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What is it with you people translate Spanish

156 parallel translation
What is it with you people and fire?
¿ Qué les pasa con el fuego?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué les pasa a ustedes?
What is it with you people?
¿ Pero qué demonios os pasa?
- What is it with you people?
- ¿ Qué les pasa?
What is it with you people, man?
¿ Pero qué os pasa, tío?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué sucede con ustedes?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué le pasa a la gente?
- No. What is it with you people?
- No. ¿ Qué les pasa a ustedes?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué le pasa a tu gente?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué les sucede?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué les ocurre?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué les pasa a todos ustedes?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué les pasa? ¿ Son las drogas?
What is it with you people?
- ¿ Qué pasa con ustedes?
What is it with you people?
¿ Por qué encasillar a todo el mundo?
No cutting. What is it with you people and mutilation?
Ni hablar. ¿ De dónde viene esta obsesión por la mutilación?
God, what is it with you people and Americans?
¡ Dios! ¿ Qué les pasa a Uds. Con los estadounidenses?
Come on! What is it with you people? You think everyone's bad.
Y qué hay de Uds. Piensan que todos son malos.
What is it with you people? You just let this shit run wild?
¿ Cómo permitieron que esta cosa se expandiera?
What is it with you people?
¿ Cuál es el problema con ustedes?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué os pasa?
Oh, what is it with you people?
¿ Qué le pasa a esta gente?
- What is it with you people?
- ¿ Qué os pasa?
What is it with you people and heights?
Qué fijación tenéis aquí con las alturas.
Damn, what is it with you people... and your need to take apart everything and process each little detail?
Demonios, ¿ qué pasa con ustedes y su necesidad de machacar cada cosa y procesar cada pequeño detalle?
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué pasa con vosotros?
You are one of the many people who are so pleased with what they say that the 10th time they have said it, it is as fresh to them as the first.
Eres una de las muchas personas que estan tan contentas con lo que dicen que la decima vez que lo dicen es como si lo dijeran por primera vez.
I know what it is to want things, wanting to be noticed, to have people look at you with respect in their eyes, not like you were a piece of dirt.
Yo se lo que es desear cosas. Desear que se fijen en una. Que la gente te mire y lo haga con respeto.
Do you think anybody ever came? I don't know what is it with people nowadays, but nobody has time. Oh no!
¿ Cree que viene alguno?
Well, what is it with people like you?
No entiendo a la gente como usted.
What it is with you people?
¿ Qué os pasa, gente?
But you, you're... you're great at organizing things and dealing with people... and you never forget what day of the week it is.
Pero a ti, te gusta organizar cosas y tratar con la con la gente. Y nunca olvidas que día de la semana es.
- What the Fuck is it with you people!
Pero que es estás tomando?
Now, look at you guys. What is it with you young people and Colombo?
Oh, mírense, chicos. ¿ Qué está pasando con la gente de Colombo?
Do you realise how insidious it is to invade the most private thoughts and secret lives of unsuspecting people, people who have come to you with the faith that you know what you're doing and are who you say you are?
¿ Se hace cargo de Io peligroso que es invadir las mentes y las vidas ajenas de gente que confiaba en usted? De gente que fue a su consulta creyendo que usted sabía Io que hacía y que usted era quien decía ser.
What is it with you people?
- ¿ Qué les pasa?
- People want to be led. So, Charlie, Mr. DJ Guy, what is it with you and this radio thing?
La gente quiere que la guíen, Charlie ¿ qué te pasa con la radio?
And what you are left with is nothing, and nothing is an extraordinarily powerful place to stand because it is only from nothing that you can create and from this nothing people were able to invent a life, allowing them to create themselves.
y lo que se queda es... nada y la nada es un lugar poderoso en el cual pararse porque solo es de la nada de donde puedes crear y de esta nada las personas fueron capaces de inventar una vida permitiendoles crearse ellos mismos
What is it with you people?
¿ Qué les pasa a todos Uds.?
It's called divorce. What is with you people?
Se llama "divorcio", ¿ qué pasa con ustedes, gente?
I think what people mean when they say that... Is that you deal with whatever pain that you have by building a bridge over it... With all the things that life hasn't taken away from you.
Lo que la gente quiere decir cuando dice eso... es que superas cualquier dolor que tengas construyendo un puente sobre él... con todas las cosas que la vida aún no te ha quitado.
Yeah, what is it gonna? Because is really impossible to seeing with other people I living together You know, it made thing really difficult
- Si, hay algo de eso, porque... no puedo salir con otros y seguir viviendo juntos, sabes,... la mezcla no me resulta fácil.
What is it with you and shooting people in the throat?
¿ Por qué esa manía de disparar a la garganta?
Let me just say, with how your knee felt when I examined it and what I see on the scan with the things that you do well the reason that you're great is you can run and cut and hammer people
Por lo que vi en tu rodilla al examinarla... y por lo que veo en las imágenes... Las cosas que haces bien... Eres grande porque puedes correr, detener y golpear a la gente... y no dudas porque tienes una rodilla sólida.
If you've got Al Jazeera day after day after day pounding the people in the region with things that are not true, which is what they do, it isn't easy.
Si tiene a Al Jazeera un día tras otro bombardeando a la gente de la región con cosas que no son ciertas, que es lo que hacen, no es fácil.
What Kaiba doesn't get is that victory means nothing, unless you can share it with the people you love.
Lo que Kaiba no entiende es que la victoria no significa nada. A menos que la puedas... compartir con las personas que quieres.
What is it with you people?
- Tiempo?
Jeez, what is it with you and old people?
¿ Qué te pasa con la gente mayor?
I mean, it was like, if I was around van gogh... You know, I've always had contempt for those people who didn't understand genius, and here I am given my shot and what I'm saying is, please put him in the hospital'cause we don't wanna have to deal with him. We don't know what to do.
Yo condenaba a quienes no entendieron a Van Gogh, a los que no entendían a los genios y en cambio yo pedí que lo ingresaran, porque no sabíamos qué hacer con él.
Listen this is not the end of the world, it's just a skin virus, what is with you people, you act like your life is over, If you want, you can spend a bunch of money on a blood test to confirm.
Escucha esto no es el fin del mundo, sálo es un virus de piel, ¿ Que pasa con ustedes, actuan como si su vida se acabara, si quieres, puedes pasar un montán de tiempo con un examen de sangre para confirmarlo
- What the hell is it with you people?
- ¿ Qué demonios les pasa a ustedes?

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