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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ W ] / Were you aware of that

Were you aware of that translate Spanish

220 parallel translation
Were you aware of that, Shogun?
¿ Estaba usted enterado de eso, Shogun?
- Were you aware of that?
- ¿ Sabías eso?
Were you aware of that?
¿ Estaba enterada de eso?
Asteria says she loved your brother : Were you aware of that?
Asteria dice que amaba a su hermano.
Were you aware of that?
¿ Lo sabía usted?
Were you aware of that?
¿ Estaba enterado usted?
Were you aware of that?
¿ Sabías eso?
Were you aware of that, ma'am?
¿ Sabia eso, madame?
Were you aware of that, Ned?
¿ Lo sabía?
The fact that I have absolutely no thought of selling my land, I thought you were well aware of that.
Creo que sabe muy bien que yo no tengo ninguna intención de vender mis tierras.
I am well aware that your late father and mother were in the theatrical profession and that you came here with no sense of discipline.
Estoy bien ciente que sus fallecidos Padre y madre eran actores Y que usted vino aquí Sin ni una disciplina.
I don't know, father who is the most unhappy of us are you aware, my dear professor, that I haven't left your mother's side during your birth for 24 hours your little head had been quite deformed when you were born
No sé, padre... quién es el más desgraciado de nosotros. ¿ Sabe Ud., sr. profesor, que no me aparté de su madre cuando Ud. nació durante 24 horas? Su cabecita estaba muy deformada cuando Ud. vino al mundo.
When you saw the prisoner's hand reach for the safety catch on that cable car did she, of her own free will, decide not to kill the child at that time or did she refrain from that act because she was aware that you were watching?
¿ Cuándo la acusada abrió el cerrojo de la cabina decidió ella por su propia voluntad no asesinar al niño en ese momento. ... o se abstuvo de hacerlo porque sabía que Ud. la observaba?
Nor do I think you were aware of all this until that night in his apartment... when he spoke of this curious difference in you from time to time.
Quizá no te dieras cuenta hasta aquella noche en su casa cuando habló de la curiosa diferencia que había dentro de ti.
You were certainly aware that the ties between Mrs. Lapham and Mr. O'Mara... were more than those of a casual acquaintanceship.
Seguramente sabía que la Sra. Lapham y el Sr. O'Mara... eran algo más que conocidos.
Were you aware that Colonel Paradine made a will, in which he bequeathed you the sum of £ 3,500?
¿ Sabía Vd. que Paradine Ie Iegaba 3.500 libras?
For your father's sake, I wish we might hear you plead that you were not aware of the gravity of your offence.
En nombre de vuestro padre, me gustaría... oíros alegar que desconocíais la magnitud de vuestra ofensa.
Though I doubt whether you were aware of that.
No obstante, dudo que lo advirtiese.
I'm aware of the sacrifice you made... in rank and salary when you entered the navy, but I'd suggest you try to forget that you were... captain and master of a ship in the merchant marine.
Sé muy bien cuánto ha sacrificado... en rango y salario al entrar a la armada, pero le sugiero que se olvide que era... capitán y jefe de un barco en la marina mercante.
No, but you must have been aware of some of the events that were going on.
Lo sé, pero estarían enterados de los acontecimientos que se producían.
As assistant librarian, surely you were aware that the standards board of this school had canceled this book as too adult for our girls to read.
Como Bibliotecaria asistente.. Seguramente fué advertida que el comité disciplinario de este Colegio Canceló este libro, sólo para adultos.
Unless I haven't been properly briefed, Senator, I wasn't aware... that sabotage was one of the qualifications you were looking for.
No estaba informado, senador... de que el sabotaje era una de las aptitudes que buscaba.
I was not aware, Captain, that you were one of those who reads sex into everything. Well, you're his wife.
No sabía que es uno de esos que ven el sexo en todos lados.
- And you must have been very well aware of that all the time you were absent from the first moment you decided to decided to have. Yes sir.
Sí, señor.
Were you aware, Colonel, that the cargo of those 40 wagons is alcohol?
¿ Sabía usted, coronel, que en esos 40 carros hay alcohol?
Yes, four years of war. I'm sure that you're aware that as far as World War II medals are concerned, there are many people in Germany who refuse to wear them, because they were awarded by the Nazi state.
Estoy seguro de que es consciente de que en lo que se refiere a medallas de la 2ª GM, hay mucha gente en Alemania que rechaza llevarlas, porque fueron condecorados por el Estado Nazi.
