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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / Weenus

Weenus translate Spanish

7 parallel translation
All right, Ted, you no-neck little weenus.
Muy bien Ted. Cobardecito sin cuello.
- Think about your weenus.
Piensa en tu salchicha.
Do you know anyone who wants to be called Daryl Weenus?
¿ Conoces a alguien que quiera llamarse Daryl Weenus?
But if Daryl Weenus is right, if we're just a couple, why don't we hate it?
Pero si Daryl Weenus tiene razón, si solo somos una pareja, ¿ por qué no lo odiamos?
I have a hole in my weenus!
¡ Tengo un agujero en la churra!
I don't care if he has a weenus. What's happening?
No me importa si tiene una salchichita.
I flex and it shoots up my thighs and it comes straight out of my little weenus.
Flexionó y tira de mis piernas, y saldrá de mi pequeño weenus.

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