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What'd you do to him translate Spanish

175 parallel translation
He said he'd told you what to do for twenty years. I called him a liar.
Me ha contado que le ha dicho lo que tenía que hacer durante 20 años.
Well, I'd like to do him a favor if that's what you mean.
Le haré un favor a él si se refiere a eso.
Compared with what you'd like to do to him, I've done nothing.
Comparado con lo que me gustaría hacerle, no le he hecho nada.
What'd you expect him to do, take it to the United Nations?
¿ Qué esperabas? ¿ Que lo presentara ante las Naciones Unidas?
What'd you do to him back there in the dungeon?
¿ Qué le hizo en el calabozo?
What'd you do to him anyway?
Por cierto, ¿ qué le hizo?
- What'd you do to him?
- ¿ Qué le hiciste?
What do you think he'd do to you if we married this way... without me even meeting him?
¿ Qué crees que te haría, si nos casáramos a prisa y corriendo sin que ni siquiera me lo hubieras presentado
Now, this fellow in the Carson case, you know... what I'd like to do is to go up to him... take him by the arm and tell him not to worry.
El hombre del caso Carson- - Lo que me gustaría es acercármele... tomarlo del brazo y decirle que no se preocupe.
I promised him I'd put you in that boat, and that's just what I'm going to do.
Le prometí que te subiría al bote, y eso haré.
" What do you think he'd say if we were to tell him
"¿ Pero qué diría si le dijera..."
Hey, what'd you do to him?
Oiga, ¿ qué le hizo?
What'd you do with him? What'd you want me to do?
¿ Qué querías que hiciera?
"What d'you want to do to my brain?" I said to him.
"Qué le quieren hacer a mi cerebro", le dije.
From what you know of him, you believe he'd have to be a little unhinged to do what he did?
¿ Cree que estaba trastornado para hacer lo que hizo?
What'd you do to him?
¿ Qué le has hecho?
You know, I used to tease Anacleto all the time about what I'd do to him if I got him in a battalion.
Solía embromar a Anacleto todo el tiempo... con lo que haría si estuviera en mi batallón.
Now, you'd better start telling him what to do... or we're gonna be out of business.
Indícale qué hacer o estaremos quebrados.
What'd you give him to do your chores?
¿ Qué le diste para que hiciera tus tareas?
Well, what you might do is just walk right up to him and say, "J.D., I'm sorry for the delay but my secretary had an urgent personal problem."
Lo mejor que puedes hacer es hablarle francamente : "J.D., siento el retraso pero mi secretaria tenía un problema urgente".
What d'you think we were going to do, take him to the movies?
¿ Qué vamos a hacer? ¿ Llevarla al cine?
Okay, let's go! - What'd you do to him?
- ¿ Pero que le han hecho?
What d'you reckon they'll do to him?
¿ Qué calculas que le harán?
- What'd you expect him to do?
- ¿ Esperabas un cheque?
What'd you want me to do, terminate him?
¿ Qué querías que hiciera? , ¿ qué lo eliminara?
He works for the city, so we can't bribe him with water... but maybe if you were real nice to him... he'd do us a favor, if you know what I mean.
Sí, trabaja para la ciudad, y no podemos sobornarlo con agua... pero si fueras muy amable con él... nos haría el favor, ¿ sabes a qué me refiero?
What Dave is trying to say, if you'd let him get a word through, - Is you could maybe do with some help.
Lo que David intenta decir, si le dejas decir una palabra... es que probablemente te vendría bien una ayuda.
I know exactly what you'd do. You'd say hi to him, and when he left you'd cut him all up so your friends wouldn't think you really liked him.
Le dirías "hola" a él y cuando se fuera, lo harías pedazos... para que tus amigos no creyeran que te cae bien.
What'd you do to him?
¿ Qué le hicieron?
- This isn't her blood. - What the hell'd you do to him?
- ¿ Qué diablos le has hecho?
If I asked them to kill him, you know what they'd do? Kill me.
Y si les diera orden de matarlo, sabe lo que harían?
Oh! What'd you do to him?
¿ Qué le hiciste a mi amigo?
I told him, "David, you'd broken into his house... " you abducted his girlfriend, what was he supposed to do? "
Yo le dije : "David, te metiste en su casa... raptaste a su novia, ¿ qué querías que hiciera?"
I can't wait to get up at dawn and climb into a flying sardine can - thank you - with a woman who wishes I'd catch a disease, so I can do some dirty deed for an old geezer who ignores what I tell him and then gets annoyed at me cos he doesn't get better.
Estoy deseando levantarme al amanecer y meterme en una lata voladora con una mujer que me odia para hacerle un curro a un vejete que pasa de lo que le digo y luego se enfada conmigo porque no mejora.
- Just the sort of place I'd expect him to go. - What do you mean, Chief Inspector?
Es justo el lugar donde esperaría que fuese.
He's peppy. What'd you do to him?
Está lleno de vida. ¿ Qué hiciste con él?
Fuck, what'd you do to him?
Joder, ¿ qué le has hecho?
What'd you do to him?
¿ Qué le hicisteis?
What I'd like you to do is use that patented left hook on him.
Lo que me gustaría que hicieras es que uses ese gancho izquierdo patentando en él.
I figured you'd know what to do with him.
Me imaginé que sabrías qué hacer con él.
I figured you'd know what to do with him.
Pensé que sabría qué hacer con él.
Hugh, do you remember what Fowler said to you when you asked him why he'd left the tavern?
Hugh, ¿ recuerdas lo que Fowler dijo sobre por qué dejó la taberna?
- You said yourself, he'd rather bury that file than to embarrass the department on his watch, but if it's between you and him surviving, what do you think he'll do then?
- Dijiste tu mismo, preferiría enterrar ese informe que poner en un aprieto al departamento que está bajo su custodia. pero se trata de quien de los dos sobrevive, que piensas que hara el entonces?
What'd you do to him?
¿ Qué le hiciste?
He was terrified of what you'd do to him.
Estaba aterrorizado por lo que harías con él.
So what'd you do to him?
¿ Entonces que le habrás hecho?
What'd you do to piss him off?
¿ Qué hiciste para enfadarlo?
What'd you cocks do to him?
¿ Qué coño le habéis hecho?
What'd you tell him to do?
¿ Qué le has pedido que haga?
What'd you do to him? - Come on.
Maldición, Chon. ¿ Qué le hiciste?
What'd you do to him?
- ¿ Qué le hicieron?

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