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What did you think it was translate Spanish

157 parallel translation
Yeah, what did you think it was, Sarsaparilla?
Sí, ¿ Que creías que era? ¿ Zarzaparrilla?
What did you think It was going to be about?
¿ Qué pensabas que sería?
Yes, what did you think it was?
Sí, ¿ qué pensaba que era?
- Well, what did you think it was?
- ¿ Creías que era el 1?
- What did you think it was?
- Pero ¿ qué creías?
What did you think it was like?
¿ Qué esperabas?
What did you think it was going to be?
¿ Qué creía que iba a ser?
I mean, what did you think it was, a game?
Digo, ¿ qué creías que era, un juego?
What did you think it was, black magic?
¿ Creíste que era magia negra?
Yes. What did you think it was?
Sí. ¿ Qué creías que era?
Why, what did you think it was?
¡ Si! ¿ Que pensabas que era?
What did you think it was, a Iarge diamond duck ring?
¿ Pensaste que era un anillo con un pato de diamantes?
Bueno, ¿ tú qué crees que fue?
You saw what it did to her to think it was you, and somebody might as well get something out of this.
Viste cómo se puso al pensar que fuiste tú... y alguien debería sacar provecho de esta situación.
What did he think it was to you?
¿ Qué creía que le decía?
But even if I did think you werert the worst-looking guy in the world, supposing even I told you you looked like someone I was once dumb enough to go for, what would it get me?
Incluso si no fueras tan feo, incluso si me recordaras a alguien por quien hice una tontería, ¿ qué sacaría?
- What did you think I am? Don't get angry, it was a simple question.
- Sì, Pero ¿ veré a la reina Cleopatra?
I'm almost sure it was him. What did you think?
Estoy casi segura. ¿ Tú qué crees?
What did you think I was gonna do? Nothing? Let you get away with it?
¿ Creías que te lo iba a permitir?
What did you think was in it?
Qué te crees que era?
I thought I was great. What did you think of it?
Me ha parecido genial. ¿ Y a usted?
What I would like to know if you think it is he was right to ask? Reuben leaving the class as he did.
¿ crees que hizo bien... pidiéndole a Reuben que saliera de clase como lo hizo?
You don't think it was a punishment retribution for what he did?
¿ No crees que ha sido un castigo, una pena merecida? Por lo que hizo.
What did you think, that I was going to give it to you?
Pero ¿ qué te habías creído, que te los iba a regalar?
All right. What did you think was behind it?
Bueno, ¿ qué crees que abría antes?
Now, if, as you also claim it is God's opinion that we should all make our own decisions and abide by them accordingly then I must also rule that on the basis of the evidence... ... or rather the lack of it that as much as we all may think that what we saw here today was real God did not, in fact, appear here before us.
Ahora, si, como también alega usted opina Dios que tenemos que tomar nuestras propias decisiones y cumplir con ellas entonces también mando que, basado en las pruebas o mejor la falta de ellas que, aunque nos parezca a todos que lo que vimos hoy fue real en realidad, Dios no apareció aquí ante nosotros.
Dad, what did you think of it? Well, I kept thinking it was such a heavy book.
¿ Cómo podremos sacar a esa mujer de la escuela del pueblo y del condado también?
What did you think when it was the 15th round and you came out?
¿ Qué pensó usted cuándo era el 15 round y usted salió?
So, what did you think? I thought it was awesome. Not bad.
A Molière le gustaba mucho el dinero, creo yo.
Now is that what you believe? I think my nurse told me, or someone did anyway that if the priest got there before the body was cold it was all right. That's so, isn't it?
Creo que mi niñera decía, o tal vez era otra persona... que si el sacerdote llega antes de que el cuerpo esté frío también sirve, es así ¿ no?
But somehow it seems that the whole point of the work that you did in those workshops... when you get right down to it and you ask what was it really about... The whole point, really, I think... was to enable the people in the workshops, including yourself... to somehow sort of strip away every scrap of purposefulness... from certain selected moments. And the point of it was so that you would then all be able to experience... somehow just pure being.
Parece que el objetivo de tu trabajo en los talleres, si te preguntas cuál era el objetivo, consistía en que aquellas personas y tú mismo... eliminarais los objetivos... de algunos momentos, para que pudierais experimentar el hecho de ser y nada más.
What did you think was melodramatic about it?
¿ Qué cosa pensaste que era melodramática?
- What did you think? - Oh, it was delicious.
- ¿ Qué te ha parecido?
What, did you think it was for Vogue?
¿ Te creías que posaba para Vogue?
- [Malle] What did you think of the wedding? - It was nice.
- ¿ Qué os ha parecido la boda?
So soon? What's the matter with you? When did you think I was going to do it?
¿ Y cuándo si no?
Did you really think I hadn't figured out... what it was about you and Superman?
¿ De verdad crees que no me había dado cuenta de tu relación con Supermán?
Did you think it was someone in the band? Is that what you thought?
¿ Crees que es uno de los músicos?
To begin with, one might be nervous, but because he took his time, you felt there was a whole world around him and what he did technically, so you gained confidence and began to think it was natural to make suggestions.
En el momento de empezar estaba nerviosa, pero él se tomaba su tiempo y nos lo daba a nosotros. Sentías como un mundo entero a su alrededor y a todo lo que hacía técnicamente. Poco a poco ibas cogiendo confianza en ti misma y empezabas a pensar que era natural el hecho de sugerirle cosas.
But I think what you did was very sweet and to tell you the truth, it turns me on.
Pero creo que lo que hiciste fue muy bello. Y, a decir verdad, me excita.
Mother, what did you think of his research? It's a shame, but your father was strange -
Es penoso, pero tu padre era extraño.
I was going to ask what you did this weekend, but I think it's painfully clear.
Iba a preguntar que hizo este fin de semana pero creo que es dolorasamente claro
- What did you think was going on? - I thought it was an S.T.O.
- ¿ Qué creían que era todo?
And that way, you don't even need to think about how tough it was for you when you were growing up, probably a good thing too because if you did, you'd realize what a lousy goddamn, shitty-ass parent you are.
- Y por eso no tendrás que pensar lo mal que lo pasate tu de joven. - Y seguramente es lo mejor, por que si lo hicieras...
Hey, hey, hey, hey! Do you think it was easy for me to do what I did in front of a whole church full of people?
¿ Crees que fue fácil?
I think it was really brave what you did... not just dropping premed. But making that decision... to do the thing you've always wanted to.
Pienso que fue muy valiente lo que hiciste... no sólo abandonar pre-med, sino tomar esa decisión de hacer la cosa que siempre quisiste.
See what I did there? I made you think it was bad, when actually it was good.
Te hice pensar que era algo malo cuando en realidad era bueno.
It was like, "Did you or didn't you?" I let him think what he wanted to.
Fue una pregunta general : "² Si o no?" Deje que pensara Io que quisiera.
I said it was about moving forward. What did you think that meant?
Dije que quería que avanzáramos, ¿ a qué crees que me refería?
I think it was really nice what you did.
Fue muy lindo lo que hiciste.
I hate to say I told you so... did we sack Shane MacGowan there is the question no... it's just never as simple as that what actully happened was it was becoming very obvious that the band wanted to carry on playing at something if they think they paid a high price now you know...
No pensaban que pagaban un alto precio... si es que lo piensan ahora...

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