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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / Wendy's

Wendy's translate Spanish

1,071 parallel translation
- Wendy, my God, she's still up there.
- Dios mío, Wendy sigue allá arriba.
I saw Wendy last night like she really is, not when she's Wendy.
- Vi a Wendy como es en verdad... no es Wendy
[Woman] Let's go to Wendy's and have a hamburger.
Vamos al Wendy a comer una hamburguesa.
Let's go to Wendy's and have a hamburger.
Vamos al Wendy a comer una hamburguesa.
Let's go to... Wendy's... and have a hamburger.
Vamos al Wendy a comer una hamburguesa.
They put up a new Wendy's on Collins Avenue.
Hay una hamburguesería nueva en la avenida Collins.
It's Wendy!
iSoy Wendy!
Wendy! Where the fuck's lunch? !
Wendy, ¿ Dónde está mi puto almuerzo?
Any friend of Wendy's....
Cualquier amigo de Wendy...
Here's Wendy.
Wendy está aquí.
Absolutely, it's so amazing that you would say that... because Wendy is known for her punctuality.
Desde luego, es increíble que diga eso... porque Wendy es famosa por su puntualidad.
She was at the Children's Hospital... because they just opened the Wendy Worthington wing.
Estaba en el hospital infantil... porque han abierto el ala Wendy Worthington.
It's me, Wendy.
Soy yo, Wendy.
It's even got a "W" for Wendy.
Hasta tiene una "W" de Wendy.
- That's Wendy's.
- Es de Wendy.
- Poor Wendy doesn't even know it's a joke.
- La pobre Wendy no sabe que es una broma.
- That's Wendy!
- ¡ Es Wendy!
Wendy's right.
Wendy tiene razón.
If you have to go out, go to McDonald's or Wendy's.
Si tienes que comer afuera ve a McDonald's o Wendy's.
It's all right, Andy, Wendy, everything's hunky-dory, cool.
Muy bien, Andy. Wendy. Todo es perfecto.
Somebody was Wendy's friend.
¡ Qué gracioso.
- Where's Wendy?
- ¿ Dónde está Wendy?
A children's hospital is dedicating an entire wing to Granny Wendy.
Un hospital para niños está dedicando un ala a mi abuela Wendy.
It broke Wendy's heart.
Le rompió el corazón a Wendy.
After all, TootIes is Wendy's first orphan.
Tootles fue su primer huérfano.
Many of you here tonight were once lost children... but Granny Wendy found parents and homes for each of you... and saved you- - that's her miracle.
Muchos de ustedes fueron niños perdidos... pero la abuelita Wendy les encontró padres y hogares... y los salvó. Ese es su milagro.
He married Wendy's granddaughter!
¡ Se casó con la nieta de Wendy!
This is Wendy's house.
Esta es la casa de Wendy.
That's how I met Wendy.
Así conocí a Wendy.
That's how Nibs made Wendy better.
Así curó Nibs a Wendy.
Wendy, that's enough.
- Es suficiente.
That's gettin'awful formal, calling Wendy a stewardess.
Es muy formal llamar a Wendy azafata.
[Wendy] She's feeling a little better.
- Se siente un poco mejor.
No, the guy who designed Wendy's went nuts there.
Nada, sólo que dicen que allí te vuelves tarumba.
And Burger Barn... Forget Wendy's, forget Burger King, forget McDonald's.
Y Burger Barn... olviden Wendy's, olviden Burger King, olviden McDonald's.
Dr Brewster... it's been suggested to us that your husband may have had an affair with Wendy HazIitt.
Dra. Brewster... se nos sugirió que su esposo podría haber tenido un amorío con Wendy Hazlitt.
Well, Wendy is a young, attractive woman, and sometimes when a husband and wife work and live together, they can become a little tired of each other's company.
Bueno, Wendy es una joven y atractiva mujer, y a veces cuando marido y mujer trabajan y viven juntos pueden cansarse de la compañía mutua.
Yes, that's affirmative, Wendy!
¡ Sí, correcto, Wendy!
Wendy Kroy. It's her name It's the one she's using now.
Wendy Kroy... así se llama.
No Wendy, it's intimate.
No, Wendy. Son cosas íntimas.
- Wendy, it's all locked!
- Esta completamente trancada, Wendy.
Wendy, it's all locked, OK?
Wendy, esta completamente trancada, ¿ vale?
Wendy, if you wanna sell murder to people, if that's how you have your fun, that's fine by me. It's nothing that I'm interested in.
Si quieres vender asesinatos a la gente... y te divierte, esta bien, pero no me interesa.
Wendy, maybe it's my quaint small-town morals but I don't do murder.
Quizá sea mi antigua moral, pero no soy un asesino.
Where'd you get'em?
¿ De McDonald's, Wendy's, o Jack in the Box?
McDonald's, Wendy's, Jack In The Box? Where? - Big Kahuna Burger.
De Big Kahuna.
Wendy, what's for dinner?
cliff, look, I realize you've both been through a Iot... but I don't think it's a good idea for you and Wendy to see each other anymore.
Cliff, mira, yo sé que los dos pasaron por muchas cosas... pero no me parece buena idea que Wendy y tú se sigan viendo.
You saved Wendy Pfister's life.
Le salvaste la vida a Wendy Pfister.
- Wendy's stuffing....
- La guarnición de microondas de Wendy...
- Or Wendy's potatoes Iyonnaise.
- O mis papas a la lionesa.
wendy 1243

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