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What i don't get is translate Spanish

702 parallel translation
I don't know what it is but I get a great kick out of doing things for you.
No sé qué es... pero tengo una gran sensación haciendo cosas por ti.
But what I'm trying to impress on you is this, don't get me mixed up with one of them dumb movie cops.
Lo que quiero hacerle comprender es esto, no me mezcle en una de esas tontas películas policiales.
You know what I always say no matter what the weather is? I say, "Why don't you get out of that wet coat and into a dry martini?" Dry martini, wet coat.
Yo siempre digo, sin importar el tiempo que haga ¿ por qué no se quita ese abrigo mojado y se toma este martini seco?
What I don't get is why you sent those two killers to blast the Swede.
Lo que no comprendo es por qué se deshizo del sueco.
What I don't want is that others get me, that they interrogate... that they judge me, that they treat me like scum, even if it's true.
Lo que no quiero es que me detengan, que me interroguen, que me juzguen y se burlen de mí. Que me llamen traidor.
I don't know what it is, I always get an urge to smack up mirrors.
No se por qué pero siempre tengo ansia por destrozar espejos.
You don't even get dinner until you tell rne the angle. I've been trying to guess what it is all day long.
He tratado de adivinar tu ángulo todo el día.
How did it get here? I don't know, my Lord. What is it?
Esta carta con el sello real.
He is now. I don't know what he'll be like by the time I get him.
Ahora sí, no sé cómo será cuando le consiga.
I don't know where you're aimin'to go when you leave us, Jesse, or what you plan on doin'once you get there but, whatever it is, you ain't gonna be no better off than you are now.
No sé dónde irás cuando nos dejes, Jesse, o lo que piensas hacer, pero no importa porque no serás mejor que ahora.
This is a situation I don't know how to deal with. What do I do to get rid of you? Scream?
- Aunque suene absurdo lo digo en serio.
I don't know what it is, honey, but I cannot get through to you.
No se que decirte, no logro llegar a comprenderte.
I don't know what it is about trains but the minute I set foot on one I get hungry.
No sé lo que tienen los trenes. En cuanto pongo los piés en uno, tengo hambre.
If I don't get the colonel to the hospital, he'll die. You want me to shoot you, is that what you want?
Si no lo llevo al hospital, morirá.
What I still don't get is, why your kind of bail just for hanging some bad paper around town?
Todavía no entiendo por qué te exigen una fianza tan alta por unos cuantos cheques falsos.
Corry, ellos no saben lo que traje así que apreciaría que esperara a perdernos de vista.
It's strange. When I look myself in the face... I get the feeling I don't match what I think is inside.
Es extraño, cuando me miro a la cara... creo que no corresponde con lo que siento por dentro.
Hey, what I don't get is, how come no pads behind Humphrey?
¿ Por qué no colocas protección detrás de Humphrey?
You cut him out of whole cloth! Now, i don't know what your graft is, goldsmith... i don't know how you get paid off, but i do know that it's time you let these people know what's in that cave.
Lo que no sé es lo que gana usted con ello, no sé cómo le pagan, pero lo que sí sé es que ya es hora de que se sepa lo que hay en la cueva.
- Then what is it? - I don't want to get involved.
- Entonces, de qué se trata?
I don't know what it is, but if you don't get over these heebie-jeebies, i'm calling a doctor.
No sé que es, pero si no se te quitan estos nervios, voy a llamar al doctor.
All right, baby, I don't know what your game is, but whatever it is, let's get to the part where we put our cards on the table.
Nena, no sé cuál es tu juego pero lleguemos a la parte en que se ponen las cartas en la mesa.
What you do with your life is your decision but I want to know why you waited until now 7 : 14 am on our wedding day to tell me you don't want to get married
Eres tú quien decide sobre tu vida pero podrías explicarme por qué has esperado hasta ahora las 7 : 14 del día de nuestra boda para decirme que no quieres casarte.
What I don't understand is what you hope to get out of these books of yours.
Lo que no comprendo es qué esperas sacar de esos libracos tuyos.
I don't know what your little game is... or what you hope to get out of this, but I certainly don't want to listen to any more of it. You must go now.
No sé quién te puso eso en tu cabeza, no estoy aquí... para escuchar tales tonterías ¡ Fuera de mi casa!
