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What were you looking at translate Spanish

136 parallel translation
What were you looking at?
¿ Qué estabas mirando?
What were you looking at?
- ¿ Qué mirabas?
What were you looking at?
¿ Qué mirabas?
- Well, what were you looking at when I interrupted you?
- Bueno, lo que estabas mirando cuando te interrumpí.
- What were you looking at?
- ¿ Qué estabas mirando?
What were you looking at?
¿ Qué miraba?
Hey, what were you looking at anyway?
Hey, ¿ qué estabas mirando?
Then what were you looking at me that way for?
Entonces ¿ por qué me mirabas así?
Then, what were you looking at?
Entonces, ¿ a qué estabas mirando?
What were you looking at?
¿ Qué se veía?
What were you looking at that made me turn?
¿ Qué miras que hizo que me diera vuelta?
Just what were you looking at when you were supposed to be pitching?
? Y tu qué mirabas cuando tenias que lanzar?
what were you looking at?
Así que, qué es lo que estás mirando entonces?
What were you looking at?
Qué estabas mirando?
Then what were you looking at?
¿ Qué estás mirando entonces?
What were you looking at?
- ¿ Qué estaban viendo?
What were you looking at so long?
¿ Qué llevas mirando tanto rato?
What were you looking at out the window?
- ¿ Qué miras por la ventana?
What were you looking at?
¿ Qué estás mirando?
What were you looking at in the woods?
¿ Qué estabas mirando en el bosque?
Well, what were you looking at?
Bueno, ¿ qué estas mirando?
What were you looking at anyway?
¿ Y qué es lo que mirabas?
So what were you looking at, then?
- Entonces que es lo que estás mirando?
What were you looking at?
¿ Tú qué estás mirando?
- What you were looking at.
- Lo que estaba mirando.
- What were you two looking at?
- ¿ Qué miraban? - Muéstrame la mano.
What is it you were looking at then, sir?
¿ Qué mira entonces, señor?
- What the hell were you looking at?
- ¿ Qué coño mirabas tú?
- I was wondering what you were looking at.
- Te preguntaba qué mirabas.
What were you looking at?
- Sí, nos queremos ¿ Qué estabas mirando?
At least you've found what you were looking for.
Al menos hallaste Io que buscabas.
What were you looking at?
- ¿ Qué estabas mirando?
What was that book you were looking at?
¿ De qué era ese libro?
What were you doing at the Institute looking for her?
¿ Por qué fuiste al instituto tras ella?
What were you doing at Aaron's house? What were you looking for?
¿ Qué hacías en el cuarto de Aaron?
- What's that stuff you were looking at?
- ¿ Qué es eso que está mirando?
You know, I used to think that the Vorlon planetkillers were scary... but now, I don't even know what I'm looking at.
¿ Sabes? No pudimos obtener ninguna lectura.
You said you were going to look at a moose head, which I gotta say, is the exact opposite of what you're looking at.
Dijiste que ibas a mirar una cabeza de alce, lo cual, debo decir, es exactamente lo opuesto de lo que estas mirando ahora.
Even now, you were looking at your father to tell you what to do.
Hace un instante estaba mirando a su padre para saber qué hacer.
If you didn't know what you were looking at or for.
A menos que sepa de antemano lo que está mirando.
Cheryl, la forma en que me miraste era exactamente por la misma razón que yo lo hice sabes que?
You know what I kept thinking when we were looking at that house?
¿ Sabes qué pensaba todo el tiempo en esa casa?
How do I look? I mean, if you were walking over here.. .. looking at me, what would you think?
Quiero decir, si tu estuvieras caminando hacia aquí mirándome, ¿ qué pensarías?
ERIC MCLUHAN : We were looking for universal laws, and we found only four that everything does. These four questions ask you to look at what are the ripple effects.
Buscábamos leyes universales, y encontramos sólo cuatro que se cumplen en todo.
What category were you looking at?
¿ En qué categoría estabas?
I was wondering what you were looking at.
Me estaba preguntando qué estabas viendo.
Can't you at least tell me what you were looking to find?
Puedes al menos decirme que esperabas encontrar.
What were you guys looking for at my hotel?
¿ Qué buscaban en mi hotel?
That's not what you were looking at.
Eso no es lo que estabas mirando.
What if I told you I had friends at The New Yorker who were looking for new talent?
Que dirías si te digo que mis amigos de "The New Yorker" buscan talentos.
What you were probably looking at were the aircraft warning lights on the Marblehead lighthouse.
Lo que probablemente estabas mirando eran luces de advertencia para aviones en el faro de Marblehead.

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