hauling your problem, and I want to help you... but we've got our problems, too.
He analizado tu situación y quiero ayudarte pero tenemos nuestros propios problemas.
You don't seem to realise we want to help her. We're friends of hers. Can't you understand that?
Queremos ayudarla, somos sus amigos.
We want you to help us clean up our city.
Queremos que nos ayude a limpiar nuestra ciudad.
We only want to help you.
Sólo quiero ayudar.
When you are in contact with that enemy I want you to remember that we here at home are determined that you will have the fullest help and support that it is in our own power to give you.
Cuando entren en contacto con el enemigo, recuerden que todos nosotros estamos decididos a ayudaros y apoyaros haciendo todo lo que esté en nuestra mano.
We know you want to play Mark Antony, but that doesn't help us.
Sabemos que quieres hacer de Marco Antonio, pero eso no nos ayudará.
Mr. Talbot, if you want us to help you, you must do as we say. Now, please lie down.
Si quiere que lo ayudemos, debe obedecer.
We want you to help us free three of our comrades.
Queremos que libere a tres compañeros.
What are we... lf you're going to help a man, you want to know something about him, don't you?
¿ Que vamos a... Lo primero que hace falta para ayudar a un hombre es saber algo de él, ¿ no?
- That's what we want you to help us prove.
- Eso quiero que nos ayude a probar.
It will just help you to tell us what we want to know.
Sólo la ayudará a decirnos lo que queremos saber.
We just want to help you, see.
Sólo queremos ayudarte.
Say what you want to do, we'll help you.
Dime que quieres hacer y nosotros te ayudaremos.
I know things have been difficult, but I want you to know that we can help you.
Sé que las cosas han sido difíciles, pero quiero que sepa que podemos ayudarle.
Next thing you know, theyll be sending me home as a psycho. I know what you think of second lieutenants, but even we want to help win the war. So?
Cuando te des cuenta, me habrán enviado a casa por loco.
I want you to know that we're all here to help you.
Quiero que sepas que estamos aquí para ayudarte.
We want you and Ricky to help us celebrate.
Queremos que usted y Ricky para ayudarnos a celebrar.
We don't want to do that, and you can help us not to do it.
No deseamos que eso pase, y pueden ayudarnos a que no pase.
- We want you to persuade your brother to help.
- Que su hermano nos ayude.
We just want to help you visit him.
Queremos que nos ayude a visitarle.
We want to do everything we can to help you.
Haremos todo lo posible para ayudarle.
Well, we just want to give you a hand, Max. Help out.
Sólo queremos ayudar, Max.
Blaisdell, if you've come to offer us help, we don't want it.
Blaisdell, si has ofrecer tu ayuda, no la queremos.
This is exactly why we want you to help us to help him
En otras palabras, sabemos del afecto que le tiene, y por eso deseamos que nos ayude a ayudarlo.
Te queremos para que nos ayudes a olvidar.
We needed to pull on your ear to let you know that we want our chance to help.
Necesitábamos decirle que cuente con nosotros y que esperamos nuestra ocasión de ayudar.
We are going to help the Thals, which Is what you want us to do.
Vamos a ayudar a los Thals, que es lo que queréis que hagamos.
We want you to help us.
Queremos que nos ayuden.
If you want the Apaches to help you, then we shall.
Os lo agradecemos.

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