otherwise, if it is true that you were aware of the criminal project,..
por otra parte, si es verdad que era consciente del proyecto delictivo,.. tengo que arrestarlo como cómplice.
I see. Were there any other checks that you might be aware of, that could...
¿ Hay algún otro cheque que puede haber...?
Were you aware that it was that kind of funds from the very beginning?
¿ Estaba Ud. al corriente de eso desde el comienzo?
Could you tell us, sir, when you went to the building that night, were you aware that you were gonna commit an act of homicide on a person named Bernard Phillips?
¿ Era consciente de que iba a cometer un asesinato?
Were you aware of the relations that your wife had with the count?
¿ Sabía usted que su esposa y el conde mantenían relaciones...?
- How were you made aware of that?
- ¿ Cómo se enteró usted?
Perhaps you were not aware that my family... as one of its many philanthropic endeavors... is putting this, uh, poor, starving child through school.
Quizá no sabe que mi familia... como uno de sus proyectos filantrópicos... va a darle escuela a esta pobre y hambrienta criatura.
Four years ago, when you were working as a nurse... are you aware that these doctors, Marx and Towler... based their treatment of Deborah Ann Kaye on this admitting form... which you signed?
Hace cuatro años, cuando trabajaba de enfermera, ¿ era consciente de que los doctores Marx y Towler basaron el tratamiento de Deborah Ann Kaye en la hoja de ingreso, que firmó entonces?
Mrs. Maillot Van Horn... it would appear from your testimony... that you were well aware of your husband's infidelities.
Sra. Maillot Van Horn... su testimonio parece indicar... que usted conocía las infidelidades de su marido.
And you were not aware that Berensky had not come out of his dressing room?
¿ Y no se había dado cuenta de que Berensky no había salido?
Colonel Decker, in those three long years that you pursued the A-Team, were you ever aware of any civilians who were in trouble that they might have helped?
Coronel Decker, en esos tres largos años en que persiguió al A-Team, ¿ supo de algunos civiles en problemas a los que ellos habrían ayudado?
Were you aware that 90 % of the members are whores?
¿ Era consciente de que el 90 % de los miembros son putas?
- You were not aware of that?
- ¿ No sabía eso?
And I assure you, Mr. Trevor, that no one... absolutely no one except the Ministry of the Interior and myself... were aware of your arrival.
Y le aseguro, Sr. Trevor, que nadie... absolutamente nadie, excepto el Ministro del Interior y yo... sabía de su llegada.
Mr. Aaron, were you aware that your wife had an insurance policy through the access trades union of which she was a member?
Sr. Aaron, ¿ sabía que su mujer tenía una póliza de seguros del Sindicato de Actores del cual era miembro?
- Yes. If you were a little more aware of the political situation of the day, Pastor, you would know that we have not had a week's peace since the general strike.
Si estuviera al corriente de la situación actual, pastor, sabría que no hemos tenido paz desde que empezó la huelga general.
Were you aware that drugs were gonna be part of this examination?
¿ Era consciente de que las drogas eran parte del examen?
You ´ ve already admitted that you were aware of the delays.
Ud. ya admitió que tenía conocimiento de las demoras.
You're aware that during your surgery you were given 20 units of blood from Irwin Memorial?
¿ Sabe que en la operación le dieron sangre del Irwin Memorial?
Were you aware at any time of any problems that the partners had with Andrew's work prior to this missing file episode?
¿ Alguna vez se dio cuenta de los problemas que tenían los jefes con el trabajo de Andrew antes de la pérdida del documento?
It is possible that in your distress over the Captain's death, you imagined that you were aware of her.
Su pena podría haberle hecho imaginar que estaba presente.
Doctor, you're aware of just how dire the circumstances were in that hospital after Katrina hit. Yes.
Doctor, ¿ usted es consciente de cuán desesperada era la situación en ese hospital después de Katrina?
There were some procedures that I wanted you to be aware of.
Hay ciertos procedimientos que me gustaría que conociera.
Now, you say that there were other students who were aware of this test but you were the only one who exploited it.
No, usted dijo que otros alumnos estaban al corriente pero usted fue la única que le sacó provecho.
Good, I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of the situation.
Bien, sólo quería asegurarme de que estaba al tanto de la situación.

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