- What a marvel it is, indeed. - I don't get you, fella.
Vaya una maravilla, sí.
Look, gentlemen, I don't know what it is you're looking for, but I think it's only fair to tell you that my son-in-law is a very important man with a greeting card company, and he can get you in a lot of trouble.
Señores, no sé qué buscan pero les diré que mi yerno es un hombre muy importante en una empresa de tarjetas y puede meterlos en un lío.
What I don't understand is how an ape was able to slip past 30 CONTROL agents, get into that building, enter an apartment that was locked and bolted, slip past another CONTROL agent and go in the kitchen to kill Roberts.
No entiendo cómo un simio pudo burlar a 30 agentes de CONTROL entrar al edificio, al apartamento con llave y cerrojo burlar a otro agente de CONTROL, ir a la cocina y matar a Roberts.
Well I don't know. What we can do for you is take it back to the Depot, get a transfer slip from Crump to Pinnet, and put it on a special delivery.
No sé, podemos llevarla al almacén... hacer un cambio de nombre y enviarla por correo especial.
What I don't understand, Reverend, is what are you going to do with the gold once you get it.
No comprendo, Reverendo que pretendes hacer con el oro cuando lo tengas.
I don't care what it is, you get shot of it.
Me da igual lo que sea, deshazte de él.
I don't get it. What is he talking about?
No lo entiendo. ¿ De qué está hablando?
Listen, listen, I still don't understand you... we will continue to strike for two hours a day until we get what we demand, is that clear!
- Pero entonces, no te entiendo. - ¿ No entendiste, entonces? Nosotros continuaremos haciendo 2 hs. de huelga al día hasta que se haga una primera reunión por nuestro pedido.
I don't care where is or what he's doing. Get through to him.
No me importa donde esté o que esté haciendo, consígalo.
I don't know what that is. but if I can get it, it's yours.
No sé qué es eso, pero si lo consigo, es suyo.
I don't know what I'm going to get him for Christmas yet. This is no ordinary conversation.
No es una simple conversación.
I don't know what it is about this place. I mean, some of the people we get in here...
Algunos huéspedes son...
But what I don't get is why would anyone want to frame me?
Pero lo que no entiendo es por qué alguien querría inculparme.
Nobody can get the truth out of me because even I don't know what it is.
Nadie me extrae la verdad porque ni yo sé qué es verdad.
I don't care what the plan is, as long as you get us outta here.
No me importan tus planes, mientras nos saques de este infierno.
I don't know what the story is, but I just ran every red light in Korea to get here.
No sé qué pasa, pero no respeté ninguna luz roja en Corea para llegar.
I don't get it - what is it?
No lo entiendo, ¿ qué es?
I don't know what it is, but if we can get up that wall, we can find out.
No se que sea, pero si llegamos a esa pared, lo averiguaremos
I can never get the hang of it. I don't know what the hell it is.
Yo nunca pude jugar bien.
You know, we have our moments and when we get together... there are certain times that just something happens... and I really don't know what it is, but there's that magic there.
Ya sabes, pasamos momentos y nos mantenemos juntos... Hay ciertos momentos que solo ocurren aveces... Y realmente no se que es, pero es algo magico.
What I don't get is why that doctor pronounced her dead.
Lo que no entiendo es por que el médico dijo que estaba muerta.
Oh, no, no, no, no. There's lots of grand ways to handle it, Dan, so as Jack's feelings don't get hurt, is what I mean.
Hay muchas formas de llevar el asunto y que Jack no se ofenda.
What I don't get is if Uncle Sam knows what Thompson's doing, why don't you just...
Lo que no entiendo es que si el Tío Sam sabe lo que se trae entre manos Thompson, ¿ por qué no...?
Somebody is going to help me ease my load a little bit this time, and I don't care what I have to do to get it.
Esta vez alguien me ayudará con esta carga un poco. Haré lo que haga falta.
What I don't get is how we have all these tests... but never go through the drill.
¿ Por qué tenemos todas estas pruebas... y nunca hacemos el ejercicio?
I don't know what your problem is but I've gotta get over to that bar, get my keys, so I can get home.
No sé cuál será su problema pero tengo que ir a ese bar, recoger mis llaves e irme a casa.

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