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Weakened translate Spanish

838 parallel translation
It is difficult to say how the weakened young Hutter was able to overcome all the obstacles of the trip home. Meanwhile, the deadly breath of Nosferatu filled the sails ofthe ship so that it flew toward its goal with supernatural speed.
Es difícil saber cómo el joven Hutter, con sus pocas fuerzas, logró superar las dificultades de su vuelta a casa, mientras que, henchidas las velas del barco por el aliento mortal de Nosferatu, volaba con rapidez fantasmal hacia su destino.
Sometimes in the overdevelopment of one part of the brain, another part is weakened.
A veces, al desarrollar mucho una parte del cerebro se perjudica a otra.
# I love Colette I haven't weakened yet #
Amo a Colette, todavía no he sucumbido.
- I'd like to talk to you. - Perhaps you feel weakened... by the first heat of the season.
- Deben de ser estos calores iniciales,... que la están debilitando.
He's in a very weakened condition... and he's still running quite a temperature.
Esta muy débil y tiene muy alta temperatura.
It's your weakened condition, child.
Es fruto de su debilidad, muchacha.
This long period of travelling has weakened her greatly.
A causa de tantos viajes su salud es débil.
I don't want to be a crepe hanger, but in your weakened condition, you're subject to all sorts of maladies.
No quiero ser pájaro de mal agüero, pero con sus condiciones mermadas esta sometido a toda clase de dolencias.
At the end of the World War Tomainia weakened.
Al final de la guerra, Tomania flaqueaba.
Ah.. you run from me in a moment of weakened decision. I realize that now.
Te aprovechas de un momento de debilidad.
- I think he has weakened Defenses.
- Creo que le has debilitado las defensas.
- Weakened?
- ¿ Debilitado?
The bridge had been weakened by the storm.
El puente se había debilitado por la tormenta.
Then, I can attack him in his weakened state.
Entonces, podré atacarlo en su estado debilitado
I confess, my confidence is weakened.
Confieso que mi confianza se ha debilitado.
It's dangerous to leave him in this weakened condition.
Es peligroso dejarlo en esta condición de debilidad.
With that load on the weakened joists I bet he had to put a lally column down there for support.
Y con ese peso, fue necesario poner una columna de soporte aquí.
" When it weakened
Cuando cedió
" l could speak to my heart when it weakened
Pude hablar a mi corazón cuando cedió
"After childbirth, Oshizu weakened... "... and she died after giving birth to this child
Shizu dio a luz a este bebé, pero murió por complicaciones después del parto.
Our early conquests weakened it and my family, we Caesars, killed and buried it.
Nuestras conquistas la debilitaron y mi familia, los césares, la mataron.
He saw what would happen to the nation when its moral fiber was weakened.
Supo qué le pasaría a la nación si su fibra moral se debilitaba.
Le Bosco had weakened, he'd become too wealthy
El Bosco se había ablandado por ser demasiado rico.
He who is weakened, will be the first to be kicked at.
Allí donde cae el burro, le llueven palos.
But what Kallen is doing has weakened me in the eyes of my... and it is not good for them.
Pero Io que KaIIen hace, debilita mi autoridad frente al pueblo... y no es bueno para ellos.
- I'm in a weakened condition.
- Tal vez nunca. Estoy débil.
No, many commas not for prayer can be considerably weakened.
No, muchas comas no, porque la oración puede quedar muy mermada.
This part of town has been evacuated because the guns'vibrations has weakened the houses.
Esta parte ha sido evacuada. La vibración de los cañones ha debitado las casas.
Then I'll take advantage of your weakened condition... and come right out with it now.
Entonces me aprovecharé de tu estado de agotamiento... y lo haré de inmediato.
You weakened last night... enough to pay the ransom.
Usted se desanimo ayer de noche... bastante para pagar el rescate.
He still has his inspiration but his power of concentration has weakened a little.
Todavía se inspira, pero le cuesta un poco concentrarse.
Fear of death has weakened your resolve.
El temor a la muerte ha debilitado vuestra resolución.
By the time it entered my blood it had been strained and weakened by the bat system.
En el tiempo, cuando el murciélago bebio mi sangre, el germen ya era atenuado y debilitado por el organismo del murciélago.
The proof is that when your spirit has weakened but for an instant, these tablets have not fallen over as much.
La prueba, es que cuando tu espíritu se ha debilitado un instante, estas tabletas no se han caído tanto.
I probably weakened him while I was practicing.
Probablemente lo ablandé mientras practicaba.
If the pharaoh'd declare war against a weakened Assyria, and would win, he would win the loyalty of a mighty army,
Si el divino Faraón declarase la guerra a Asiria, que es débil en la actualidad, y la ganase...
- Apparently, the body functioning weakened during the duplication process.
- El funcionamiento del organismo se debilitó en el proceso de duplicación.
Has been considerably weakened, yes.
Se ha debilitado, sí.
She's weakened.
Ella está debilitada.
But if Diaz get weakened...
Pero si Díaz es debilitado...
Diaz weakened...
Si Díaz es debilitado...
Diaz weakened...
Pero si Díaz es debilitado...
Obviously I have been weakened since I have been here.
Obviamente he sido debilitado desde de llegué.
Perhaps when my brother told me, it weakened my resolve.
Tal vez fui débil cuando oí a mi hermano.
But I weakened and fell or rather someone made me fall.
Pero fui débil y caí, o mejor dicho, alguien me hizo caer.
The ship's pulling away must have weakened it considerably.
La retirada de la nave ha debido de debilitarle bastante.
Pulling away from the sun weakened them.
El alejamiento del sol nos ha debilitado.
Doctor... patient is sick... She weakened.
Doctor... su paciente está... está debilitándose.
The cessation of violence appears to have weakened it, captain.
El cese de violencia parece debilitarlo, Capitán.
Shields holding but weakened, sir.
Los escudos están debilitados.
The shock was serious because of McCoy's weakened condition.
El shock fue fuerte porque McCoy está débil.

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